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Spoon of Doom

I absolutely love it....will be sending this link to chilehead friends around Fort Worth...

Well Done!!!
Nice! Every true chilihead now need one just like that. A spoon would also make a nice trophy for a hot sauce eating champ like Neil. Very cool stillmanz!
Its not my creation guys, I just thought its very cool and wanted to let everyone know its up and out there. nothing out there like the HSC and his CRazy Spoon....would be a great trophy idea for a comp of some sorts.
Why do I have this crazy vision of making a visit to Australia and being Knighted with this spoon after eating a naga?

Hmmmmm :idea: No 1 can have the Orig, its actually in a Safe in the Garage (as people keep touching it, and some 1 will pinch as my 19 yr old has friends over)

But a trophy from a similar.. for a Once a Year comp that ill figure out sounds good.. :)
You should ask for a dollar for touching it, that'd increase both your income and their respect for the spoon!
chain & combo lock through the hole in handle. Can still nick it, but need tools & time. Hey is the spoonofdooom coming to Stillmanz b'day wing eater?
Chiliac said:
You should ask for a dollar for touching it, that'd increase both your income and their respect for the spoon!

Ya, jus leave a residue of the naga paste on it first...