• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248's 2014 small wild grow

Well...after much debate between mama and I, WE (she) have come to the conclusion that I may have grown a few too many plants the past few seasons??? :whistle:  :crazy:
2012 I grew out about 70 plants not including the huge number of ornamental peppers which about doubled that number. I didn't regularly harvest the ornamental plants so I ain't counting those...and in spite of some virus issues I was able to put together an epic season. So epic in fact that I had to purchase a chest freezer to store all the excess pods for future processing. 

Here is one 2012 pull...I had numbers like this EVERY weekend! My season started (too) early and lasted until Christmas that year. I finally finished processing them just before I started pulling pods from my 2013 plants...
2013 was a "smaller" grow and in spite of my best efforts to keep the target of 20 keepers I promised the wife...I still ended up with over 50 plants. The "problem" in 2013 was...I really had no problems. My plants stayed healthy which meant...even more and bigger pulls...

A 2013 pull...

and another...
The hits once again kept on coming. Every weekend...thousands of pods. Which is a great freaking problem to have, but not according to mama. :stop:
So this year is gonna be a real deal small grow. I have talked her into letting me grow out 5 plants all of which are awesome wilds that I am super excited about. All 5 varieties are from John (Pr0digal_son) I have so many cool varieties left in the seed bank, but they'll have to wait until I have more time to dedicate to my garden and family. 
For the past two years I have been a "geobachelor" which is a military term for folks that are stationed away from their families. I am only home on weekends...so dedicating so much of my few days home for the past two years to my grow has really been kinda selfish. 
All that being said, I am still a grow addict...so I have talked her into allowing a few more "must have" varieties. So to my 5 wilds I will be adding a couple staple varieties...oh and wait, I am overwintering 7 plants...well really 11 but 4 are just ornamentals for Bonchi plants. :rofl:
One overwinter is my growdown winner Birgit's Locoto...

Official measurement for the contest was just over 11' tall. Seeds started on Valentines Day and final measurement on Halloween...fun contest. Haven't seen a growdown posted for this season??? Keep your eyes peeled folks, tons of fun!!!
Here is the list for 2014...

Well not really a list as much as a photo...started 4 seeds each.

Soaked overnight...

Into peat pellets...

and set in the magic temp zone on the heat mat...

I verify temps using a meat thermometer and will monitor until It stays in the right temp area. 

Temps slowly climbing for now...and there won't be much to report on for a while. These varieties are notorious for slow germination.
C. Tovarii 0/4
C. Exile Chacoense 0/4
C. Eximium 0/4
C. Galapagoense 0/4
Huge Rocopica 0/4
To those awesome varieties add the overwinters:
Birgits Locoto (3)
Romy Mystery Plant (2)
Pequin (1)
Goat's Weed (1)
Manzano (2) (still alive, but not attempting to overwinter...not gonna kill them on purpose though!!!)
I will also be sarting some Jals (Mucho Nacho) and Numex Big Jim's a bit later.
Here are links to my past two season's glogs...in case you're bored and have about a week to try to get through them both.
2012: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27268-stc3248-just-another-grow-log-holiday-harvest/?hl=%20stc3248%20%202012
2013: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36599-stc3248-2013-grow-log-seasons-greetings-and-seasons-end/
It for now folks...welcome to 2014!!! I will update when I can and show my growroom and the progress of the rest of the overwinter plants...Thanks for looking in, there are a ton of glogs this year! 
stc3248 said:
Thanks errybody! For those asking, my next job is sea duty, but we'll be more of a fly away team. Our primary duty will be to use remote submersibles to chart and document harbor floors. Pretty cool stuff, but I will be gone a lot.
It's been super hot here lately, over 100 pretty much every day this week. To add to the heat we had Santa Anna winds up over 70 mph and my drip system went down just after I left for almost two weeks...plants looked terrible when I got back, but I don't think I lost any. I watered them yesterday and they perked up, but with some pretty obvious damage done. The Jals and Green Chiles took it like a champ...as did the volunteer on crack. Here are a few pics of how things look. 

The volunteer and the volunteer on crack growing like weeds...literally.

This is one of the Jalafuegos...their growth is very fast and sturdy...and the production looks like it'll be good too, but

The Mucho Nachos which aren't quite as quick to grow look like they'll be heavier producers. I grew these year before last and they were very productive. I suppose time will tell which of these hybrids has the edge in heat, production, flavor and resilience.

Here is one of the growdown Aji Chuncho plants starting to pick up a little steam finally...

More volunteers...Explosive Embers

This Chacoense Var. Exile got topped by the wind, going to be a shrub for sure. Took a while for these to pop, but they're growers for sure. 

Another grower is the CGN 19198. Very cool little plant. I thought it was a goner yesterday before I watered it, but it stood tall.

First pods are also setting on the Numex types...this one being a Joe E. Parker.

Here is a patch of the Numex's...Joe E. Parker and Big Jims...with a Fat Tire for scale...and for drinkin.

This volunteer Charapita will round out the first 10 pics...still kicking, and although small not too far off from putting it in the ground on the drip system that is once again operational. 
Thanks for checking in folks. Got some bonus pics to post later on.
1. Wow, you growing beer too?.....let me know how that works out! :rofl:
2. My Aji Chuncho's went down with Fungus gnats , as did the other annuums.Bummer.On the other side, my petin has picked this year to throw seeds that are sprouting like crazy, as did the deceased Black Naga, fav. Choc Scorp, and what I hope is Douglah x Butch T Reds.
3. Gotta love the crack pepper- I have a firm policy of saving any random plants as they seem to be tougher then any of the others-I discovered several during my hectic plant out  about ten days back. The wife says  none the sprouts even think about wilting in the noon day sun , where as all the newbies drops like seasick SN's on their first rough run. They may just save my year.....
4. I'm demobing this vessel tonight , and so will see my babies tomorrow sometime :woohoo: .Wife says they are doing great :rolleyes: ........uh oh!
5. Hope that new gig works out , I know how that goes-You're not there til you are.
Have a good one-
stc3248 said:
Last but not least, back by popular (well mainly Triple "J") demand...

Porter posing in front of the freshly staked Numex chiles...
Porter!!!! You ol' dawg! How's it hangin'?
Thanks, for the seed offer and advice, Shane. I'll hit you up in the fall.
Those pepper flowers are beauties. Sure would be  bonchi candidates.
Wow, got every thing lookin' spiffy, I could take some lessons. Love the outside patio.
Nice lot of Jals. I should have planted mine first instead of last in a big pot for some early poddage.
Why wasn't I thinking?
I am really looking forward to more of this thread..  wilds are a big interest of mine right now and these varieties are great.  Thanks for all the info!
Quick drive by update...been crazier than usual around here lately. Truck broke down...computer broke down...both are just old, but bad timing for sure. The truck stranded my daughter on the side of the road when I was up in LA with no way to get down here to help her. My wife and her were able to get it towed back to the house. When I finally got home last Friday I was able to get it running, but really rough. (think it had a blown head gasket) I made her as perdy as I could inside and out and traded her in. I was able to convince the dealership to bump up my trade value another $1000 when they saw me drive her onto the lot...she looked so good!!! Haha...started signing papers and when they went out to move her...she wouldn't start. I was like "What did y'all do to her???"  :rofl: New computer will have to wait a bit longer...this one still kinda works sometimes. The screen is going out and some of the colors show up at red static/snow on the screen if the screen comes on at all. I have replaced the screen on this laptop before, but at 8 yrs old, she just needs to be retired as well.  


CGN 19198 (Pr0digal_son)

CGN 19198 (Pr0digal_son)

CGN 19198 (Pr0digal_son)

My Numex bed is moving right along...and throwing out really good numbers!


As are my Jals...

Jalapeno Row...

Tree lizard standing watch over my Aji Chuncho...

Yesterday's harvest...
Not far off from some wilds ripening...Don't know which will ripen first, but my money is on either the Chacoense or Pequin...
Nice annuum harvest. Fire up the grill,I'll be over. Those jalapenos look perfect,narrow and striated. I bet they have some solid heat.

The one picture of the exile pod looks like a cross. C.chacoense are probably the most promiscuous of wilds. Make sure to post up photos of both plants pods. Here is a pic of mine.

Nice pod porn Shane, Hope you have a great weekend home with your tribe... Shame about the car/computer, but when your number's up...  I've been pulling Seranos and Jals for a couple of weeks, and the Poblanos are next. I'm gonna have beaucoups Pequins this season for sure... those little %#$*@!s are throwing out blossoms and setting pods like nobody's business! Keep 'em green!
Pr0digal_son said:
Nice annuum harvest. Fire up the grill,I'll be over. Those jalapenos look perfect,narrow and striated. I bet they have some solid heat.

The one picture of the exile pod looks like a cross. C.chacoense are probably the most promiscuous of wilds. Make sure to post up photos of both plants pods. Here is a pic of mine.

When I get one to ripen up I will post up a series like this...the pods are a bit on the large side for a wild most about 1" or a little larger. The plant that got topped is MASSIVE. Lighting was bad in this pic, but it is fully taking over the 6' X 6' garden its in.

I am going to have to do some creative staking/pruning to keep this one in check. The other Chaco didn't get topped and is taking on a more traditional growth habit. A few suckers from around the base, but basically one main stalk straight up for about a foot then canopied out. Will try to capture that one as well. Thanks for the feedback John, I have been meaning to ask about this one...but didn't wanna bug.
GnomeGrown said:
Great pod pics
Keep up the good work
Thanks Gnomey!!!
stickman said:
Nice pod porn Shane, Hope you have a great weekend home with your tribe... Shame about the car/computer, but when your number's up...  I've been pulling Seranos and Jals for a couple of weeks, and the Poblanos are next. I'm gonna have beaucoups Pequins this season for sure... those little %#$*@!s are throwing out blossoms and setting pods like nobody's business! Keep 'em green!
Those pequins will keep you busy! Yeah...the plan was to trade in that truck in a few months anyway. Just too old and gas guzzling to trust to ferry my daughter back and forth to college. She expedited the process a bit, but we were prepared. I am just really glad I was able to get her running long enough to get a fair price for her. My daughter is now driving my Honda Fit, which is only a couple years old. As for my new ride....

Ford Focus ST...economical enough, but with plenty of freeway merge power. 252 Hp in this little car is pretty fun!
Thanks y'all...the car is a fun one for sure. 
Well John...pretty sure your Chaco was promiscuous as you suggested! It appears that both plants are a cross. Slight differences between the two plants, but I think they have the same parents.

Here is what the goods look like on the larger plant. The anthers on both plant's flowers have the blue hue pictured here.
Well...since I am posting up, might as well put 10 on here!

The Chenzo is starting to pull itself out of the fog the nursery had it in...I think this one will look really cool once pods start ripening.

The Apache is also pulling out of its funk and is already looking cool. 

Explosive Ember

Explosive Ember

Explosive Ember



That's it for now...I have some other recently discovered mystery crosses out there...stay tuned.