• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Dawn patrol never fails to impress Rickster! Those babies are about to take off like "Rockets" for ya! Your weather sounds exactly like mine! 90 something days and 50 something nights! Those annuums are gonna really like that! What a great start in spite of the yo yo weird weather woes you all have been facing! Can't tell by lookin for sure!
GA Growhead said:
Pods already! Doing good Rick!
Thanks Jay, yours are looking good too!
stc3248 said:
Dawn patrol never fails to impress Rickster! Those babies are about to take off like "Rockets" for ya! Your weather sounds exactly like mine! 90 something days and 50 something nights! Those annuums are gonna really like that! What a great start in spite of the yo yo weird weather woes you all have been facing! Can't tell by lookin for sure!
Thanks for the good vibes Shane! Is your weather muggy too? It's been so warm in the house that it's been hard getting to sleep. I've gotta get the AC rigged up today for sure...
Rick it’s a pleasure to see pods keep popping up at the Stickman Pepper Estate, great work! My Jals are loading up now as well but not ready to pick, hopefully soon if I keep dem pests away, hehe.
Interesting read about your mockorange shrub, I like her shape and the flowers look great! Would certainly be interesting to compare the fragrance you describe to our local orange citrus scent. Speaking of plant scents, the MoAs have one powerful smell they put out, not sure if it’s any more powerful that the traditional scotch bonnet smell but it sure is strong.
Thanks for sharing and wish ya have a great weekend mon :)
WalkGood said:
Rick it’s a pleasure to see pods keep popping up at the Stickman Pepper Estate, great work! My Jals are loading up now as well but not ready to pick, hopefully soon if I keep dem pests away, hehe.
Interesting read about your mockorange shrub, I like her shape and the flowers look great! Would certainly be interesting to compare the fragrance you describe to our local orange citrus scent. Speaking of plant scents, the MoAs have one powerful smell they put out, not sure if it’s any more powerful that the traditional scotch bonnet smell but it sure is strong.
Thanks for sharing and wish ya have a great weekend mon :)
Muchisimas Gracias Ramon, y tu  :)
We've got pests here to deal with too. I probably smashed about 20 Cucumber Beetles that were munching on the Tomatillos this morning. I also had to deal with this joker that was heading for the chiles... Let's just say he won't be back...

Now for the Dawn Patrol report...
   Night-time lows continue in the 50's... last night got down to 57 degrees under partly cloudy skies. The potted plants are beginning to take their ultimate shapes. After pinching off the primaries on the sides of the Criolla Sella it's growing vertically more.

The Douglah has dropped the small pods it had when I put it outside, but it's spread out a bit and completely replaced the leaves it had on then. It's looking much healthier now...

The Yellow 7 has been really working on it's side branching. I've been pinching off the yellowing leaves, and it's also looking much healthier.

The Maya Red Hab is beginning to work on the side branching and is starting to seriously kick out flowers.

It's kinda strange what the Omnicolors have been doing. When I initially planted the seeds, only one caught, so I started another one a few weeks later. The older plant has pumped out pods like crazy, and seems to be more interested in doing that than working on vegetative growth.

The younger plant is working on the vegetation more. It has tons of flowers, but seems to prefer to drop them for now while it works out at the gym...

In the overflow garden, I must have mislabeled a Peruvian Purple as a Chinese 5-Color since the pods are all a rich purple with none of the other colors. It seems to want to grow tall too. When it gets to it's next set of nodes I'll pinch the primaries so it can start working on side branches.

The Chiero is also looking really happy. I don't know much about this variety except that it has a typical Chinense sort of pods. I have no idea what they'll taste like. Googling on the web, it seems like the "experts" are unsure too. It apparently is pretty unstable. http://flavorsofbrazil.blogspot.com/2012/05/pimenta-de-cheiro-problem-of.html

The Manzano continues to get happier as the weather warms. It's spreading out and up,  but it's still dropping flowers

Have a great weekend all!
Not muggy here...dry as a bone. I have already had to increase the water schedule to daily and plus up the duration to 7 minutes...if the weather holds I'll have to up it to 10 minutes soon. Not uncommon to have single digit humidity here. We've been holding in the 50% range with the early morning onshore flow. Luckily they throttled back on our temp forecast...no longer calling for mid 90s, calling for mid 80's and holding steady over the next 10 days!!! Woot! 
That Omnicolor does look funny. mine were both really bushy and loaded with pods last year. Yours is growing much more upright than mine did too. Mine were all sprawl. Kinda cool how yours it doing though...hope it puts on a little more veg for you though. The Manzano is looking happy and healthy...and cooking right along. It will continue to stay picky about setting until its happy where it is growth/weather wise. Cool plant even without pods though. It should continue to gain height, but sprawl more and end up wider than it is tall. The root system on those guys is different than other peppers too, and will have huge roots that sprawl as much as the plant does. Some of mine last year were as thick as my thumb growing along the surface like tree roots. 
Plants all look healthy and happy!  
I haven't grown the Chinese 5 Color before, but on most of the pics I have seen, the foliage is more green than purple, so I am thinking that is a Peruvian Purple too.  Either way, a beautiful plant!
plants looking great my old friend....ive been to busy to keep up with THP... school and work is such a pain in the ass....but everything is doin good.... in less than 8months at work i got promoted to head cook...and my pastry chef at school is planning to hire me as an assistant instructor to his class...hopefully everything will go according to plan...
stc3248 said:
Not muggy here...dry as a bone. I have already had to increase the water schedule to daily and plus up the duration to 7 minutes...if the weather holds I'll have to up it to 10 minutes soon. Not uncommon to have single digit humidity here. We've been holding in the 50% range with the early morning onshore flow. Luckily they throttled back on our temp forecast...no longer calling for mid 90s, calling for mid 80's and holding steady over the next 10 days!!! Woot! 
That Omnicolor does look funny. mine were both really bushy and loaded with pods last year. Yours is growing much more upright than mine did too. Mine were all sprawl. Kinda cool how yours it doing though...hope it puts on a little more veg for you though. The Manzano is looking happy and healthy...and cooking right along. It will continue to stay picky about setting until its happy where it is growth/weather wise. Cool plant even without pods though. It should continue to gain height, but sprawl more and end up wider than it is tall. The root system on those guys is different than other peppers too, and will have huge roots that sprawl as much as the plant does. Some of mine last year were as thick as my thumb growing along the surface like tree roots. 
Good on ya for having a week and a half of pleasant weather in the pipeline... it's not so bad here now that I got our AC installed for the summer.
Thanks for the info on the various peppers! It;s interesting how some plants parallel each other... I've been growing Black Beauty Eggplant for a number of years, and while the roots don't get "thumb thick" they will spread out in a 20 foot circle in their search for nutrients.
Rick, seems that everyday I look here your plants look better and better, you’ve done a wonderful job! I seriously don’t think I could grow peppers in the great white north, I know I've said it before but it's simply amazing what you guys do indoors and harden them off to grow right outside, warming the soil and da other cool tricks up your sleve … brethren I salute your grow with “hat’s off mon” \o_   Now onto mi joke, lol … Are those the rare hardly ever seen around the world fat toe peppers in pictures #7and #9   ;)
highalt said:
Plants all look healthy and happy!  
I haven't grown the Chinese 5 Color before, but on most of the pics I have seen, the foliage is more green than purple, so I am thinking that is a Peruvian Purple too.  Either way, a beautiful plant!
Thanks for the good vibe Bonnie! I like its looks too, but it'd better produce some tasty powder to make the cut next year...

Pinoy83 said:
plants looking great my old friend....ive been to busy to keep up with THP... school and work is such a pain in the ass....but everything is doin good.... in less than 8months at work i got promoted to head cook...and my pastry chef at school is planning to hire me as an assistant instructor to his class...hopefully everything will go according to plan...
Hey, Jericson's in the house! Thanks for stopping by man! We were wondering how things were going for you. Glad to hear that you're getting where you want to be in life,..  Stop by when you can.. Cheers!

WalkGood said:
Rick, seems that everyday I look here your plants look better and better, you’ve done a wonderful job! I seriously don’t think I could grow peppers in the great white north, I know I've said it before but it's simply amazing what you guys do indoors and harden them off to grow right outside, warming the soil and da other cool tricks up your sleve … brethren I salute your grow with “hat’s off mon” \o_   Now onto mi joke, lol … Are those the rare hardly ever seen around the world fat toe peppers in pictures #7and #9   ;)
Thanks for the good vibe brother!  Very astute of you to catch those fat toe peppers... Sorry bro', but I ain't sharin'... ;)
Hey Doc! I made Chicken Satay last night and put a half a tsp of your yellow/peach powder and the juice of a lime in the homemade peanut sauce...  Killer man!

Time once again for the report of the Dawn Patrol...
Last night was the warmest we've had yet, the low was 67 degrees. No wonder the plants are happy! Some new varieties starting in on pod production.
Serrano Tampiqueno

Hungarian "Coloring" pepper



Numex 6-4 Anaheim

 Have a good one all!
Thanks guys! It looks like a couple days of cooler temps in the pipeline, but not like a week ago... It's 66 degrees out at 5:30am, but low to mid 40's the next couple of days. I expect lots of dropped flowers...
And now for the report from the Dawn Patrol...
Growth this last week has been very good. Warmer temps and adequate rain have made most of the peppers happy enough to really shoot up. I'll be watering in fish emulsion for the runts every other week until they catch up. The Kapia peppers are growing a little slower than the Koreans, but not much. As they bear much bigger peppers, it's no surprise that they need some size to them before they begin to bloom.

The second Chilhuacle Negro is starting to set pods

The Antohi Romanian frying peppers are getting their feet under themselves

The Almapaprika are growing pods like gangbusters! The largest is about the size of a half-dollar

The Jalapeno Mucho Nacho only has one pod ATM, but it's grown almost 2 inches in 2 days. I think the shot of cold we had last week made it grow somewhat irregular in shape, but I expect they'll smooth out later in the season. If the future pods grow like this one there's gonna be some huge poppers!

Brushing back some leaves, I found this hideout on the Maya Red Hab

I think it's gonna take a fairly long time for the Criolla Sella pods to ripen in the potted plant, but another one has started to color up.

The Yellow Bhut is starting to grow now too

Some of the Chinense varieties in the ground were getting so choked with side branches that I thinned the understory out a bit to let in some light and air.

Magnum Orange Hab

And there's 10. The rest of the pics are from the veggie garden. Have a great monday all...
That needed rain has really done the trick.
I see some ripening pods, wow that's early.
The 1st Omnicolor appears to have lost some of the older leaves, is your soil draining well in that area ? Other than that your plants look right on schedule for some nice early harvests
PIC 1 said:
That needed rain has really done the trick.
I see some ripening pods, wow that's early.
The 1st Omnicolor appears to have lost some of the older leaves, is your soil draining well in that area ? Other than that your plants look right on schedule for some nice early harvests
Thanks for the input Greg... I have that Omnicolor on a dripper, so maybe I need to dial it back so it doesn't get so much water. The soil is sandy loam, so it should drain well.
Trippa said:
No surprises here ... looking great as usual Rick!!
Thanks for the good vibe Trippa! Have you heard anything new from Nee? I expect he's dancing close attendance on his wife about now...
Yard Bird on a stick & nut sauce, mmm love dat taste, great job! Rick nice shot of the Serrano pod development & all others, I love the taste of mine and they’re hotter than the store bought ones with a nice hint of sweetness to them as well, hope yours turn out awesome! Great stuff on all da rest, hope you have a killa week mon!
Looking great!  It helps being able to look at other people's pepper plants while i am out of town :)
The weather is much milder here in Indiana.  I keep looking at what is growing down here and thinking how much further along everything is.
Rick, just mentioned you, forgot to mention Greg--oops, sorry Greg, Bonnie, and others who grow successfully in "untoward" early weather: I've been whining because we had a month set-back with up-down "temperate zone": you guys have my deepest respect as I'm with Ramon and don't think I could do it. Thank you for the inspiration! Plants look amazing! (And pics that chicken rocked my world other day! :party:) Grow on, man! Just astounding.