• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

STC3248, Just Another Grow Log! Holiday Harvest!

Still waiting on the supers...but the rest are sprouted and under lights. This will be my first attempt at supers. Fingers crossed. I am so lost in the labels. I don't know how some of you keep them all straight??? I know I got most of them right...but had a couple random seeds pop up under the starter pellets...lolEdit: This was my STARTING listJalapenoBlack CobraMucho Nacho JalapenoBellPoblanoCaribbean RedChocolate HabaneroAnaheimCayenneTrinidad ScorpionBhut Jolokia Red/Yellow/Chocolate/White/PurpleFataliPequin ChiapasAmigo Diablo Bombay MorichDorset NagaLg Yellow 7 Pot7 Pot RedDouglahBishops Crownand OrnamentalsHere is the FINAL revised list! lol yeah right! Got some slow movers on here...GREEN: planted last night 3 February...didn't soak, so they may take a bit longer than normalORANGE: Planted 25 JanuaryBLUE: Planted 13 JanuaryBLACK: Planted 5 JanuaryFish 0/2Wild Brazil (Cumari) 0/2Tepin 0/2Aji Omnicolor 0/2Yellow Scotch Bonnet 0/2Goccia d'Oro 0/2Red Lantern Habanero 0/2Brain Strain 0/2Billy Boy Douglah 0/2Peruvian White Bullet Hab 0/2Kaval F-1 0/27 Pot Primo 0/27 Pot Monster Infinity 0/2Devil's Tongue Brown 0/2Bhut Jolokia Orange 0/2Black Naga 1/2Bhut Jolokia Purple 4/4 Bhut Jolokia White 4/4 Bhut Jolokia Red 4/4Bhut Jolokia Yellow 2/4 :whistle:Bhut Jolokia Chocolate 4/4 7 Pot Red 4/4 7 Pot Lg Yellow 4/4 Fatali 4/4 Chocolate Hab 4/4 Bishops Crown 4/4 Pequine 4/4 Trinidad Scorpion 3/4Established Plants:Caribbean Red x5Black Cobra x6Jalapeno x6Mucho Nacho Jalapeno x8Cayenne x6Bell x4Poblano x3Anaheim x3
My 10 year old is responsible for the artwork on the cups!
WOW Shane!! The plants are producing like work horses for ya friend!! Bravo!! :clap: Mottle Virus can't hold you down!! The food looks delicious, I just had the hubby make a cucumber salsa last night. Why I didn't make something like that longggggg ago is just beyond me! lol. Purple Bhuts, Jamaican Yellows, Guyana, Biker Billy's and tobago scotch bonnets provided the perfect color, and the taste was amazing! I need to make that stuff every day! Hope you are having a great weekend buddy! :)
So my daughter brought home some kickass ciabatta bread from the farmers market yesterday and my son just had to have a sandwich on it...So momma went in and fixed him one. He told her the bread was too spicy! She cut herself a piece and agreed with him. She made me try a piece and there was a quick burn that hit the lips and tongue. Momma cursed out our daughter via text thanking her for the warning. My daughter texted back "What are you talking about??? It's not hot!" the light bulb finally came on for me...she had used the knife I used to cut up pods earlier! Lol Bright side is the rest of that bread is all mine!
That is hilarious, Shane :rofl: It is amazing how that oil will
cling to a smooth surface like a knife or plate, even after rinsing.
Great stuff. Liked the powder album, too. Can't wait 'til I get
enough pods to powder up. How long can they be kept in fridge
so I can save them up? I hate to put four pods in the dehydrator!

Hope you and your honey had a nice date. Once our kids were
grown up those occasions became more frequent; just keep
looking ahead buddy, it's like a little reward after putting the years
in raising the children!

Good growin', chief!
WOW Shane!! The plants are producing like work horses for ya friend!! Bravo!! :clap: Mottle Virus can't hold you down!! The food looks delicious, I just had the hubby make a cucumber salsa last night. Why I didn't make something like that longggggg ago is just beyond me! lol. Purple Bhuts, Jamaican Yellows, Guyana, Biker Billy's and tobago scotch bonnets provided the perfect color, and the taste was amazing! I need to make that stuff every day! Hope you are having a great weekend buddy! :)
They sure are...Mottle virus is taking its toll on a few. The plants have dropped HUNDREDS of pods...no exaggeration I will post photos of one of the worst plants. That Cuke Salsa is the BOMBDIGGITTY!!! I have made 4 huge batches and they're gone in a day each time.

That is hilarious, Shane :rofl: It is amazing how that oil will
cling to a smooth surface like a knife or plate, even after rinsing.
Great stuff. Liked the powder album, too. Can't wait 'til I get
enough pods to powder up. How long can they be kept in fridge
so I can save them up? I hate to put four pods in the dehydrator!

Hope you and your honey had a nice date. Once our kids were
grown up those occasions became more frequent; just keep
looking ahead buddy, it's like a little reward after putting the years
in raising the children!

Good growin', chief!
I would freeze them if I were you Paul. I keep them separated by variety in quart or gallon freezer bags and add to them each harvest. Once the bag fills up its time to make a batch! I am usually pretty diligent with sanitizing after working with the supers. At first I treated it like a Biological war zone, but as I process more and more I am getting more lax. I no longer feel normal unless several random areas of my body are experiencing some level of burn. Right now its the nose and my right eyebrow...
The date was real nice. We're getting more time to ourselves. I have no problem detaching because I spend so much time away, but momma spends our date nights texting the kids under the table. Which is fine...

Naughty naughty. And I agree with Paul. Once them little buggers are out the house its hang from the chandeliers time....
I don't know about the Chandeliers...but the kitchen counters are definitely out of the question! :fireball:

Dude...I missed it. That run is monumental...awesome job Shane. Amazing accomplishment..such determination and commitment. Just great.
Thanks man...it was life altering. Most of us have no idea what we are capable of until we reach for it. 3 short months till round 2 with that beast!!!

So I snapped a few pics today...

Picked these to take to a friend today...She's Hispanic and thinks she knows hot. I labeled the baggies "Hot", "Real Hot", and "I Warned You!!!" She's gonna find out the hard way I am certain!!! :rofl: The last baggie contained Brains, Primos, Bhuts, Nagas, Chocolate Bhuts and 7 Pots...She's in trouble!


Devil's Tongue...


Yellow 7 (not infinity)




Mottle Virus Carnage...


Tri-Color Variagata


Another one...not as big as the other two but still pretty damn healthy, or at least he was. I accidentally squeezed him a little too hard and his head popped off. RIPieces mr hornworm...


A Friendly!!!

Here's the money shot!!!

:party: :woohoo: :party: and this was after giving away those pods earlier this morning!!!

Finally here is an awesome care package from Andy(Pulpiteer)

Mmmmmmm...I had one of the Fataliis with dinner. Great freakin pepper! Just hot enough to hurt you, but not hot enough to haunt you. Nice sweet flavor. I also had one of my Black Nagas...forget the not hurt you part. Unlike the nice flavor and sweetness of the Fatalii, this one had a bitter taste and aftertaste and was brutally hot! Sweat, hiccups and bloodshot eyes. People say "earthy" for the brown pods...maybe that's right they kinda taste like dirt that's on fire!!!

Yeah baby!!! More pics here:

Back to the grind tomorrow! Have a great week folks!!!
Bro! That harvest pic just blew me away!

Thanks for the advice on freezing the pods. I think I will
leave some frozen at the end of the season for fresh heat
once in a while during the winter months, as well.

Have a good week, my friend!
Sweet update...harvest shots,critter shots,macro pod porn! I have been lucky enough to say that I have never seen a hornworm close up. A couple of my primos look exactly like that one,down to the wrinkle. Most look like a pumpkin with a stinger or a fish hook growing out of the bottom though. Those yellow 7's look a lot like the CARDI Scorpions. Both are super tasty. Have a good week bro.
Bro! That harvest pic just blew me away!

Thanks for the advice on freezing the pods. I think I will
leave some frozen at the end of the season for fresh heat
once in a while during the winter months, as well.

Have a good week, my friend!
Those pods will beat nothing in winter, but once frozen they'll come out a little mushy.

Sweet update...harvest shots,critter shots,macro pod porn! I have been lucky enough to say that I have never seen a hornworm close up. A couple of my primos look exactly like that one,down to the wrinkle. Most look like a pumpkin with a stinger or a fish hook growing out of the bottom though. Those yellow 7's look a lot like the CARDI Scorpions. Both are super tasty. Have a good week bro.
Thanks! The Primos are gaining a little size. I have yet to eat one, but I'm sure they won't disappoint. The "Yellow 7" is a best guess. The seed came from Dave (gnslngr) and was labeled Monster Infinity...maybe he can chime in with which of his they look most like?

You two have a great week as well!
They sure are...Mottle virus is taking its toll on a few. The plants have dropped HUNDREDS of pods...no exaggeration I will post photos of one of the worst plants.

Just thought I would give you a heads up on this front...
Not sure how effective the cure I am about to give you a link for.
But, as an Orchid grower (also). I came across this article in another forum I attend.
I added the article ina thread on THP and here's the link:


Maybe this may help you out better? Natural way to help boost immunity/prevent disease in plants...

Just caught up with your glog. And that's TWO money shots !!! Nice work. Keep it up. Dad to hear about your sailor. I deal with that 5 days a week I pass meds at a psych hospital ad it's hard to see things like that. Many said situations. Even sad when we see them on the news. Anyways. Good harvest. Good growing. How's that tomato TREE?! Might be in SD this weekend. Keep up man keep up
Looking good Shane! My internets been out, so I've gotten behind. Great harvest shot - and I personally really enjoyed the saga of the flying tomato worm. Well done.
Looking really fine on your end Shane, sucks about the Mottle Virus issue. Any indications of how it got started?

When I was 10'ish or so , we had a large cement patio at my cousins up in Santa Barbara....the Granola Bunch-built beautiful wooden kayaks, bee keepers,hiked up in the SM's......well, after a day at Hendry's beach;we all came home,ritual outside sand showers-(fixing to get vivid here)...I was chasing my cousin Cindy across that patio bare foot, when all of a sudden I was sliding along ...and along-with this intense warm slick gooey disgusting feeling under my feet, then slam, right into the wall. Both my feet had green goo all over em(apparently one of the gang had been pulling horn worms of the plants and tossing em on the patio to dispatch them when done)-looked like I barefoot ski'd right through ground zero. So please, kill em slowly, but kill em ALL! :rofl:

I use the Blacks for flakes, generally lightly smoked-great powder pods.They are fine in CHILI.....But not real big on the raw flavor either.
Okay-last to get my a$$ of the ship to go play before mobilize at noon tomorrow :woohoo:
Have a good one -
Awesome updates shane! You sir are a savage! that harvest is unreal. I think i have forgotten just how large your garden is! Sucks about the virus. How many of your plants are effected by it? It was good to see a black pod yellow pod direct comparison. because i feel the yellows have some of the best favor and the browns/blacks the worse. but i havent eatin them close to each other to really say. Good on ya sir.
Shane, I just read through your 100 mile mystery blog and just got 2 things

1. Man, way to Soldier, or Sailor, Up and just attack that monster! Such a great story. It's amazing how maintining a positive mental focus in the face of dificulty can affect the outcome so much.
2. You are a great hand at telling a story.

I put in some mile when I was active duty Army but nothing ever close to what you acomplished. Now you like to run and you like to bike so, have you ever considered trying the Iron Man? Oh, and if you ever get to Europe you might consider the 100 mile Ruck March at Nijmegen.

BTW, that's one good looking harvest you had there too. Hope you get alot more.
Those pods will beat nothing in winter, but once frozen they'll come out a little mushy.
That's kind of what I figured, but I guess they would be okay in casseroles
and stuff like that, or maybe on a burger. The fresh pods are so good, it will
be kind of a letdown. What kind of monster pods have you chowed down
lately, buddy? You have your choice out of that awesome bushel o' pods!
This weekend is another 20 miler, right? You go, Shane! Can't wait to
see how things are in your next update.

Okay now somebody can get a page topper!