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Started Hardening Off

So far I've definately sun-scalded my tomatoes.

I checked thechilemans guides, but there isn't one on hardening off.

What should the schedule look like?

So far I'm planning something like this:

Day 1: 1-2 hours AM sun
Day 2: 2-3 hours AM sun
Day 3: 2-3 hours AM sun, 1 hr PM sun
Day 4: 2-3 hours AM sun, 2-3 hours PM sun
Day 5: 2-3 hours AM sun, 2-3 hours PM sun
Day 6: 2-3 hours AM sun, 30 min noon sun, 2-3 hours PM sun
Day 7: First all day exposure

I could stretch that to 14 days by doubling each day, if necessary.

Hows that look? I'd rather not burn my peppers!
Nice post, I have the same questions and would like to see what kind of feedback you get.

I live by you and I am getting ready to put my plants out. The problem is that I am at work all day so I have problems getting my plants in morning sun.

I was thinking about putting them out this afternoon when I get home.
JJBagoose said:
Nice post, I have the same questions and would like to see what kind of feedback you get.

I live by you and I am getting ready to put my plants out. The problem is that I am at work all day so I have problems getting my plants in morning sun.

I was thinking about putting them out this afternoon when I get home.

*nod* I had the same concerns, but my girlfriend agreed to take them in for me while I'm at work. I put them out in the morning when I leave for work, and she takes them in. Anyone who can help you?
My plants were used to a south facing window sill but I put a few of them straight into full sun in the greenhouse. I've scorched some leaves on a Scotch Bonnet/Hab and I have a very unhappy Rocoto in there today, I think if I try and lift it out the thing is just going to fall over and slump down the side of its pot. It's starting to cool down now so hopefully it will pick up. At least if you do it gradually you know you should be fine.
JJBagoose said:
So is part of hardening off a plant getting it accustomed to wind?

It's more to get it used to the sun. But yes, if you haven't had any wind at all on your plants thus far, the stems may be weaker than they naturally would be. Don't put them out if it's very windy, they may snap.

I had a fan on a timer while they were growing, so I'm not so concerned about it. But we got a storm coming soon, so they'll go in the shed for that...
I always advise people to harden off for wind. Its not hard for plants to get wind burnt or damaged even in the shade when they aren't used to it.
I naively never thought about wind until Potawie mentioned it sometime before. I found this was one of the worst problems. My plants had never been outside before and just walking up to the greenhouse on a breezy day they were bending over in their pots at me, luckily they didn't snap.