• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stettoman '23: Had ya wondering, didn't I?

Yep, I'm going to take a stab at resurging my passion. Only 40 starts this year, and that may be ambitious for the space I'm allotted, but compared to the TWO I grew last year? Way.

So this year I'm doing the GIP Serrano Magic Powder again. Some of the farmers in Pueblo are growing some limited numbers of Serrano, so I may be able to augment to the 7 plants I'm doing myself. I had great aspirations to ship out some of that to a number of you guys, but somehow I dumbthumbed my address lists out of existence on the PC. I apologize and intend to follow through this year. I'll have the Rocoto/chokecherry jelly coming out my ears again, though I've got batches stored from previous seasons and plenty Aji Oro and chokecherries frozen to make more now.

The current lineup: Note that all but the Serrano are Rocoto...:)

Serrano Tampiqueño (Sandia)--7
Manzano Orange (Sandia)--4
Rocoto Rojo (stettoseed)--4
Arequipeño (stettoseed)--5
Gelbe Riesen (stettoseed)--5
Ecuador Sweet (stettoseed)--5
De Seda Yellow (stettoseed)--5
Turbo Pube (stettoseed)--5

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The "stettoseed" is merely my own saved seeds from 2-4 years ago, all of which originated as gifts and trades with members here. My Prevagen deficiency doesn't allow me to credit those members adequately...sorry.

There is an absence of a number of varieties I just don't have space for this year: Aji Amarillo, Allepo, Jimmy Nardello, etc., etc., etc...But it's a start. I'm going to visit the Pueblo folks this year and see if I can find a marketing partner for the jelly.

And I blah on...I've been away. Now I'm back, missed you guys!!

Another thrilling episode to come!!
Thanks guys! And LOOK! The stettoman has still got it!!

Only 5 days in the cup--Serrano Tampiqueño

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These peat cups are really hard to transport when soggy, but I needed to get them out of cover and into direct light. It'll be interesting to see how long the Pubes take to germ. These are in my UNheated garage, and it's hovering around the freezing point outside. The heat mats and light are so far maintaining around 65 deg. F. I'm going to start bringing seedlings in if it gets too much colder out.

I didn't forget the fun & satisfaction, but I sure missed it!!
A problem I'm having is finding the other half of my soil components; while Happy Frog is abundant, I'm told that the Ocean Forest won't be available here until late March/mid April. So I'm augment the 'Frog with Miracle Gro and worm castings for now...

And what the hull is going on with the mobile app? It's respelling my words and adding a LOT space between every line. Also moving my cursor all over the place. I had to get on the pc to get a decent post done...
So this year I'm doing the GIP Serrano Magic Powder again.
Hey, @stettoman, check out what I just found hidden in the back of my spice cabinet the other day, lol

I was trying to organize the cabinet, and found this waaaaaay in the back corner, hidden from view. It must’ve fallen off of the Lazy Susan in there, God knows how long ago. @Guatemalan Insanity Pepper was kind enough to share some of his famous Serrano “pow pow” with me when we did a sauce trade a few years ago. Delicious stuff, and I’ve been using it all week :lol: Very cool of you to continue keeping his memory and spirit alive and well here 👍🏻

(The coffee cup is my little nod to him posting in the “Good Mornin’” thread every day ;) S.M.I.L.E. )
Wow Mike, before I took the initiative to try to recreate it, I tried so hard to stretch the bottle he sent to me. Impossible. Enjoy, my friend. You may have the last of the original in existence!

My Turbo Pubes poked their little hooks out the dirt yesterday. Also a couple of the Sandia Manzano Orange.

It's startin' to get serious!!
I thought I'd be a magnanimous passer-forward of skills and knowledge I've accrued over the 7 years since I registered with the wonderful THP community and share my seed cataloguing and selection system.

I call it the Stetto E.M.M.M Process


That's right, boys and girls, short for Eenee-Meenee-Minee-Mo, and ANYONE can utilize this system with little to no effort whatsoever. This has been my preferred way of storing and filing my many and varied varieties and exotic/rare pepper seeds. Choosing seeds for a particular season can be accomplished by 1) meticulously picking through the pile for certain varieties that you "know must be here", or 2) as the name implies, simply decide how many plants you have room for and grab seed packs a la "eenee-meenee-minee-mo". You know you wouldn't keep seeds you don't like, so every pick is a WINNER.

I'm so glad to share, and be sure to check in regularly for additional tidbits of time saving wisdom!

Thanks for stopping by!!
Heh, gee thanks all. Mike, for all I know you sent me those green baggies! We live across the state from each other now, should get together for a dbbl IPA sometime!!

Bryan, I found a pack of Haskorea seeds in the pile after my planting was done...I'm still tempted...There is still time...Them and the Allepo and the Aci Dolma, not to mention the bags upon bags of Aji Amarillo seed...So much desire, so little garden space!!

Tinkerbelle, I've tried other methods, just can't keep the orderliness up. I'm lucky enough to know what plants I have until they pod up!!

So far, considering some damping off, I've managed to keep several plants alive, most proudly for me, my Serrano cluster. They are robust and unfortunately going to need a smattering of cull. You might catch a glimpse of them on your right.
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Note that I originally listed 7 Serranos, it wasn't my math, as I transplanted a seedling peatpot to larger homes I inadvertently wound up sneaking one into an additional 4x4x4. I intend to inadvertently do this again...

The Pubescens popped within a week of the Serranos, but their baby stage has historically been a little slower to develop, so I have no worries in that regard. My silly Turbo Pube seeds appear to have germinated at a 127% rate, I know I didn't plant that many seeds...:confused: But abide I shall.

I'm experimenting with natural winter/artificial lighting on a few of the Rocotos, and I'll be dipped in shit if I'm not getting faster growth from the few plants in the window well, which aren't getting more than a couple hours of "direct" sunlight. True leaves already on a couple of the Manzano Orange. That small tree in the back is my Rocoto Rojo overwinter, busting at the seams to dive into season II.
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I have nothing much else to share, sorry. our mornings here continue to be hard-frost riddled, though daytime temps beat the crap out of northern Minnesotakstan. 60s forecast this weekend. I'm getting quite accustomed to it...

My next learning moment seminar will be quite the diversion from our gardening pursuits: "Awareness of Who the State of Colorado Will Actually Endow With a Drivers License", an eye opener to be sure!!

Stay tuned kids!! And again, thanks for watching!