food spicy salad


Lunch time...what can I do with this?

chopped up the dried habenero, chopped the walnuts, put some oil in the pan, the pepper, the nuts, a little more habenero, some coriander seeds, stir frequently on medium heat until it becomes aromatic, turn off the heat and added some of my dads dark honey- it sizzles, stir it fast so its all incorporated...


spoon it onto the spinach and carrots, spritz it with lime and sprinkle on some salt, sex it up with guacamole and for the final foo-foo hot touch, sprinkle the guac with some pretty red pepper powder (Brian's mix).

Lessee, does it have everything: protein, fat and carbs, check!

green and orange veggies, check!

hot, sweet, salt, sour, check!

12 oz of V-8 to add the lycopine, and the other two servings of veggies for the day.

Healthy and happy, warm and endorphin laced.

I think I'll call it : "Celestial Salad" -yep, that should do!:onfire:
celestial salad nice!! but so without the walnuts ( hate em) nut the recipie sounds great what can you suggest to use instead of those brown wrinkly things yuck.... i love veggi food but there is a line with me and walnuts are that line hahah looks nice though. and am lovin the fat leaves..
any kind of nut can be used, Tristram. Pecans would be my second choice...cashews, whatever! (always start with raw) -if you cannot do tree nuts at all, you could probably start with raw peanuts. if you are one of the misfortunate allergic to both tree nuts and legumes, I am sorry. I am happy to have these- I cannot have cheese!