• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Rick! Every time I check in here there are 2 pages of pods and harvests!  I am a fan of the 7s, just enough heat to wake you up and question your motives, but then it pulls back and is nice and great burn.  My Ja Habs are puttin off pods, and unfortunately I haven't tried one yet.  After seein em in here and Ramon's love for them I gotta go and grab me a few!
I also got a TON of Marconi Hybrids that are just about all red.  Do you think roasing, peeling, and freezing would work like you are doing the Kapias? 
Thanks for the good vibe Matt! I do love the Yellow 7 pods! I asked around last winter to find out what the best-tasting variety was, and it was nearly unanimous that the Yellow 7 was the best overall. I think you'll love the JA Habs if they're anything like the ones Ramon grows.
As far as the Marconis go... Heck yes! They're great roasted and peeled, and I think that's the preferred method and variety for preparing fresh peppers for an Antipasto tray. They'd be killer in a summer pasta salad or topping a burger too. We made this recipe last weekend with freshly roasted peppers and substituted vegetable Amaranth leaves for the Spinach, and it was a huge hit! http://www.kitchenkvell.com/2011/02/spinach-pasta-salad-with-cannellini.html

gnslngr said:
Never listen to "never".....nice goin to get the superhots rolling up there.
Just a thought for your paprikas, LIGHTLY smoke about 1/8 to a 1/4 of the pods in a batch of the dried ones your grind for the paprika-doing them all gets to smoky , but that amount is light enough to distribute a smoky scent, and the rest are enough to keep it "fresh".NO LIQUID SMOKE!!!!!
Those Urfas are lookin really nice with striped ripening going on....
...and really who can out eat the pods thrown out by a few supers in one season?...less'n of course , you sauce em!
Have a good one-
Thanks Dave! That's some great info! I agree about liquid smoke being too much in most things... I think the only thing I use mine for is putting a little into the crockpot for Red Beans with "the trinity" (onions, celery and green bell peppers), ham hocks, ham bouillion and chipotle powder. Love me a good "bait" of red beans over rice... and the ham hocks make them come out so creamy!
It took a couple of extra days, but here's the first Dougie!

I've gotta finish sampling Ramon's pods first, but then I'll post my review of the variety I got from Trippa that came to him from bentalphanerd. Considering the dark hints I've gotten about this one, I'm a bit apprehensive, but still excited to try it.
Cheers all, have a great sunday!
You got me looking foward to my yel 7 larges. Not a ripe one yet.
They were a favorite last year and a bit less hot than the regular 7s or brains, so got eaten fresh with food more often. I pulled a few douglahs right before i left town, and thru in the frig. Almost scared, but looking forward at the same time. I have a couple from different sources this year, all with different pod shapes. Will have to give us your take on that one.
GA Growhead said:
You got me looking foward to my yel 7 larges. Not a ripe one yet.
They were a favorite last year and a bit less hot than the regular 7s or brains, so got eaten fresh with food more often. I pulled a few douglahs right before i left town, and thru in the frig. Almost scared, but looking forward at the same time. I have a couple from different sources this year, all with different pod shapes. Will have to give us your take on that one.
Agreed on the Yellow 7s Jay, they've got a nice smooth flavor at first... then they smack ya upside the haid!
It'll be interesting to see if there's any variation in taste between the various Douglahs out there. From what Matt researched, there were only a few Australian growers that were close to the original source, and one of those was the source of the seed I grew.
Nice Rick ... I am looking forward with a little apprehension about your thoughts on the Douglah .... (word of warning ... it likes to hurt people ;) )
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,

Nice pull!
I am glad you are having such nice harvests, and you like the Hungarian Paprika!
The Choc Hab is a beauty! :-)

Thanks Balazs'... I've dried and ground a cup's worth so far, and should end up with at least a pint... not too bad for just 2 plants I think.

Trippa said:
Nice Rick ... I am looking forward with a little apprehension about your thoughts on the Douglah .... (word of warning ... it likes to hurt people ;) )
That's what I'm hearing Trippa... thanks for the heads-up.

WalkGood said:
Nice pic of your douglah Rick, looking forward to reading your taste impressions ^_^
Have a great week mon!
Thanks Ramon... will do!
Got quite a bit of processing done this afternoon...
Roasted, peeled and seeded a 3 gallon bucket of Kapia peppers, and froze them for now.

Also roasted and peeled a pound of Anaheims and 3 pounds of plum tomatoes to make a batch salsa that I canned up for later.

Stefan_W said:
Nice looking douglah! I hear those are quite nasty. 
Thanks Stefan, I'll probably get around to reviewing it later today.
I heaped together all the Chocolate pods I pulled between this weekend and this morning and the pile is sizing up!

There's a full quart tub and part of another... when I fill both, it'll be time to make some sauce... probably before the end of the week.

The Magnum Orange Hab is finally starting to color up.

The Yellow Bhut is turning out to be a cross, but it kept enough of the Bhut genes to keep the overall shape and the color is close... it looks like it'll ripen orange. Big pods on this one too... some are close to 4 inches inches long.

And the Douglah is working on ripening up another half dozen pods ATM...

Man... It's hard to believe I'm almost up to 100 pages with this glog! In honor of that... the newbie who posts closest
to the top of that page gets a bottle of the sauce.
Have a great week all!
Those Chocolate pods are awsome Rick! I have one hot chocolate plant out of like 6 seeds i tried and it has one pod on it, green as can be. I might overwinter that one.
Great job man!
Thanks guys! I got a whopping pull of tomatoes and Serrano chiles this weekend, so I'm gonna be busy the first part of the week canning up some salsa for the winter.
I went to do a review of Ramon's red Bhut pod this morning, but found it was going brown and soft on the bottom, so I had to pitch it in the compost. It won't go totally to waste guy... it'll show up in next year's chiles. That's a bummer, but I have a ripe Douglah, so...


I did the usual... removed the seeds for later, cut up into matchsticks and ate a 2 inch piece with placenta to taste it. The aroma was a bit sweet for a chocolate-colored pod I thought, and the taste was similar... I thought I could pick up notes of earth and wood but not at all strong or unpleasant... not sweet tasting though. The burn came after about 10 seconds and continued to build for about 8 minutes, needling the entire tongue. Nose started running after about 3 minutes, and after about 6 minutes felt what might have been stomach discomfort  if I'd eaten a half a pod on an empty stomach. Plateaued for about a minute and faded to a slow burn on the lips and tongue for about 20 more minutes. Definitely very hot... nothing about the flavor that was objectionable, but nothing really stood out as pleasant either except that I didn't detect much of the "off citrus" flavor I associate with capsaicin. I think this would be a great pod for powders or sauces to kick them up a notch or ten, but doesn't really stand on its own.
Cheers all!
 Hi am new to this site. Your grow is off the charts. Would love a bottle of your sauce. I will be checking your glog in a few hours when it reaches 100 PAGES :rofl:
 No but seriously love the review of the Douglah. My favorite pepper for powders. When smoked and dried the earthy flavor is eradicated . All you are left with is a super hot tasty powder that takes on the wood flavor you smoke and the pure unadulterated flavor of the pepper.   :fireball:  :fireball:  :fireball:
romy6 said:
 Hi am new to this site. Your grow is off the charts. Would love a bottle of your sauce. I will be checking your glog in a few hours when it reaches 100 PAGES :rofl:
 No but seriously love the review of the Douglah. My favorite pepper for powders. When smoked and dried the earthy flavor is eradicated . All you are left with is a super hot tasty powder that takes on the wood flavor you smoke and the pure unadulterated flavor of the pepper.   :fireball:  :fireball:  :fireball:
Jamie you are such a loving smartass. But then you knew that.  :rolleyes: Nice idea relative to choice of woods for smoke on Dougie.
Rick, love the review of the Douglah . . . creeper burn for sure. And only things I don't have ripening are the dang choc habs; thus, beautiful pull :dance: and roasted salsa looks delicious, man!