• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc's comeback down south grow...

Hey THP...been a while and much has changed for me and my family. We accepted orders to Charleston, SC and now reside in a small town just north of there called Moncks Corner. I haven't really had a grow in three years, so it is going to be nice getting back out in the dirt. My modest list thus far:
Red Brain Strain 7 pot:   coheed
Orange Brain Strain 7 pot: gnslngr
7 pot Monster Infinity: gnslngr
Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate: gnslngr
Charrapita Yellow
Primo X (my cross)
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
SB7J: Romy 6???
Naga Reaper
7 Pot Primo
7 Pot Barrackpore
Large Yellow Brain Strain
Yellow Bhut: Spicegeist
Yellow 7 Pot Primo: Romy 6
7 Pot Rennie
Brown Moruga
Butch T
Douglah x Butch T: gnslngr
Yellow Cardi Scorpion: Romy6
I sowed 3 seeds each for these varieties, but expect some no shows. Many of these seeds are almost 10 years old. My grow setup will be two grow tents with 300w Mars Hydro LED lights on the seedlings and as they get bigger they will graduate to 600w Mars Hydros. My main garden this year will be in straw bales, but I may keep a few indoors under lights all season. 
The Baccatum and Annuum lists to follow...
I've missed growing and the THP community.
Aight...so like I said I was out of town, and my plants were in the hands of my mother in law then later my son before I got back to them. Significant over watering lead to some yellowing and a nute lockout issue, but once I emptied the water from the trays and let them dry out a bit they are beginning to look better. i have also transplanted most of my previous planting and added some Jals and Aji Amarillo seeds to the mix. Lost a couple to damping off during and soon after my return but I still have 89 pepper plants and about 10 tomatoes up and running...

My current setup...a couple of mars hydro 300s and a power strip running 6 cfls. I have another (larger) tent and more lights...just trying to avoid setting it up. I have about a month until plant out...don't think I'm gonna make it with this little tent.

The current plant situation...

The newest seedlings.

The middle children...

Some more Middle kids...

The oldest...
I will try to get some closeups of these guys once they start to put on some better color. They're kinda ugly right now.
Hope y'all are doing well,
Just awesome, Shane! 89 plants is a pretty respectable
number. Something tells me you will wind up with more
when the Jalapeño and Aji Amarillo seeds pop!
Enjoy your time 'in town', my friend!
Hate liking that post, brother! Dangnabit!

Maybe just put them in flats with an inch-and-a-half
of soil. And put them outside in the nice weather and
just keep them moist. That way, you could wait forever!

Maybe a few would finally pop
Ok...so after a week of proper watering with PH'd water I'm starting to see them respond. New growth looks really good. The leaf veins that were deep red from nute lockout have all started to green up and most of them have started to pick up a little steam. There are still a couple that look pretty crappy, and I may lose a couple more...but I'll take it.

Chocolate Bhutlah

Moruga Satan

Yellow Devil's Tongue

Red Devil's Tongue

This Little MOA Scotch Bonnet only had one coty and looked like a gonner...but I think if I play my cards right it may be the comeback king. New growth is pretty cool...

Same little MOA...split at the primary node. I have only seen this a couple time in thousands of plants. Hope she makes it, new growth looks good.

I think I have 5 Texas Tepin's going...they all look pretty good considering the mistreatment. They're a tough customer.

Yellow 7 Pot...you can see the purpling in the veins that is slowly fading from the nute lockout issue. The new growth looks really good. PH is so important.

Finally...this group of 6 plants came out of the same seed packet from Chili Pepper Institute at New Mexico State. They are all supposed to be NUMEX Twilight ornamentals. One of these things is not like the other ones  :whistle: ...Hmmm :think: ...tiny leaves with a chinense shape. Wonder what will come of this little guy??? :pray:
All for now...Happy Sunday Y'all.
The little MoA that forked at the primary node
is pretty darn cool. I had a Red Habanero do that
one season. It became an awesome plant! The only
one I've had do that. I keep wishing for another  :oops:  :D
Everything looks really good, my friend. 
PaulG said:
The little MoA that forked at the primary node
is pretty darn cool. I had a Red Habanero do that
one season. It became an awesome plant! The only
one I've had do that. I keep wishing for another  :oops:  :D
Everything looks really good, my friend. 
Thanks Paul, let's hope the little guy turns out to be a rockstar! 
Looking better each day. Watered today with 1/2 strength nutes ph'd to 5.9...

First off I repotted the (not) NUMEX Twilight...renamed twilight zone until I can take an educated guess as to its actual ID...Next to one of my Fatalii's for scale. Tiny little guy.

The  Fatalii solo pic looking pretty happy right now...

The Bhut looking battle worn but shaking it off...

Little Scotch Brain...

Moruga looking pretty good also...

I have a couple jigsaws going...both starting to side branch like crazy...

Bigger Scotch Brain looking much better...you can see the original true leaves dried and shriveled under the new growth.

Finally new life springs from the Jal starts...
Hope everyone is doing well!!!
PaulG said:
Merry Christmas!
Regarding germinating old seeds:
Here's an interesting how-to video from MonsterGardens.com.
They are using their proprietary materials, but the technique is
well explained, and I think someone clever like the THP crowd
could make the ideas work pretty well.
CaneDog said:
That is interesting. They focus on providing sugar in a simple form (dextrose/glucose?) along with increased available O2 (time release vs saturation based on the presence of bubbles forming during the process and need to sell it as a kit?).  They don't address increasing the likelihood the seed coat is shed properly, but perhaps the increased vigor of the seeds from additional simple sugar and O2 sources helps?  I wonder how necessary the 3rd step is after providing the sugar and O2 during initial imbibation.
Darn it Paul, this was supposed to be a quick THP check-in and now I'm going to be thinking about this for a while.
Merry Christmas!
PaulG said:
I think just following his regime with DIY ingredients
would be pretty simple.  I am going to use a peroxide
soak this season. Never done that before. I need to
look up ways to oxygenate water for the second step.
I would think any sugar would work, maybe the simpler
the better.  I wonder about fructose... :think:
stc3248 said:
Very cool...I already put every seed in the dirt for some of these. I could always dig them up and give this a try!
stc3248 said:
Mine were damaged because we moved them out of the house into the garage during the renovation of our house out in California. It gets super hot in there and they spent the better part of three years out there. I am hoping some of Annuum seeds dealt with the conditions a little better.
Not giving up on the originals just yet, but...
1x Chocolate Bhutlah Pepper Seeds 

1x Black Magic Tomato Seeds 

1x Black Zebra Cherry Seeds 

1x Moruga Satan Strain Red Seeds 

1x Scotch Brain Strain Yellow Seeds 

1x Caramel Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Seeds 

1x Jigsaw Pepper Seeds 

1x Bhut Orange Copenhagen Seeds
These are from Pepper Joe's. Still haven't received the seeds from Pepper Lover, but I did get the ones from CPI.

This Jigsaw is an ornamental that looks sort of like a tri-color variegata...The ones from pepper Joe's are the ones that were trying to contend for the world's hottest.

I also put down one more round of some of the original seeds with a long H2O2 soak this time plus some of the Annuums that I had in there to see if they do any better than the Chinenses. I also planted the Douglah from CPI...something is gonna happen and when it does I hope my next problem is running out of space.
Thank y'all for checking in!
I too, am trying to resurrect ancient seeds this year. as far back as 7-5-1999. So far successful radicle emergence  on varieties as far back as 2005, still waiting for the 99's. That video was a good one, I've seen it. Here is also a good one on the matter.
This season, I went with simple chamomile tea with a couple of drops from my dank tanks (compost/ferment leachates) for the humicand lactic acid supplement. I went with an 18-24 hour soak in portion cups on over 160 varieties and then drain them, gently transfer the seeds with a spoon onto a paper towel, and back into the portion cups with a few squirts of distilled water and peroxide, lid snapped shut and placed into trays on top of thermostat mats. . Once sprouted, seedlings will get transferred to soil trays waiting on tables. Total oversight, via the clear portion cup lids, no guessing, no wasted soil medium and space. 
Been a while...so here's what's going on.

Plants are starting to fill in nicely...a couple are still looking a little raggedy, but they're coming around. For some reason my Douglah's are doing pretty poor, all from the same seed source.

Closer view of the big boy tray...

Here is a better look at my one little mystery...the plant to the right came out of the same seed packet as the 5 to the left of Numex Twilights and was actually in the empty cell in that 6 pack before I transplanted it...

Nick named it "Twilight Zone" for now until I can take a better educated guess as to it's actual identity. Looks to be chinense with a very small growth habit thus far. Maybe a wild brazil or charapita...but I don't remember seeing either of those on the Chili Pepper Institute sight. Will look through their offerings once I get some pods on this tiny little guy.

Other offerings from CPI include these great looking Big Jim seedlings...

Back in the corner is a Texas Tepin from PepperLover.

Here is another Tepin that is starting to take a little bushier growth habit.

One of my favorites year after year...Fatalii 

I've grown Red and Chocolate Devil's Tongue's before and this season as well...but this is my first year with Yellow. These things are some of the best looking and fastest growing plants on the shelf. really interested to see how they stack up against the Fataliis.

Jigsaw and Chocolate Bhutlah
That's it for now...still about 3 weeks 'till plant out. Weather man calling for a couple of hard freezes this upcoming week.  :mope: Will begin prepping garden areas this weekend.  :dance:
Hope y'all's plants are doing well!
PaulG said:
Looks like those plants are more than ready
for plant-out, Shane! Great looking all around.
Those Tepins have big leaves! I love Tepins,
they make great little bushes in a #1 pot!
Yeah...now it's a space management game. I may have to pot some up and put them on the work bench ala PaulG. I have another/bigger tent and tons more lights, but really don't want to set it all up. :neutral:
I'm hoping if I can plant the tepins close to the house they'll overwinter outside. We get some pretty cold weather though...so odds are against it.
I've been struggling with time for some reason this year; maybe I'm just slowing down?
Anyways, great to see you're having success with your babys! Plenty of heat there buddy!
We're all in for a cold spell this weekend; I know it's setting my maters back 1 week. Everything comes back in the shop Sunday morning before the winds hit.
What kind of soil is around you? Sandy?
Wishing you a killer season ;)
Plants are looking good, Shane, even with the over-watering setback.

stc3248 said:
Sawyer...thanks for the link...
About that BioAg link, I need to post a disclaimer/warning. Quoting myself here, so the link is readily at hand.

Sawyer said:
For anyone interested... This is the fulvic acid...
I don't know if that link works for everyone the same way, but when I click on it, I encounter a pop-up asking if I'm located in California. As I'm not, I clicked "No". The resulting page starts out, "A superior Fulvic Acid that is preferred by growers..."

So far, so good. I found what appeared to be that product on Amazon for a decent price. You know what they say about something seeming to good to be true. What I received was a bottle of humic acid. Same Ful-Power label, but with Humic Acid written in small print under the main graphic.

Now, if you click "Yes" in response to the location question, the resulting page starts out, "A superior humic acid liquid, golden in color, that is preferred by growers."

This seems rather suspicious to me, bordering on bait-and-switch. Buyer beware.

For what I paid, it's not worth the hassle of trying to pursue the matter. I'll use the humic acid, but if that's what I wanted I would have bought it locally at Nitron Industries.

Anyway, Shane, sorry to thread-jack your glog for this, but I started this mess here and thought I should at least try to make amends here.
Sawyer said:
Plants are looking good, Shane, even with the over-watering setback.

About that BioAg link, I need to post a disclaimer/warning. Quoting myself here, so the link is readily at hand.

I don't know if that link works for everyone the same way, but when I click on it, I encounter a pop-up asking if I'm located in California. As I'm not, I clicked "No". The resulting page starts out, "A superior Fulvic Acid that is preferred by growers..."

So far, so good. I found what appeared to be that product on Amazon for a decent price. You know what they say about something seeming to good to be true. What I received was a bottle of humic acid. Same Ful-Power label, but with Humic Acid written in small print under the main graphic.

Now, if you click "Yes" in response to the location question, the resulting page starts out, "A superior humic acid liquid, golden in color, that is preferred by growers."

This seems rather suspicious to me, bordering on bait-and-switch. Buyer beware.

For what I paid, it's not worth the hassle of trying to pursue the matter. I'll use the humic acid, but if that's what I wanted I would have bought it locally at Nitron Industries.

Anyway, Shane, sorry to thread-jack your glog for this, but I started this mess here and thought I should at least try to make amends here.
Dude...No sweat. Yeah...I tried to go down that road when you suggested it, but quickly figured out that it just wasn't worth the hassle. I still have a ton of seeds on two varieties that I really want to try to resurrect, so sad that those amazing crosses may be gone forever. I had a Primo/Butch T cross that was a contender for any heat contest ever and a Tree Hab/Goat Weed that was a stunning plant that was MASSIVE. Oh Well...you live and you learn.
DWB said:
Are you still planning to grow in bales? If so, will you install drip irrigation?
I saw some genuine straw (wheat) bales this week. First I've seen in many years. $8 each.
I've got a small hay bale garden at my main house that will be planted, but I now own a few acres outside of town where my main garden will be. I do plan on running a drip system on the bales, I have some Kale and Collard greens going in the hay bales now and they wilt every evening if it doesn't rain.
Bigtime grats on picking up more land. It's always good to have  :clap:  Please post some pictures of the bale garden as we go along.
I think I'll wait to put in any irrigation. For one thing, watering with a hose and wand will give me more hands-on observation time whether I like it or not. For another thing we got damn near 100" of rain in 2018 with most of it coming after Memorial Day. My bales are hayfur coated compost piles now and this stuff is holding tons of water. My watering chores may be very limited. Time will tell.
DWB said:
Bigtime grats on picking up more land. It's always good to have  :clap:  Please post some pictures of the bale garden as we go along.
I think I'll wait to put in any irrigation. For one thing, watering with a hose and wand will give me more hands-on observation time whether I like it or not. For another thing we got damn near 100" of rain in 2018 with most of it coming after Memorial Day. My bales are hayfur coated compost piles now and this stuff is holding tons of water. My watering chores may be very limited. Time will tell.
Yeah...we got 27 straight days with heavy rain last year too. The water table is really high here witch is why I chose to use hay bales to get up and out of the soggy dirt. We shall see how it works. I will also have a bunch in containers. 