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Starting out

Hi chili people. I have been growing medium hot chili for yeaars in NY, Arizona, Thailand, and now Florida. I grow mostly Thai chili - some for fresh use and lots for drying and grinding. I want to step it up a bit with some of these super hots, Should I grow from seed and if so, what is the best source? I am in west central Florida and what passes for dirt is mostly sand. I will grow some in pots and some in the garden. Thanx
Well, from what I understand the peppers should grow well for you down there. I planted seeds and also ordered a few live plants from: http://www.chileplants.com/ just in case my seeds didn't turn out so well as this is my first year. There are some people on here who sell or trade seeds. I got mine from a couple differrent places. However, from the looks of things so far I'm going to need to find ALOT of space for all these little guys that seem to be doing pretty well.
Best of luck to you in your endeavors.
PerkoXxX said:
Thanks Maligator. looks like a great site

Yup, I agree. I've been reading alot of older posts and learning ALOT here. Glad I found this place. People seem to be pretty friendly and willing to give advice when asked.