Steve Harvey Show "Hot Edition!"

On Valentine's Day, Feb 14th the Steve Harvey Show will be featuring extremely spicy food courtesy of THP Forum's own PepperDan and TheGhostPepperStore!

I was contacted a few weeks ago by the Steve Harvey show. They were looking for fresh bhuts and scorpions for a segment. Being the absolute worst time of year for something like this, I initially told them that I couldn't help them with fresh peppers. They were able to find a very small amount of fresh bhuts locally but it wasn't enough to fill their need. Upon a second request from them, I remembered that PepperDan has a BEAST of a bhut growing in his basement. One thing lead to another, and Dan completely pulled through in a clutch and we managed to get the peppers to Chicago before the segment was filmed.

I want to thank Dan for his generosity, and for getting out of bed early on a Saturday to help me make this happen.

Unfortunately, due to rules within the promotions department they most likely won't be mentioning, Dan, myself, or my website, but hey, as long as they respect the wonderful peppers Dan grew I will be pleased.
kinda cool, but kinda lame they asked for free stuff & won't give you a mention.

To be fair, they did not ask for free products. The actually wanted to pay for the peppers. I chose to offer the peppers free, and the show paid for the shipping.

The promotions people at the show said we had to reach a certain "level of compensation" before we could get a mention. They did not, however, say that I couldn't promote it myself.
Actually, the staffer/researcher that contacting me initially wants to try and go for the Guinness record for most ghost peppers in a minute this year. I might have to email him and see if he is willing to sign up and try this one.
I was contacted by several talk shows last year (all out of Florida) who wanted to do a "feature story on my company launch and blah blah blah" for the various summer-BBQ episodes.

The promotions person in each case was super excited and asked for product samples, emailed me literature on the show, etc.

In all 3 cases they then contacted me and started asking about what days I could get out there for the shoot. Then it would come out - they wanted me to pay for my own airfare (ok, doable) and they wanted between $20,000-$40,000 for the appearance/feature. They started out asking for $40K and lowered it (one all the way down to $15K).

I was like, "uh, whut?"

And that was when I learned that every appearance on a daytime talk show by a product representative is bought and paid for. A slight "lifting of the curtain" if you will.
That doesn't surprise me. I kind of had the same experience with the radio stations here in St. Louis. We wanted to do a contest at the culinary fair in downtown St.Louis a couple of years ago. The fair wanted "x" amount of dollars to rent the stage for an hour. We went to some of the radio stations to see if they wanted to help sponsor the event. One of them was "super-excited" about the idea and sent a rep out to meet with me.

The meeting quickly turned into "Well, how many 30 second ads can you afford each month?" and "Oh, did you really think we were going to sponsor an event for someone who isn't spending $10,000 a month in advertising with us?"

Lesson learned, mass media advertising is a joke.
Thanks gps for the mention, very glad I could be of assistance, just kind of neat that the peppers I am growing in my basement are going to get 15 seconds of fame (lol) , your web site and your hard work deserves the credit,ill post pics I took of the actual peppers before you got them when I get to my computer
interesting behind-the-scenes info.

Any time some of our folks can get some air time or even promote chiles in a good way, it's a good thing!

edit for spelling
here are a few of them, one in the center stands out a bit lol

So I just watched the segment, and before the hating starts I need to clear up the inaccuracies.
  • The small peppers that Stavros ate, were NOT morugas, they were Butch T's. They were small Butch T's that were NOT supposed to be featured on the show since they were not very good examples of the variety. I told Stavros this, and told him that they were not likely to be up to par. Notice, he didn't eat any of PepperDan's bhuts on camera, but there were several missing. I assume he tried them before the show and realized that he wasn't going to be able to put one down without flinching
Unfortunately, this always seems to happen any time mass media gets involved. They always get it wrong.
Are you kidding me??? LOL :) Im going to have to send Steve Harvey a box of REAL DEAL 2+ Million BEASTS!! ALong with an accurate detailed SHU rating of each type! Lets see this guy eat 5 of THESE!! :)


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