• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Stefan_W said:
I love the shots earlier of your wife's flowers :)
Looks like your plants are podding up and taking off! You must be getting the same heat wave that is hitting us here. 
Did you get the NuMex seeds from the source? I was going to order from them, but it was a bit of a hassle to do an international order.
Looking good!
Thanks Stefan! I got my NuMex seeds from Sandia Seed co in New Mexico. I guess I could have gotten them from the UNM website, but it's the same seed for about the same price here. Maybe they'd be easier for you to deal with?
stickman said:
Thanks Stefan! I got my NuMex seeds from Sandia Seed co in New Mexico. I guess I could have gotten them from the UNM website, but it's the same seed for about the same price here. Maybe they'd be easier for you to deal with?
I'll have to check it out. The UNM site forces you to order over the phone during a particular time of day, and other things I can't remember off the top of my head. If Sandra Seed has the exact same seeds without the hoops it is definitely the way to go.
Stefan_W said:
I'll have to check it out. The UNM site forces you to order over the phone during a particular time of day, and other things I can't remember off the top of my head. If Sandra Seed has the exact same seeds without the hoops it is definitely the way to go.
That's the problem when dealing with academia rather than a commercial company. For all I know, they sell seeds out of the university bookshop. I've had no trouble germinating anything I got from Sandia Seed co, and they all grew true.
Well... I got home from work and found a SFRB in the mailbox. Brother Jamie had warned me one might appear, and this is what was in it...

You tha MAN Jamie!  :dance:  Thanks so much (and sorry for the crappy pic, but WTH). I think I see some Madballz, Douglahs, Tepins,  Aji Lemon and Fatali in there... the rest I'm not so sure of their provenance. Now I've gotta figure out what to do with them... :think:  I promise there'll be pics Jamie, though for good ones, I'll have to wait until my wife gets back a week from Friday.
While I'm thinking, I'll have supper. I marinated a Boston Butt (Pork Shoulder) in bitter orange marinade and slow cooked it all day in a crockpot. Shredded it up and fried it in its own fat until crispy on the outside and meltingly tender on the inside. Made up a batch of corn tortillas, took out a jar of my "Rick's Red" Habanero sauce and cracked a Dos Equis.


I'll have some green beans too, and dessert will be some Black Raspberry ice cream with some of Bill's "Dragon's Blood" sauce.

The sauce was quite thick... repeated shaking didn't dislodge any of it, but that's why god made chopsticks, right? A very upfront sauce... the Raspberries and Chocolate flavor came across clearly, and were followed shortly after by a pretty good burn that lasted a good 10 minutes despite having been eaten together with ice cream. Not overwhelming either, so it didn't dominate the dessert, but complemented it. I could definitely see baking this into raspberry fudge brownies or stirring a little into a chocolate fondue for dipping fruit into. Camping trip s'mores will never be the same! ;)
I have to work a full shift tomorrow, but hope you all have a happy July 4th!
romy6 said:
 Awesome you got the pods today . Amazing how well the usps works. :dance:
That food looks great Rick. :drooling:
Sucks you gotta work tomorrow :rolleyes:
. Need help identifying pods let me know. Happy 4th broham.  :fireball:
Thanks again Bro'... I made some Pico de Gallo to go along with the carnitas, and chopped a couple of your tiny pods into it... the 2 little guys next to what I think are the Madballz pods. I think I've figured out some of them, but your confirmation/ID would be appreciated.

MGOLD86 said:
Wow, I was really behind!  Great updates for the past like 4 days! lol.  That peruvian purple is pretty cool man, and great score with the hot box from Jamie, I know first hand that those pods are freaking :hot: :hot: :hot:
Thanks Matt, hope your 4th was stellar and didn't involve pleading the 5th... ;)  I believe ya on the :hot: designation... those 2 little pods kicked the pico de gallo up 5 or 6 notches! Lol!
DocNrock said:
Wow, Rick!  Your plants look great.  Happy to see them podding up for you.  Love the variegation on the Fish Pepper.  My Butch T was one of the last hold outs to set pods, so your's is holding suit.  Everything looks fantastic.
Happy 4th!
Thanks Doc, Hope you and your family had a relaxing time. As hot as it's been for you I can't imagine doing anything else... Thanks for the info on the Butch T. I wasn't worried, but it's nice to know what to expect. Cheers!
Time once again for the Dawn Patrol report.
It's been a steamy week here, but seasonal. I'd say about 50/50 sun and showers. Everything's kicked up into high gear growth-wise... including the weeds. I'd be out there dealing with them more often, but for the temperature during the day and the flying bloodsuckers at dusk and dawn. All that rain has made their population explode! As Doc mentioned, the Butch T is almost the only Chinense that hasn't set pods. The other one is the Yellow Bhut, but both of them are flowering and will when they're ready I reckon.
As for the rest...


Cheiro looks to be a big producer of small, pointed Chinense pods

As predicted, the 2 Omnicolors are merging into a single canopy

The stressed 6-4 Anaheim pods have ripened up

Maya Red Habs are getting bigger

and the Yellow 7

Antohi Romanian pods will be ready to begin harvesting soon

The Aji Panca are almost ready to begin blossoming.

A few more pics for a bump...
Wow thats crazy. I guess I'm a better tomato grower than hops. My toms are 5-6 feet tall and my hops just hit the top of the cage (2 feet). I am thinking of moving them and/or amending the soil if I have time. Hope they do better next year.
Is the Cheiro you're growing Cheiro Recife?  I grew that one last year, and the pods were shaped like that.  Mine started out cream though, then gradually turn a coral - red color.
WalkGood said:
Wow bump!
Sorry Ramon... I had to go to work before your bump, and I just got back.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Looking awesome stickman, I see you are poding up nicely with some hot ones.
Thanks Chris, I'm sure looking forward to it. Last year's 2 Orange Habs were the first Chinense I'd ever grown... This year I planted 16 and 14 survived. I hope the yearly progression doesn't continue at the same rate! ;)
Scarecrw said:
Wow thats crazy. I guess I'm a better tomato grower than hops. My toms are 5-6 feet tall and my hops just hit the top of the cage (2 feet). I am thinking of moving them and/or amending the soil if I have time. Hope they do better next year.
While the above-ground parts of the Hops vine can grow very fast indeed, they need a good root system first. The roots grow much more slowly and will probably take a couple of years to be able to support a large vine. Definitely amend the soil, though a couple of buckets of good compost each spring will be enough. This website has some good general information.   http://beersmith.com/blog/2008/04/10/growing-hops-in-the-garden-how-to-grow-beer-hops/
highalt said:
Is the Cheiro you're growing Cheiro Recife?  I grew that one last year, and the pods were shaped like that.  Mine started out cream though, then gradually turn a coral - red color.
Hi Bonnie, I couldn't tell you if my Cheiro is a C.Recife. I got the plant in a swap with SeanW. I'll have to ask him where he got his seed. The pods on my plant aren't changing color from a yellowish green yet, but if they do I'll let you know.

buddy said:
great looking chiles!  good luck with the rest of the season.
Thanks buddy, you too!

PIC 1 said:
Glad to see the super-hots coming in, both Jamie's and specifically the ones on your plants. Rick it won't be long before your picking some ripe supers from your garden(s).
Thanks Greg, I appreciate the good vibe, but I think you're gonna reach the finish line before me, and that's OK... I'm learning a lot and having fun along the way. Cheers bro'!
Here's the last few pics from this morning...
Gochu peppers

Hungarian Tomato peppers

Kapia peppers

Not Mucho Nacho Jals

TGIF and have a great weekend all!
I am just amazed at the massive amounts of poddage you've got going on.  Everything is so lush and green.  To make myself feel better, I scrolled through my 2012 glog to reassure myself that my plants will eventually fill out and get serious about putting out some pods.  If we could get a shower or two, I think it would make a world of difference.
You got some poddage going on their Rick.... great work and to look back only a month or 6 weeks and you barely had got out of first gear and was cursing the meandering winter/Autumn weather and temps.... you would scarcely believe that now .... great work my man.
Long may the bountiful weather and growing continue
Wow looking great man. I'm jealous as hell.

Think my soil might have too much nitrogen because plants are growing like weeds but not much flowering or podding on the majority. Probably doesn't help I didn't even decide to grow anything until April and its my first year. Well recently a lot more flowers have shown up, and the bees are loving it. Just hope they don't cross all the awesome breeds you and Jamison sent me next year!

A few pods here and there though. ill start way early next year to make sure i get maximum output.

But back on topic your plants look great! I hope my Korean peppers you donated are just as productive, because wow!
highalt said:
I am just amazed at the massive amounts of poddage you've got going on.  Everything is so lush and green.  To make myself feel better, I scrolled through my 2012 glog to reassure myself that my plants will eventually fill out and get serious about putting out some pods.  If we could get a shower or two, I think it would make a world of difference.
Thanks for the good vibe Bonnie, and I think you're right... with the quality of the high altitude sun, there's no question in my mind that you'd be doing as well as anybody if you could get the same amount of rain. I'm definitely fuzzy about the chemistry, but time and observation have shown me that plants just grow better with rainwater than they do with what comes out of a municipal tap... probably because of the chlorine and fluorine added to it. I remember when we had a tropical fish tank when I was a teenager. We had to boil the tapwater to remove the chlorine before adding it to the tank or it'd kill the fish (obviously we cooled it first... ;) ). I believe plants are similarly affected, and I'd welcome comments from folks who understand and can explain the chemistry better than I do.

Trippa said:
You got some poddage going on their Rick.... great work and to look back only a month or 6 weeks and you barely had got out of first gear and was cursing the meandering winter/Autumn weather and temps.... you would scarcely believe that now .... great work my man.
Long may the bountiful weather and growing continue
Thanks Trippa! It's true, I definitely get anxious during the first weeks of a pepper grow while I'm waiting for things to warm up enough for them to really take off, but when it finally happens I'm immensely relieved and gratified. Not interested in B and D thank you, but I guess I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to peppers. :lol:

Peptacular said:
Wow looking great man. I'm jealous as hell.

Think my soil might have too much nitrogen because plants are growing like weeds but not much flowering or podding on the majority. Probably doesn't help I didn't even decide to grow anything until April and its my first year. Well recently a lot more flowers have shown up, and the bees are loving it. Just hope they don't cross all the awesome breeds you and Jamison sent me next year!

A few pods here and there though. ill start way early next year to make sure i get maximum output.

But back on topic your plants look great! I hope my Korean peppers you donated are just as productive, because wow!
Hi Tay, It's possible that your plants may have gotten more Nitrogen than they need, but I think the more likely scenario is just your late start, especially since the flowers have recently shown up. I don't completely stop giving my plants Nitrogen when they begin to blossom, but I do cut it way back... giving them half as much as I do the Potassium and Phosphate. Dilute weekly feedings are usually enough... trying to force the issue by adding too many nutes at one time is counterproductive to say the least when it's time that's wanting... patience grasshopper... as much for me as you! ;)