• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Devv said:
Great foodies!

I'm sure you'll hang with the weather, sorry that you have to, but 30 outside when they're inside the hoops is going to be OK. The worst it will do is slow them down for a day or so..
Thanks for the vibe Scott! Now that the snow has gone for you, how's the weather out your way? Still hot and muddy?
stickman said:
Thanks for the vibe Scott! Now that the snow has gone for you, how's the weather out your way? Still hot and muddy?
Haha, never muddy here, never even puddles. This sand just sucks it up. It's just under 90 today, I put the sun shade up yesterday. We're in survival stage here, just try and keep them watered. The Hots are just flowering, next year they will be as large as they are now come March. First year from seed.
Devv said:
Haha, never muddy here, never even puddles. This sand just sucks it up. It's just under 90 today, I put the sun shade up yesterday. We're in survival stage here, just try and keep them watered. The Hots are just flowering, next year they will be as large as they are now come March. First year from seed.
Oops... guess I didn't have my (alleged) mind fully engaged... That would have been Buzz (Sawyer)... :doh:
Glad to hear your plants are doing so well in the face of dry conditions... Believe it or not, it was so dry here initially that when I set up the the hoophouse  I had to water the garden plot 3 times before it would absorb any of the water instead of running off and away. Next year I'm thinking of getting a couple of soaker hoses to put under the black plastic mulch.
They work well I used some last year when we traveled with a timer, funny thing the day before we left one of them sprung a huge leak, a 3/8" hole. Glad I saw it.

I had to water the garden a few times before I could work it this year. We have sandy clay type soil, if I want to dig a post hole it's like concrete. Chip away until you can put some water in the hole, then it's easy digging.
Rick awesome looking Cajun Blackened pork chops :) Hope your peppers do fine thru the cold, from what I've seen you've done more than many to keep them warm and I'd think you'll be fine. Keep da faith brethren ^_^
I hope things are still going well with you in the face of this nasty weather system. Good thing you can enclose them! We still have a couple of nights left of this stuff and it should get back to seasonal normals.
stickman said:
I hope so Sean! Is it any warmer out to your end of the state? We had lows in the mid 30's the last two nights.

Not really, it's been cold at night. Had some light frost, last night, nothing major. Looks like we'll warm back up starting today. Hope so!
SeanW said:
Not really, it's been cold at night. Had some light frost, last night, nothing major. Looks like we'll warm back up starting today. Hope so!
Me too Sean, cheers bro'

RocketMan said:
Yeah, yeah chop, cajun sytle,
Well chop chop lets see more Dawn Patrol!!!
OK brother Bill
Took a few pics when deciding whether or not to take the sheet poly off of the hoophouses again... (not going to just yet)
Chilhuacle Negros blooming


Ancho Mulato


And the Omnicolors beginning to blush purple. The flash washes some of it out, but you get the idea...
Atta boy Rick! You're light years ahead of where you were this time last year. I seem to remember them having some trouble getting their feet under them when you first set them out, got a little yellow and spindly...NOT ANYMORE! What a great year you're shaping up over there...and in spite of all the crazy weather! Inspirational!
stickman said:
Hi Shane
   They've taken 2 nights of very cold weather in the hoophouses just fine... in fact, I checked the temp.s in there an hour ago, and it was holding around 89 degrees in there with the sun shining. Tonight should pay for all, and it'll warm up into the 40's overnight after that.
Thanks for the info on the Omnicolors... how many more weeks do you think it'll take them to fully ripen?

I hope so Sean! Is it any warmer out to your end of the state? We had lows in the mid 30's the last two nights.

Thanks for the good vibes Doc!
It'll be interesting to see which variety the Aji Panca will turn out to be. ATM it reminds me most of an Annuum in the speed with which it's growing, but the leaves look rounder than I'm used to seeing on an Annuum, and there are no signs of buds yet so I can see how many flowers at each node.

Just remember... you had your chance Ramon... ;)
Boy, I hardly remember any of my 7th grade Spanish. At least my teacher was from Panama and I learned to pronounce it without the snotty Cathtillian lithp...

Hi Stephen,
   They've taken it like champs and have continued to put out flowers and set pods. I'm not going to take any pics until it warms up tomorrow and I can unbutton the sheet poly, but I think you'll all be amazed. Cheers!
Made Cajun Blackened pork chops for supper tonight with some of Jamie's (romy6) smoked powder blend. This one's for you Jamie!
 Holy guacamole that has to be the tastiest looking chops I have ever set eyes on. My salivary glands are exploding. Thank you sir. And your plants look good too  :party:
 U are a culinary master!!!!
I dunno how many time I gotta say this...
Came back from lunch (4oz of chicken breast with veggies and a 1/2 cup brown rice) to find a burger and a philly steak both on my desk...still hot and oozing deliciousness into a pool of goo on my desk. Ughhhh...
stc3248 said:
I dunno how many time I gotta say this...
Came back from lunch (4oz of chicken breast with veggies and a 1/2 cup brown rice) to find a burger and a philly steak both on my desk...still hot and oozing deliciousness into a pool of goo on my desk. Ughhhh...
You can do it!

Rick, glad to see your babies are hanging with the weather your getting...good show!
stc3248 said:
Atta boy Rick! You're light years ahead of where you were this time last year. I seem to remember them having some trouble getting their feet under them when you first set them out, got a little yellow and spindly...NOT ANYMORE! What a great year you're shaping up over there...and in spite of all the crazy weather! Inspirational!
Thanks Shane, coming from a master grower like yourself that means a lot!
stc3248 said:
I dunno how many time I gotta say this...
Came back from lunch (4oz of chicken breast with veggies and a 1/2 cup brown rice) to find a burger and a philly steak both on my desk...still hot and oozing deliciousness into a pool of goo on my desk. Ughhhh...
:rofl: I'd say "My condolences", but it seems you have low friends in high places to take care of you... ;)

WalkGood said:
You be picking pods in no time, plants and baby pods looking very smexy .... ^_^
Thanks Ramon... I've gotta get over to your glog to find out what you've been up to...

romy6 said:
 Holy guacamole that has to be the tastiest looking chops I have ever set eyes on. My salivary glands are exploding. Thank you sir. And your plants look good too  :party:
 U are a culinary master!!!!
Thanks Jamie, glad you like! This is why we grow peppers, right?

Devv said:
You can do it!

Rick, glad to see your babies are hanging with the weather your getting...good show!
Thanks Bro'... I'm trying to arrange for some rain down your way, but without the high winds this time... we'll see if the fix is in... ;)

Not too much to show this morning... I was checking out the potted plants downstairs and see that the Douglah is putting out more pods

I'm seeing a few spots on the leaves, so I guess I've got to put them outside in the sun for better air circulation. Have a good day all!
stickman said:
... ... I'm seeing a few spots on the leaves, so I guess I've got to put them outside in the sun for better air circulation. ...
I get those same little black spots on some leaves on my oldest plants which are in good sun and wind, I've never thought much about it because the new growth is clean. What is that, little bug damage or something else?
Nice Rick, grows looking really good. You'll be out from under the hoop houses before you know it. Like Shane said your well set up for a great year.
BTW, what non peppers are you growing? I have a couple of mater started but wanted to wait till we're in the new house to start anything else. I already have enough to move :)
Trippa said:
looks good rick ... even with those little spots ... whip off that leaf and lower the humidity maybe??
Hey Trippa, thanks for stopping by bro'!
It's not quite warm enough overnight that I want to risk the potted plants outside then, but I should at least carry them outside into the sun during the day until I'm ready to up-pot them in their permanent home. They're in 4 liter airpots right now... I'll repot into 20 liter airpots then. I also have a Maya Red Habanero in a fabric "Dirt Pot", so PaulG's method for getting a plant's root ball out of a fabric pot is timely for me.

WalkGood said:
I get those same little black spots on some leaves on my oldest plants which are in good sun and wind, I've never thought much about it because the new growth is clean. What is that, little bug damage or something else?
I couldn't say for sure Ramon, but I suspect it's either a little bit of fungus or light damage due to the fungus gnats in the pot. There aren't enough FG bastiges in the pots downstairs to worry about I think... especially if I take the plants outside into the full sun.

RocketMan said:
Nice Rick, grows looking really good. You'll be out from under the hoop houses before you know it. Like Shane said your well set up for a great year.
BTW, what non peppers are you growing? I have a couple of mater started but wanted to wait till we're in the new house to start anything else. I already have enough to move :)
Thanks Bill :)
I've got a pretty mixed bag of nons going or in the wings...  4 kinds of tomatoes (including tomatillo verde), 2 kinds of eggplant, 3 kinds of radishes (including Korean green-shouldered), Korean Kkaennip, Korean hobak squash, pickling cukes, yellow onions, scallions, garlic chives, yard-long beans, filet beans, lettuce, shungiku, vegetable amaranth, collards, beets, 2 kinds of carrots, napa cabbage, miner's lettuce and lamb lettuce. I'm pretty happy with the harvest for a 20 x 30 foot plot.. I for sure wouldn't want to be moving! Lol! Good luck with your house hunting. I hope you find something close so you can transplant more easily. Cheers!