• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Hmmm, looks like my weather from earlier this week finally arrived at your place. We have a Red Flag Warning in place for tomorrow, which should make my son's soccer game lots of fun, and chances of snow again on Sunday, Monday, AND Tuesday. I'm over it!
I hear ya sister... from your mouth to god's ear, eh? ;)

I sure hate to see that white stuff out there this time of year...
Well, it teaches you to smile through gritted teeth in the face of adversity... ;)
Hey Stickman... wow, been a while... those plants of yours are looking incredible. You have some plants that need help, but I know they are in the best hands there doc. As for the weather, geez man... the sun has left us here in the south and its not by you in the north.... where the fluff has the sun gone??? I think it's about time someone files a missing persons planet report!

Oh gosh... I can hear you correct me already lol yes, yes, the sun is a star not a planet... I mean a missing star report lol
Rick, your grow is looking stellar. Love the eggplant sprouts. The Urfa Biber has a great growth pattern. And flowers on the Maya Red and Yellow 7! Woo Hoo! But I'm sorry to see the ice pellets covering the ground. At least it is giving you the moisture you need. Now if it would just warm up for you!
Rick, your grow is looking stellar. Love the eggplant sprouts. The Urfa Biber has a great growth pattern. And flowers on the Maya Red and Yellow 7! Woo Hoo! But I'm sorry to see the ice pellets covering the ground. At least it is giving you the moisture you need. Now if it would just warm up for you!
Thanks for the vote of confidence Doc!

"If it would only warm up" must seem like an awfully old refrain to you by now... At least I'm confident they'll grow well when I finally do plant them outside. The overnight low tomorrow is supposed to get do\wn into the upper 20's, and after that, to climb into the low 40's. If that's still true after work on Monday, I'll spade in the amendments outside, set up the thermal mulch and begin hardening off the chiles that'll be planted outside. D(irt)-day will be a week from today.
Your pepper plants are looking good man! I like the onions and eggplants too. I'm pretty fond of all the Andean Aji type peppers. The Omnicolor looks great. Very similar looking plant to the Peru Shiny Red. Hope the weather turns for good now.
Thanks Dan, Hope they're farther along for you than they are here... The forecast for tonight is overnight lows of around 30 degrees and I don't dare plant out yet. They keep putting off the day when overnight lows get up to the 40's, so there's nothing to do but wait and hope...

I worked off some of my frustration yesterday by raking the dead stuff out of the garden plot and spreading the base dressing of ferts. I finally settled on Espoma Tomato-Tone since it had 4-4-6 instead of the 4-4-4 of the Garden-Tone I used last year. The soil here is really sandy and Phosphate poor. After plant-out and the chiles get settled in, I'll get a bag of bone meal to side dress with through the growing season. I've found that Habaneros and Chilacas in particular need lots of Calcium and Magnesium, as well as light Nitrogen, and they get it there. I've heard that Scotch Bonnets are the same way.
actually i have 18 holes now laid out . i will get some pics soon and make sure you know that i posted them! thanks for asking :dance:

plants all looking good keep up the good!
Hey Rick, sorry to see that weather is still giving you a hard time.
From what I se I'm sure you'll manage, there's a lot of big and flowered plants in Casa Stickman :)
Thanks for the good wishes all!

The beat goes on here... We got a hard frost last night. The Mache' I planted outside a week ago is looking fine, but it's hugging the ground for warmth ATM. I'll transplant the Claytonia and Onions this week, and plant the lettuce, Gai Choy and Shungiku... Brassicas and root crops in a couple of weeks. The silver Tuna is the chiles... I'll be hardening them off outside during the day this week, and if the weather cooperates, planting outside under the hoophouse this weekend. Cheers!
Is it really almost Spring there! Wooo-freakin'-Hoo! It's about time! One more week? Dude, I am so psyched for you! Just in time for that Aji Omnicolor to open it's flowers into the sunshine! Awesome!