desserts spicey fruit glaze for cheesecake

So I make myself a cheesecake for my b-day every year, this year I have a a craving for something a bit different. So I would like to incorporate a lil heat in my glaze, what are some ideas of fruit and types of peppers combinations that would make this a unique tasty treat without melting my face off.
Depending on what you have available, ++ on the fatalii and lemon drop chiles.  
Any yellow chile would be good with a lemon sauce, a red chile would be good with any kind of berry sauce.  If you want something super-simple-
Your favorite berry jam
red chile pepper of your choice
mince up the pepper, and melt the jam in a sauce pan with the chile.  Gently simmer it for 10-15 minutes to soften up the chile.  Maybe add a splash of water to thin it out a tad.
Peach jam and any yellow pepper
Red rocoto would be good, not superhot
Even a red Fresno, they are fairly common in most supermarkets.
Red jalapeno....
For any of the chiles, I would pull the seeds out and just use the flesh, it would make for a nicer sauce.  Nice smooth cheesecake, nice smooth sauce...
Also, Justaguy posted a recipe for fatalii cheesecake somewhere, not sure if it's still on here, but might be worth a search.
Have Fun!  let us know how it goes~
Raspberry chipotle also a good combo I have had, would be great on it.
Blueberry is always good on cheesecake, figure out the pepper.
Cherry with cheery peppers because why not!
I lurve blackbrrries. Like for real. Was going to mention but the cherry with cherry pepper could not pass up lol.
I will post some pics in 2 weeks when I make this, tommorow I'm gonna fiddle around with an aji lemon and see if I can make an awesome sause out, cause that sounds bomb. I appreciate all the suggestions and now I have a pallet to work with might start a flog and keep ya posted on the progress of bringing my 38th in with a tingle or a buzz lulz
Oh BTW I love cheesecake lulz
joogiebop509 said:
Oh BTW I love cheesecake lulz
There's wars on cheesecake. The fluffy (whipped before baking) vs. the dense. Which camp are you? NY style is dense. 

Both taste pretty good but the dense is where it's at. Just the way it breaks apart, and the mouthfeel.
I love a light new York bar none I like the attention it takes to make it come out flawless, but get a few vadka martinis in me I love that thick jaw jamming dense cake and that dense cake I make on my old lady's b-day every year and we argue every year which is better lulz. Mines much lighter but still thick hersis more a custard pie
Hey! I just saw you are in my region! The Dry Side!
salsalady said:
Hey! I just saw you are in my region! The Dry Side!
This season sucked for my entire garden but next year fingers crossed will be great. But this cake will make my year I dig your posts salsalady and hope to run into ya at some point in this fiery journey.
Give a holler if you make it to the Methow valley. I'll meet you for a drink...or coffee...:)