• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
WalkGood said:
Is that a cheese omelet or Chinese omelet with a little cheese, hehe … I'm guessing you ate it up before any plating shots, lol, that happens to me too. I don’t throw small pods away either if it’s not for consumption they go into my pepper water batch. You’ve beaten Mr. cold, plants looking good ^_^
Very little heat this time Ramon... I guess the cheese came first. ;)   The shot of cold we had last week must have forced it to ripen prematurely. It had a nice flavor though...
Trippa said:
Flavour is the most important ... after all.
S'right brother! Thanks for the good word...

PIC 1 said:
Wow Rick, those Gochu plants have some incredible growth for this early in the year. The incoming warm weather will perk up the smaller c.chinense, as I've seen with mine.
Did you mulch with plastic to trap the moisture or prevent the weeds ?
Thanks Greg, I appreciate the good vibes!   Actually, I laid down the plastic mulch primarily to warm the soil. Trapping moisture and smothering weeds are just happy side-effects... :party:  Once the nightshades take hold and start to really grow, the solar mulch really boosts the growth rate up here. Greg does the same with his gardens as well. (oops) I mean Jeff (spicy chicken) :oops:
 Looks like it is all down hill from here Rickster. Plants are getting acclimated nicely. Love me some yellow 7's so glad to see it in your omelet. Had to be a tasty morsel :) 
 Getting your gochu on for shizzy  :dance:
Dang I missed a dawn patrol the other day! Been busy harvesting goodies...it's starting to slow and I'm ready..
Plants look great! You have such a head start with your methods and I'm sure they will kick starting now.
I always love a non damaging lightning storm, the nitrogen emitted just can't be beat!
And those Gocho's are really happy babies, keep up the good work!
romy6 said:
 Looks like it is all down hill from here Rickster. Plants are getting acclimated nicely. Love me some yellow 7's so glad to see it in your omelet. Had to be a tasty morsel :)
 Getting your gochu on for shizzy  :dance:
Hi Jamie! It wasn't at all spicy, but tasty for sure. The Gochus aren't very spicy at first either, but by the end of July they're dangerous in packs... Thanks for the good word brother!

RocketMan said:
Wow, where did the little freeze come from, and in MAY? Glad to see you were able to pull everything through. Dawn patrol looking great as usual Rick.
Thanks Bill
  I think Greg, Jeff and Bonnie will agree... it's unlikely we'll get a chill like that after the middle of May, but not impossible either. We've just gotta roll with it.
Devv said:
Dang I missed a dawn patrol the other day! Been busy harvesting goodies...it's starting to slow and I'm ready..
Plants look great! You have such a head start with your methods and I'm sure they will kick starting now.
I always love a non damaging lightning storm, the nitrogen emitted just can't be beat!
And those Gocho's are really happy babies, keep up the good work!
Hi Scott
   If you've got to be busy, pulling in the harvest has got to be the best way to be that... I'd be jealous if I had time myself. ;)  Thanks for the good word brother!
stc3248 said:
Lookin really good Rick! Got excited for you when I watched the weather. Should be really good this weekend!
Thanks Shane
   The weather's been so strange this spring... we've been stuck in a yo-yo loop through April and May. We get 5 or 6 nice days followed by 3 or 4 chilly and crappy ones. At least it's getting progressively warmer, and I can't complain about the amount of rain we've been getting at all!
georgej said:
that yellow 7 is cute as!
I`d have just had it as a little snack on the train or something, but that omelette looks nice! ;)
Yo G... s'up? ;)   Checking out your grow shelf, I see your babies have outgrown the nest, eh? Hopefully the rain will pass for you soon so you can plant outside. Cheers!
Time once again for the report of the Dawn Patrol...
Last night it got down to 59 degrees after a warm and humid day in the low 90's and the plants seem to be relaxing somewhat. Pods set earlier are definitely growing.
Jalapeno Mucho Nacho

Jalapeno Zapotec

Korea Winner Gochu

and Krimzon Lee Paprika

The Mock Orange bush is flowering like crazy, and in the calm of the early morning is perfuming the whole back yard.

All in all... life is good! Have a great weekend all!
Looking great Rick!  I find myself strangely drawn to that mock orange bush.  Maybe something about being able to sit on the back porch in the morning with my cup of coffee and have that great smell fill the yard.  I know what I am gonna do next year! 
Hey Matt, welcome to the zoo!
   I can understand you wanting one of the Mock Orange bushes... there was one in the yard when my folks bought their house 50+ years ago, and it's always been one of my favorites. They don't seed, so you'll have to get a slip from someone who already has one. This is the first year for ours to flower... we planted the slip when we bought this place 3 years ago, so that'll give you an idea of how long you'll have to wait for results.
You know, I didn't notice the little Golden Orb Weaver in the closeup of the Mock Orange blossoms until I saw the pic for the 4th or 5th time...
highalt said:
Looking good, Rick!  Those pods are nice sized for this early in the season.  I've got some teeny, tiny pods already, but that's way earlier than last year.  Guess it was worth putting up with that jungle indoors to already have pods this soon after planting out.
You bet Bonnie... I was getting antsy myself before I planted outside, but it's the only way for those of us who live in a colder climate. I don't remember when your chiles started podding up last year, but aren't they earlier for you this year?

Devv said:
I'm wondering what zones the Mock Orange can survive in, interesting plant.
You'll be making poppers soon I see!
Hi Scott!
   As long as you're not too close to the Gulf Coast or south of Myrtle Beach on the Atlantic coast you should be able to grow it in your area. For anyone interested in growing the Mock Orange, here's a good reference... http://www.garden.org/plantguide/?q=show&id=3400
   I only have 3-4 small Jals ATM, I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for poppers... ;)

Hi Scott!
   As long as you're not too close to the Gulf Coast or south of Myrtle Beach on the Atlantic coast you should be able to grow it in your area. For anyone interested in growing the Mock Orange, here's a good reference... http://www.garden.org/plantguide/?q=show&id=3400
   I only have 3-4 small Jals ATM, I guess I'll have to wait a little longer for poppers... ;)
Shoot my wife picks 'em half grown, "big enough for a popper".
We're in zone 8b, almost 9, so they may work if I can find one. Thanks for the info!
Rick, I had to go back and look through last years glog 'cause I wasn't sure when I started podding up last year.  The first pod pic was dated 6-8-12, so I am at least a week ahead of last year, and the plants are much bigger with most of them already blooming this time around.  I think you and I both timed it just about perfect this year!   :clap:
highalt said:
Rick, I had to go back and look through last years glog 'cause I wasn't sure when I started podding up last year.  The first pod pic was dated 6-8-12, so I am at least a week ahead of last year, and the plants are much bigger with most of them already blooming this time around.  I think you and I both timed it just about perfect this year!   :clap:
Thanks Bonnie, and kudos to you too! Unless we hit the lottery I think we'll have to stick to the low-budget curve for plant propagation in the future... :party: Here's hoping you get a better yield from your Chinense peppers this year since you got off to an earlier start!