SmokenFire said:
The Kanabo ramen at High Five Ramen in the west loop. The menu actually asks you to "Please don't order this without careful consideration". I laughed a laugh full of "I am not caring how spicy you think this is, I am SnF and all your spices are belong to me you bearded hipsters!". (in truth I was lordly drunk on whiskey and it was after midnight)
About 30 minutes later I was streaming from eyes and nose, had the eyebrow sweats something fierce and (sadly) I was completely sober. Everyone at our table tasted the Kanabo I ordered and recoiled in fear and haste. I wouldn't recommend it to many, but it's likely most around here would be mighty satisfied with such a dish. (not my pic)
yo, have you tried the
monster hell challenge at strings? they make you sign a waiver, lol
i was the 12th person to do it in about 5 years / 1k challengers. they don't keep track of times, but they said i was probably the fastest (at 9min36s out of allotted 20min).
i prepared for it by cheweing up scorps all day and spitting them out. when i sat down for the bowl, it wasn't very hot. my bro took a video of me doing the challenge, and i was shocked to see my face didn't even look sweaty.
my other secret technique was asking for a glass of ice instead of water (they only let you have one tiny cup with no refills). right at the start, i dumped my ice into the ramen bowl to cool it down. then i ate all the solids and chugged the broth using the empty cup. i probably could have done it in less than 9 minutes if i had to really push myself, but i took little breaks to crack jokes etc.
they took a pic of me at the end for their instagram, but they never posted my ugly mug on there

whereas this guy made the cut
i felt fine for a few hours and thought i had avoided cap cramps and indigestion, but damn was i wrong. there was a thick layer of chili oil in that ramen bowel. basically i pissed out of my ass like 5x until it was mostly all gone, and then i was hit with nausea. i didn't make it to the bathroom, so i puked into a desk wastebin while standing up and soiling my britches. not my most dignified moment. also, the ramen puke was way hotter than at the restaurant probably because my mouth had hours to re-sensitize. after rinsing out the wastebin, i noticed it was coated with red oil and had to use a bunch of soap. i felt fine after a shower and was able to pass out, but clearly my body didn't want to process all that oil lol
in retrospect, the free meal, tshirt, and $50 gift certificate weren't really worth it