• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Wow!  Everything looks fantastic, Rick!  So neat and organized.  Appeals to my OCD tendencies.
The next 3 days here the highs will be in the 60's, and the lows around 40, so it's still too cool to put the peppers in the ground yet.  I bought some onion starts, and the manager of the community garden plowed my plot, so I may at least get those planted in the next couple of days.  They won't mind the cool weather.  I took advantage of the cool temps and overcast skies to rearrange some perennials in the flower beds.  I love my peppers, but I love my flower garden too!  Being able to at least be out there digging and planting is helping me resist putting out the peppers too early.
highalt said:
Wow!  Everything looks fantastic, Rick!  So neat and organized.  Appeals to my OCD tendencies.
   Oh no... not you too!  ;)
The next 3 days here the highs will be in the 60's, and the lows around 40, so it's still too cool to put the peppers in the ground yet.  I bought some onion starts, and the manager of the community garden plowed my plot, so I may at least get those planted in the next couple of days.  They won't mind the cool weather.  I took advantage of the cool temps and overcast skies to rearrange some perennials in the flower beds.  I love my peppers, but I love my flower garden too!  Being able to at least be out there digging and planting is helping me resist putting out the peppers too early.
   Good enough... although, if you had a couple of extra chiles you didn't mind losing, you could try them outside in the solar mulch. In fact, if you wanted to get a plant or two at a nursery you could  hazard them and save your own 'til a more auspicious time. Cheers!

DocNrock said:
Awesome, Rick!  Looks great!
Hi Doc
   Thanks for stopping by during your very busy weekend. You did a crazy amount of repotting/repositioning!

PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick. Awesome glog and progress my friend. That is one amazing garden. Plants are looking great! I see I can learn a plenty from you on organised, planned gardening!
The same goes for you Lourens... I can just picture you donning mask, snorkel and fins to go swimming in all that hot sauce and salsa! ;)

I think we've definitely turned the corner here, weather-wise. Annuums and Baccatums are all starting to fall into line with flower/pod production. I noticed when up-potting the Criolla Sella that one of the pods is starting to color up, so it looks like it'll beat the Omnicolor for the first ripe pods. 

Here's the potted chiles in their new 5 gallon shoes.

Stefan, you asked how or if I staked up my Tomatillos... I set tomato cages around them once I had them transplanted into their permanent home

The cages are made of heavy-guage wire mesh of the type they use in reinforced concrete.
The Chimayo' chiles set pods this week

And the Mulato Isleno

Wishing you all a very productive rest of the weekend!
Stefan_W said:
Very nice! It will be interesting to see if there is a difference with the ones in the air pruners. 
Lots of little pods everywhere=happy pepper grower!

stc3248 said:
Congrats on the new pods! Those are some sturdy looking cages! Really interested to see how those plants do in the 5# Air Pots...keep 'em rockin Rick!
Thanks guys :)
I'm definitely curious to see how the plants in the airpots do as opposed to the ones in the ground. One of the reasons I used the pots is because I ran out of space for more peppers in my garden, and the other is that I plan to OW the ones in pots. Lots of new challenges...

Now for the report from the Dawn Patrol...
Things have been relatively warm the last few nights with temperatures in the 50's overnight. We had a long-ish rain shower all of yesterday afternoon and everything got watered well so they're looking perky this morning. More flowers and pods appearing every day or so. The noobs today are:
Marconi Rosso

Hungarian Sweet Paprika... Balázs in Hungary calls them Coloring Peppers, but they're a Paprika similar to a Boldog or Kalocsai

Another Hungarian... over there they call them tomato peppers because they look like slicing tomatoes when ripe. I don't know why, but here they're called Cheese Peppers.

Koreans have all started flowering and a few have set pods. Sorry for the blurry pic... it's hard to get a focus on this plant for some reason...

The Douglah in the airpot has set a few pods, and more flowers are coming. The biggest pod is about the size of a pencil eraser. For some reason, they like to keep their skirts on...

And lastly... a shot of a non. The Tomatillo Verde I showed yesterday has started blooming, so it shouldn't be long until fresh salsa!

Have a good week all!
stickman said:
… Boy, I got a lot done today in the garden... transplanted almost everything outside, but will wait to set the vegetable amaranth and yard-long beans until it gets a little warmer.
I’m sending you a little Florida sunshine cause we have rain today, much needed but hopefully you’ll have that extra warmth you need. Great you got almost everything in da dirt \o/
stickman said:
I ended up putting down red plastic mulch to see if it works for tomatoes as well as advertised. Also set up my tomato cages around the tomatillos and half of the tomatoes before I ran out …
Red mulch sounds interesting, while that would burn up the plants here it sure will be interesting to read your take on it once the data matoes are in ^_^

Very cool you’re having mucho pods so early in your season, that's awesome! While they all look great, I love da look of dat smexy mulata girl pod, hehe … have a great week mon!
Woooo! Rick, your dawn patrol keeps me from going crazy while my lazy peppers take their sweet time thinking about podding.

I think my Tomatillos are a month ahead of yours and my peppers are a month behind...what's up with that?

Very curious to see how your air pot experiment goes. The one on the left almost looks like a grocery tote...what is that and where do I get one?
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,
Everything looks fine, unbelievable that you already have pods on your plants!
You are a real pepper whisperer :-)
You're not far behind Balázs... I really like your method of protecting your chiles from the hail you had recently. You folks from "tornado alley" should check it out on his glog.

WalkGood said:
I’m sending you a little Florida sunshine cause we have rain today, much needed but hopefully you’ll have that extra warmth you need. Great you got almost everything in da dirt \o/
Red mulch sounds interesting, while that would burn up the plants here it sure will be interesting to read your take on it once the data matoes are in ^_^

Very cool you’re having mucho pods so early in your season, that's awesome! While they all look great, I love da look of dat smexy mulata girl pod, hehe … have a great week mon!
Thanks for sending up a little warmth Ramon... We'll take it! Glad you're getting the rain you need too. Saludos muchacho!

landracer said:
Woooo! Rick, your dawn patrol keeps me from going crazy while my lazy peppers take their sweet time thinking about podding.

I think my Tomatillos are a month ahead of yours and my peppers are a month behind...what's up with that?

Very curious to see how your air pot experiment goes. The one on the left almost looks like a grocery tote...what is that and where do I get one?
Hi Stephen, glad to help... :)  I think it might be timing... I planted my tomatoes a month after my Annuums since they grow faster.
The airpots are the nubbly plastic pots, the one you mentioned is called a Dirt Pot, and sold by Hydrofarm. http://www.hydrofarm.com/product.php?itemid=12490  I thought I'd get one of those too to compare to the ones in the airpots.

romy6 said:
 Nice action Rick. Now pull those skirts off dem Douglah's and show there birthday suits  :rofl:
Could you put on a Dolphin suit first Jamie? Then I could say I'm only doing it for immoral Porpoises... :P  (bad pun, I know...)

Devv said:
Love the dawn patrol! As always looking good Rick!
Sho' 'nuff Scott, glad to oblige. :)
Hi All!
   It's supposed to get up to about 80 degrees here today. It was nearly that yesterday, and the peppers are lovin' it! Afternoon/evening showers don't hurt either...
This morning's dawn patrol report:
Hungarian "Coloring" Paprika is setting pods

Krimzon Lee Paprika-type is as well

This one's for you Jamie... The Maya Red Habanero dropped her skirts last night...

The Yellow 7 that's in the ground has one pod that's about the size of a marble. That may be the first chinense pod I pick this year, but I think the Maya Red may be the first to harvest in quantity.
Have a great day all!
looking great Rick ... time will start flying by now and you will be soon munching the first pods of the season.  Well done ... dedication paying off  :cheers:
Rick, this is just astounding! That hoop-house, Agrabon, black mulch, excellent soil, has surely worked! Love the Maya Red . . . heck love all of them but I have heart-soft-spot for Caribbean habs--tomatillos looking great--Douglah  . . . heck: everything. I haven't caged anything yet, or staked anything yet, got rains, don wanna compact soil but if sun comes out today, toma's, toms, peppers, EVERYTHING gets wood'n wire. Thank you: inspiring!
Looking awesome! I'm not in the dirt, yet, for the most part - got hung up doing some other stuff this weekend :/
It's been a little windy, here, but we have a lot of trees and it's somewhat hilly, so that helps. My house blocks the prevailing wind to the garden, so that should help.
Any idea if green tomatillos will pollinate purple ones? I only have 2 purples, and one might not make it...