• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

STEVE954 Grow Log

Hello from south florida. This year's grow started just after thanksgiving when sowed several different strains of scotch bonnet. After many attempts, I finally got my hands on some scotch bonnet seeds from the Jamaican Ministry of Agriculture!

Scotch Bonnet-MoA

Red-Scotch Bonnet-RedFoodarama, Green-Scotch Bonnet-MoA, Black-Scotch Bonnet-Papa Joe's Mkt

Scotch Bonnet-TFM Tree

Scotch Bonnet TFM still producing
I can't add much . . . freaking beautiful grow! Not only do you take great pics, Steve, your description of MoA's taste: "SWEET, "SMOKEY, CITRUS, PINEAPPLE, HOT-in that order" and the linger of heat akin to Trini Scorp, finally to identify MoA with something like yellow 7 . . . GOT to have this seed! Also love the detailed A, B, C classifications you're doing!! Read the pd.f from JA MOA on growing scotch bonnets and then you not only repeat but add to JA MOA information!! We can be detailed, dedicated AND have LOTS of fun doing it, which inspires me. Also, thanks to the folks who gifted you the seeds, pods of other varieties! MoA sounds absolutely delicious! Slobber ;) Thank you!
Thank you Annie for your appreciation. I have some original MoA seeds for you stashed away in my vault some where. PM me.
Hey, Steve, thanks! Loving all this MoA stuff. Come fall, when I have something to trade, I'll take you up on that offer.
No need to trade, just keep bein the Arkansawer when all know and love. PM me.
Dude, that is such a trip...the perfect cup-and-saucer pods. She must grow nothing else, making her plants effectively isolated....


Makes me think of the Cajun people, isolated from continental France for a couple hundred years, speaking daily the ancient pronunciations and idioms long forgotten in the old country....

It's no accident that yours and that lady's paths crossed...What are the chances, you, the MOA Evangelist, and her, The Keeper of the One True Bonnet?
Gary! You hit that analogy right on the head. For the most part, over the past few decades the Jamaican farmers have been losing the true scotch bonnet that has been grown by the Arawak indians for centuries. Of coarse there are civilians in Jamaica with deep roots growing true bonnets to this day, there are a few farmers markets with true bonnets, and some people reading this have true bonnets in there garden right now, no doubt. You just don't find these bonnets everyday.
So this old Jamaican woman has taken the true bonnet with her her to a new location and kind of frozen the genetics in time, like the french/cajun lingo.

I sowed the seeds today and will call them "FtL scotch bonnets" FtL for Fort Lauderdale where they were found and evidently grown here for some time by this Godsend woman.

I will not mention this bonnet too much anymore until they are tried and true when grown out. They sure are pretty though!
Dem some perdy pods you got there Stevie boy! How was the flavor on dem bad boys?
Shane, these bonnets taste as bonnets should. Excellence. Flavor and heat very similar to the MoA bonnets.


10 red and 10 green Jalapenos from farmers market chopped up and sun drying for Jal Powder.


Northside overview: 2 in-gound MoAs 7 up-potted MoAs. 3 36 cell trays(left, grape tomatoes, middle, FtL bonnets, right, WalkGood's Jals)

the 8 different bonnet strains up-potted

10 Grape tomatoes(santa sweets) headed in-ground to Nana's house.

Papa Joe's Mkt(cmpman1974)

Southside overview: 4 in-ground MoAs

4 lobed MoA pod. Not perfect but getting better.

Looking good. Great to get that natural light on the plants. I'm leaving mine out even though it's still in the 50s and rainy... will toughen them up a bit...
Steve great review of your first MOA. Hope the majority of pods have that perfect shape. What an amazing score on those FtL bonnets. Those things look awesome! A new sought after addition to the SB family no doubt.

PS, are you sure they shouldn't be called "OJL Scotch Bonnets":)
You should stay in touch with that older lady. I wish I had spent more time with the old Cajun folks back in the day. The bits and pieces of their stories that I can remember, fascinate my family now.

Your pepper acquisitions will live on for many years Steve! Just think how far into the pepper-growing community you have already spread these seeds? And, many of these pepper-lovers you've shared them with, will most certainly do the same. Everyone who grows these two peppers should include the fact that they originate from stock that STEVE954 acquired.

Maybe you should have included that old lady's name in the naming of her pepper? Just to honor her for her effort?

Windchicken; I once met the son-in-law of one of the "Schwegmann's". He was from Paris. He asked me to speak to him in our Cajun French. He nearly flipped out! He said it was like listening to someone speak in the language of Shakespeare. Or, like hearing the language of the King James bible being spoken. Here was this fabulously wealthy young man asking me to just sit and speak with him, just for the pleasure of hearing the dialect of my people! Made me proud(er).
Do you have any old plants or do they all die during winter even though there's no frost?
I won't answer for Steve but we both live in Lauderdale and I have plants still producing after 3 years, my oldest is close to 4. Winter does not kill plants down here, either bugs, sickness or a combination of both. Plants here produce year round with the winter pods being smaller but just as hot. Hope this answers your question. BTW what part of FL do you live in?
Have you been re-wiring transformers lately ...cause you sure have the magnetic field for attracting "Bonnets".

Nice score, indeed. now if you only had some of that Jamaican climate, and soil.

Did you only buy 2 pods from vendor, were there a variety of shapes and sizes ?...those look primo.
I won't answer for Steve but we both live in Lauderdale and I have plants still producing after 3 years, my oldest is close to 4. Winter does not kill plants down here, either bugs, sickness or a combination of both. Plants here produce year round with the winter pods being smaller but just as hot. Hope this answers your question. BTW what part of FL do you live in?

Davie near BCC
Do you have any old plants or do they all die during winter even though there's no frost?
I do have a couple plants that are about 2 years old still producing. Chile plants do not die in the winter down here. They grow into trees(look at Romy6 glog!)
Looking good. Great to get that natural light on the plants. I'm leaving mine out even though it's still in the 50s and rainy... will toughen them up a bit...
Bootcamp for the young soldiers...seperate the boys from the men.
Steve great review of your first MOA. Hope the majority of pods have that perfect shape. What an amazing score on those FtL bonnets. Those things look awesome! A new sought after addition to the SB family no doubt.

PS, are you sure they shouldn't be called "OJL Scotch Bonnets" :)
Thanks Shlogg, lol @ "Old Jamaican Lady scotch bonnets". I should have asked her name. I was too busy salivating...
You should stay in touch with that older lady. I wish I had spent more time with the old Cajun folks back in the day. The bits and pieces of their stories that I can remember, fascinate my family now.

Your pepper acquisitions will live on for many years Steve! Just think how far into the pepper-growing community you have already spread these seeds? And, many of these pepper-lovers you've shared them with, will most certainly do the same. Everyone who grows these two peppers should include the fact that they originate from stock that STEVE954 acquired.

Maybe you should have included that old lady's name in the naming of her pepper? Just to honor her for her effort?

Windchicken; I once met the son-in-law of one of the "Schwegmann's". He was from Paris. He asked me to speak to him in our Cajun French. He nearly flipped out! He said it was like listening to someone speak in the language of Shakespeare. Or, like hearing the language of the King James bible being spoken. Here was this fabulously wealthy young man asking me to just sit and speak with him, just for the pleasure of hearing the dialect of my people! Made me proud(er).
What's up big dude! I agree with you 100%, and if i knew her name it would be honored and recognized. I am going back to this market soon to find her. Hopefully she hasn't vanished.
I won't answer for Steve but we both live in Lauderdale and I have plants still producing after 3 years, my oldest is close to 4. Winter does not kill plants down here, either bugs, sickness or a combination of both. Plants here produce year round with the winter pods being smaller but just as hot. Hope this answers your question. BTW what part of FL do you live in?
What he said.
Have you been re-wiring transformers lately ...cause you sure have the magnetic field for attracting "Bonnets".

Nice score, indeed. now if you only had some of that Jamaican climate, and soil.

Did you only buy 2 pods from vendor, were there a variety of shapes and sizes ?...those look primo.
Thanks Greg, I have been running whips(F3 Cable) up and down the new Human Society on Griffin rd./I-95 all day today. I'm now working for Tri-County Electrical Services here in fort lauderdale. They have a ton of commercial work. Sherman slowed down to only residential service calls and refered me to Tri-County.

I bought about 8 bonnets($1) that I thought were the best. The 2 in picture were my favorite. The pods in her basket were all yellow and relatively uniform in shape/size. Not much variety at all. One thing that struck me was that every single pod had 4 lobes. I will be looking for this woman again.
Looking good Steve...Please keep us updated on the progress of the Scotch Bonnet Grow-Down. Thx.
Will do bud! I believe your Foodarama is still neck and neck with Greg's but still behind P. Dreadie's CCNs. They're all doing great and about to shoot up from the up-potting.
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"4 lobed MoA pod. Not perfect but getting better.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Ummmm...what is wrong with it exactly??? Looks as perfect as a bonnet can to me! OCD much Steve??? Fantastic looking plants as well...you are living large my friend![/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]"4 lobed MoA pod. Not perfect but getting better."[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]
Agreed :cheers: looks awesome mon

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Ummmm...what is wrong with it exactly??? Looks as perfect as a bonnet can to me! OCD much Steve??? Fantastic looking plants as well...you are living large my friend![/background]
ROFLMAO aren't we all OCD to a certain extent looking for our holy grail in what ever our passion is, I definately have a little of dat, hehe.
Pods are looking amazing man. That peno powder is gonna be delicious for sure. I was just checking in on Bonnetpalooza!

DIdn't notice the score at the market man! Thats awesome!
[background=rgb(255,244,228)]"4 lobed MoA pod. Not perfect but getting better.[/background]

[background=rgb(255,244,228)]Ummmm...what is wrong with it exactly??? Looks as perfect as a bonnet can to me! OCD much Steve??? Fantastic looking plants as well...you are living large my friend![/background]
Thanks Shane, it only looks perfect to the untrained eye.. ;) The four legs should be longer an more developed, otherwise the bonnet(top) is fine.

OCD.....Ppfffffttt......just as long as every knob on the stove is exactly straight up and down!
Agreed :cheers: looks awesome mon

ROFLMAO aren't we all OCD to a certain extent looking for our holy grail in what ever our passion is, I definately have a little of dat, hehe.
Well said Ramon. How's the rain treatin ya bruddah?! Golf ball size rain drops and a lot of em my way. Today was a well needed sunny relief.
Wow - awesome find at the Farmer's market. I'll be watching to see how they grow out. Very exciting!
Thanks brother Andy. I went back to the farmers market to find the woman with the bonnets, she wasn't there...only an empty booth. :tear:
Pods are looking amazing man. That peno powder is gonna be delicious for sure. I was just checking in on Bonnetpalooza!

DIdn't notice the score at the market man! Thats awesome!
Thanks for stoppin in J. The jal powder is awesome. Sprinkled it in my scrambled eggs this morning. I mixed in a little bit of Jamies powder to kick it up.


chuggin right along


Scotch Bonnet Growdown; larger plants top right CCN(P. Dreadie), middle right Foodarama(windchicken), botttom right foodarama(Pic 1)

Trinidad red scotch bonnet(Jamison) next to Hp22b startin to flower up

Left, Butch T(WalkGood), Right, Butch T(Jamison)

7 Pot Yellow(Windchicken)

Fatalii clone(Denniz) also startin to flower up

whistlin' red foodaramas(cmpman1974)

red foodarams profile look like flying saucers

line please........or just a bump will be fine