food Spicy Pepperoni & Mushroom Pizza


Got a hankerin' for some pizza tonight, so made this.

I used a premade crust, but made the pizza sauce nearly from scratch.

I used a can of Primo Thick and Zesty - Hot and Spicy pasta sauce as a's awesome because it's already got cayenne & Habanero peppers in it. :-D



Added to the base sauce: minced basil, dry thyme, mexican oregano & rosemary, minced garlic, minced onion, minced red bell pepper, 3 chipotles in adobe + chipotle powder, red pepper powder and two minced orange habs.

Cooked that down for about two hours, and ended up with this:



On to the pizza....
Pizza is done up in my toaster oven as usual using a premade crust cut in half and stretched out a bit, turning up the edges a bit to hold the sauce. I added s&p and O-Hab powder to the crust along with some parm.

Spooned out and spread some of the yummy sauce on top, added some shredded mozz, and the rest of the toppings:

  • Pepperoni (pre-nuked on paper towel for 30 sec.)
  • Red Jalapenos
  • Mushrooms

Cooked that up until just ALMOST done then added more shredded mozz and aged gouda on top. Then, sprinkled with hab-blend chile powder, garlic salt and put it back in to get nice and golden.




Freakin' Good S**t!!!

It's smokey and rich, and spicy enough to make ya sweat real good.


Quad I'm not a fan of the store bought pre made doughs or sauce but you are most certainly up tight, outta' sight, and in the groove with that pizza. Looks magnifico!

Cheers, TB.
Thanks guys, and much appreciated TB. :)

I try to take normal things and make 'em a tad less normal.

That pillsbury pizza dough is actually pretty decent if ya play with it a bit. Trick I learned is to let it come up to room temp and do a lil handwork with it. Boogie down with the glutens eh?

Yeah, I intend to make my own crusts soon here, but i'm lazy ;)
Hey Quads, Look good mate, but why did you buy the sauce?

I normally buy the tomato sauce and then I I add the ingredients such as kosker salt, pepper, cilantro, and a little bit of oregano.
Quad has always made semi-homemade meals, where have you been? ;)
I like homemade pizza but that one really looks good!!!!! Yummy. Nothing wrong with a "little help from the store" as Rachel would say..if it fits the budget makes it even better. Great job.
Just Love Pizza's.

But for some kind of reason my home made pizza usually taste like crap:(
What kinda sauce recipe is the best to put on pizza's
lee said:
What kinda sauce recipe is the best to put on pizza's
A very bland tomato puree. People ruin pizza sauce with spices, it's not pasta sauce. Spice it up with the toppings. Also don't put too much sauce, just a thin layer. The sauce is the glue, otherwise the cheese will float. No good. said:
A very bland tomato puree. People ruin pizza sauce with spices, it's not pasta sauce. Spice it up with the toppings. Also don't put too much sauce, just a thin layer. The sauce is the glue, otherwise the cheese will float. No good.

Well, that's your opinion..I prefer a spicy sauce myself. I didn't take 2 hrs to "semi-homecook" a sauce for a %$#^@ 5x9 pizza because it was the easy out.

Explain to me how using tomatos or puree would be better than starting with a good base sauce. Sorry for posting my plebian toaster pizza.

I know..NYC pizza is different, and that's fine...but around here sauce has flavor of it's own. In this case, a heavily chipotle influenced and spicy sauce.

As a very generically-topping pizza, I wanted a lot of flavors elsewhere.

Reason I used a small bit of mozz after sauce layer was to glue and seal as you said, leaving the toppings to cook right..THEN, when they were, adding the finish coat of cheeses for that nice mouth feel of mozz.

I know, New Yorkers think they know all, but I don't live there. Pizza sold here on the West coast is not the same bro.

Perhaps I make shortcuts, but so does Ming Tsai, you think he sucks too?
Yooooooooooo calm down! I was answering him with my opinion of sauce, not saying yours sucked! I like different kinds of pizza, and yes, that was a NYC pizza answer though. It was a general answer, I didn't read the thread, just the post. I think he was asking people's opinions on a good sauce, it just happened to be in your thread.
Well, sorry..but it galls when it seems your usual responce to things I do is flippant.

Quad has always made semi-homemade meals, where have you been?

How would you take that? IMO, it seems snide and untrue.

So, to be home-cooked, I have to make the bread, the sauce from scratch, and grow the veggies too? Come on.

Yes, I assume your were kidding around. But, that's not the point. Its demeaning.

Lately, you have said similar things about what I try to do several times.

I don't have a job or a house or money like most here...I do try my best though to still enjoy life in conditions you or most here have likely never lived in.
I haven't been rude on purpose, sorry! I thought you always did the semi-homemade thing, nothing wrong with that. You're always spicing up ready-made heroes, chicken nuggets, burgers... so I was replying to Derek about the sauce. I should have added "Nothing wrong with that!"
S'alright man, just bugs me sometimes.

I do tend to alter rather than create totally from scratch as it's a lot easier and cheaper, it's true. If I had a real kitchen and room to store things, I'd cook more for sure as I enjoy it. But for just me, there is little sense in it.

I don't have friends that come over, naighbors, or a gf, nor anyone else to share meals with. So, real cooking is just a waste really for me.

I don't eat "meals" like most people would, I tend to eat multiple small meals during the day, like snacks. Heck, I'll have that leftover sauce in bottles in the fridge for a week now

No worries mate.
It's not personal, but sometimes I'm a food snob, so that's probably it :lol:. However, I will eat before I judge. If it's good, it's good. ;). I'd try that pizza man.