• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicy Chicken's MMXII Grow Log (The Hot Spot Pepper Shack)

Hello everyone!

Planting seeds is still a couple of weeks away yet but thought I would start out with an introduction and let you know a little bit about our place we call The Hot Spot or should I say what others call it, I call it a garden. ;)

Here is a little bit about our hobby farm and how we turned what once was an old abandon farm into our favorite place to be.

This is a family oriented hobby farm located in Northeastern Wisconsin. The farm is about elevan acres in size but we are utilizing only a small portion for the garden. Even though our growing time is short we use every day given to produce some of the best peppers in the state.

We have lived here since 2002 and our garden is just a smidge over 1/2 acre. As each year has passed the pepper garden has grown. Our garden for the year of 2010 had just over 1000 pepper seedlings planted, 2011 2000. Although no herbicides, pesticides, or chemical fertilizers are used, we are not organically certified and do not claim to be.

The compost that is integrated into the soil is procured from a large organic dairy farm a few miles from our home. The soil is sifted and mixed with the compost to create raised, plastic mulch covered beds, thus giving us the ability to control soil heat, moisture and weeds. As the plant grows, we denude the early buds, giving plants time to become strong and resilient.

After the first denuding, plants are then allowed to grow into a nice leafy foliage that produces great tasting peppers we are happy to be able to share with others.

From our family to yours, Thank you!

I am in the midst of building a grow room with a second story green house where this year I will be able to start the plants. Some of you may have seen the tread in Grow Tech category, might be interesting if you’re ever bored. http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/23974-spicy-chickens-grow-room-and-greenhouse-makeover/f

Worked very hard at it last summer, my wife calls it The Pepper Shack.

A couple of before and after pics.





As you can see I have a long way to go, but at least I will be able to start the seeds in there, really looking forward to that.

More to come. thanks for looking! SC
Hot diggity SC you are still rolling. Good to see the season wasn't a complete wash. I love watching your grows and all the fabrication and stuff you do. Inspirational.
Jeff...nothing you do is ever adequate, always over the top! Not so much as a wrinkle in your plastic mulch! If I ever (try) to put a grow of your size together I will be using the tips and tricks I've learned on your glog fo-sho! So glad you are updating again in spite of the setbacks. I look forward to each of your updates/builds, hands down the most interesting reads on here.
Jeff...nothing you do is ever adequate, always over the top! Not so much as a wrinkle in your plastic mulch! If I ever (try) to put a grow of your size together I will be using the tips and tricks I've learned on your glog fo-sho! So glad you are updating again in spite of the setbacks. I look forward to each of your updates/builds, hands down the most interesting reads on here.


Totally agree with you.

Jeff, really looks like Ma Nature and the Good Lord have taken a shnning to you. For those to come back from Pencils in the dirt is great. Now if they produce your Golden. Really glad to see that things are coming back for you. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers.

Holy Cow! Jeff you are definitely kickin some @ss! I just love those hilled rows and one day I WILL HAVE THEM! :lol: The weather has been kicking my tail here and i feel the pain of some of those BTs (Ma nature decided to park a tropical storm over my house today...). But it looks like between them and the other thousands you will be rollin in those pods in a few short months.

Happy Growing
Early morning start today, thought that since I had only a couple of circles to finish I would show you the ritual.

Here we go.


Take only about a half inch at a time and work my way around.


Level it out and slightly pack it to make sure there will be no sink holes.


Bring a little dirt to the edges and create a berm for water retention and pack it ever so slightly.


Rake the middle flat and punch the holes with the super duper dirt remover. :O)



more to come
The pasterns you make with your rake Jeff, you can only be described as a perfectionist. ;)

I love watching your work.

Stretch the plastic mulch across and start laying bricks.


And then the other side.


Cut the holes, adding bricks hold the plastic flat and for wind but will be removed if the plants ever get big enough.


Lost all the Bhut Purples do to frost so these are late starters thanks to all who contributed the the seed parcel.


This circle should be interesting; Black Pearls and Chinese five color alternated.


Thanks for stopping by! - Jeff
SC, I have admired these round beds since you arrived here. I would like to know if that is black PVC pipe? Did you make a fancy tool to drive these in the ground or is it just a sledge hammer and a board on top. They look lovely, especially with plants and snow on them.

Thanks Mike
SC, I have admired these round beds since you arrived here. I would like to know if that is black PVC pipe? Did you make a fancy tool to drive these in the ground or is it just a sledge hammer and a board on top. They look lovely, especially with plants and snow on them.

Thanks Mike

Hay mike hows it going?

Here is a link to an old post, post number one has a link to (My Link) that will show you how and what they were made of. Thanks

Hi Jeff,

Everything is looking great, and it does not matter what happens, I still cannot wait your new posts/ideas/pictures. Even my girlfriend says your raised beds are awesome! :P

That is awesome spicy! What's the dirt mix in the circle beds?

Mill How the heck are ya? Been a long time.

Sorry for the delay in response, just killing me right now with getting all the drip system working.

The dirt for the most part is just plain ol top soil found here and around these parts, but over the years there has been some compost mixed in, other than that its really just a medium for the roots and the plants live off what I give em; fish emulsion mainly.

So far to date I looks like I have just over 3500 plants in the ground and 306 should go in tomorrow. Takes a lot of water and food to keep those monsters going. LOL

Thanks Buddy. Cheers - Jeff
How do you get water Jeff? river?


Mezo, Your a little ways away from my back door. lol

Here is a pic of one of 3 cistern's on the property, basically a hand dug well (concrete lined with lid) about a meter in diameter and about 6 meters deep. the ground water on a normal year is about 2 meters from the top, but this year about 4.

I just set a shallow well pump on it this year, seems to work nicely; but I can run the well dry after maybe 3 hours, recovery time 6 hours.

Thanks, Cheers - Jeff

What a nice spread you have there, Jeff. The right tools for the right job!
You have salvaged your grow in good fashion; I wasn't aware the weather
had screwed the pooch for you. Way to carry on, man. Still almost 4000 plants!
I can't even imagine that. You do, indeed, need a tractor for sure!

Good luck, buddy. Hope the family is well and that weather gods
are smiling on your farm.