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spongey's 2012 grow

well, so far a couple plants are still producing pods! and the rest are still growing and my seedlings are plugging away for being outside here in San Diego.
my douglah that i have at my office

Devils tongue red has 10+pods on in now blooms still coming in

Brain strain DWC

Douglah DWC

Choc Bhut, still waiting on my fist pod

Choc hab i pruned its roots and re potted it so hopefully it takes off once it warms up a little.

here is my mystery plant, gotten 30pods so far and more coming

here are the seedlings, carmen, 7pot white, fatalii, choc scorp, choc hab X Red hab, naga morich.

i will update from time to time hopefully this will be pics of tons of pods come spring time!

Awesome looking harvest. As for the fishing. It maybe this weekend. But I'm informed perhaps mexican waters. Who knows.

had a buddy find a kelp patty in MExican waters and limited out on dorado!

have you tried a taste of that yellow ooze in the blue gloved photos?

bet it is something yummy!!!!!!!

(but do not get any on your willie)


actually yes, i sample all pods i cut up even if just a small piece, very tasty ineed, hot as hell but tasty
Make sure you have some ripe pods for me to rape when I get there this weekend. Haahah. Good job man. Nice caramel looking pods
oh dude, i have set aside some pods for you to take and some for you to eat while here. and we can cut open a pod or 2 and sample them unless you just want to wat the whole thing then i'll break out the gopro and video you!
choc bhut finally putting out pods!


douglah finally putting out ok sized pods

red bhut from Armstrong for 99 cents as it was on the gonna die rack(just needed to be potted up) this thing has exploded!


purple bhut, i notice that the pods under the canopy dont turn purple

Douglah X moruga f1 i do believe

devils tongue with lots of ripening pods

choc hab X red hab

and of course my brain strain tree, this thing is HUGE and keeps getting bigger!

once a post happens i'll show pics of what i harvested this morning
is that devils tongue really loaded with Vitamin C??

nice poddage

...might do a bigger piece of your BRAIN.. sh8t was a good rush.. no punishment....
That pot had an Orange tree in it at one point, yeah the pods keep coming! Much better year than last year! Eat a whole pod, just dooooooooo it. Try the other pods as they are not as hot. I will post up some pics of other plants too, sad that the choc bhut x yellow 7 might be dying, but at least I am getting seeds off a gnarlier looking pod to grow f6!!!
Wicked, Wicked, Wicked!!! That brain tree is one smart Mother F****R. Love what you have going on SP. Your growing prowess is mighty. Those pods look devilish and I love love love the color of those Yellow 7/Choco Bhut. Awesome man.
I can say that Eric's pods are pure :hot: tness. The mystery yellow tastes just like a fatalli too me. The hydro brains are to hot for the everyday chilihead ;) . The choc hab x red hab is delicious. Cannot thank you enough my brotha from the west coast :party:

Nice harvest. Hope my Brain strains will look like this.

How do you like the Devil's tongues? I've got some seeds and planning on growing them next season.