• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Man this place moves fast. Stomach is rumbling after all that mole and Moroccan food chat. Looks top notch Rick. You better start a delivery service.

You dry the peppers in a dehydrator? When you gonna poach a chicken? I'd probably slow cook some chicken breast with it and use it for taco meat. Dang, I need to find a snack.
Trippa said:
Cooking up a storm Rick ... Loving it !!
Devv said:
We do the same thing, cook up a batch of whatever for future use. LB used the term "cook for a month" when we started.
Have a great week!
Thanks for the good vibe guys... :)
maximumcapsicum said:
Man this place moves fast. Stomach is rumbling after all that mole and Moroccan food chat. Looks top notch Rick. You better start a delivery service.

You dry the peppers in a dehydrator? When you gonna poach a chicken? I'd probably slow cook some chicken breast with it and use it for taco meat. Dang, I need to find a snack.
Exactly what I did... cooking in the slow cooker is the same as poaching isn't it... just slower... ;)
Well, it sure has been cold the last few weeks, and it ain't going away soon... truth to tell, I'm gettin' a little sick of this s---. :doh: The temperatures in the basement are the coldest I've ever seen them... even inside the grow box.

The Bigger of the Naga King plants is still gonna be a beast! Since I topped it last week the side branches have been growing out...

Some of the other round-1 players...



My first fork of 2014... the Manzano!

 I think I overwatered the MoA plants a bit, but since I let them dry out some, they look much better.

Some more round 2 plants...


More pics for a bump...
stc3248 said:
Foodies and Sauces look great! I gotta get off my behind and get some more sauces done!
Thanks Chief! I appreciate the nod from one of the masters!
There's some doubt as to the parentage of the Pimenta Lisa. It's in the F2 generation this time around, but I think there's no doubt that this one has some Pimenta de Neyde genes... It's got its first set of true leaves and is working on its second...

The Peri Peri is also... both are round 2 plants that seem to be taking longer to really get started. They don't seem to be pining though... they're getting enough light, water and nutes but need more warmth to finally take off.

Where you really see the effects of the cold is with the Annuums. They're growing very slowly, but beginning to put out their first true leaves.




For a shot of whimsy... one of the things that keeps us from being at each others' throats after this long winter is the floor show in the back yard around the bird feeders. We put baffles on all the poles holding the feeders up so the Squirrels can't climb up and help themselves. They haven't been able to climb past the baffles all winter, but they still try daily...

Have a great weekend all!
meatfreak said:
Wow only 10 degrees inside your growbox and your plants are still growing and look happy to me :)
Determined is a better description I think, but thanks for the good vibe Stefan... ;)
You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day, Really? Already? They need to adjust that, especially with all the killer glogs this year!
OK, done venting...
Rick! Plants look great! You're gonna be ready come dirt day. Manzano is coming along just fine! Sorry about the cold, you know...it's global warming, yeah that's it.
Love the Squirrel trick. Here they, and the birds eat the dog food.
Keep it green Rick, your season is off to a great start!
Devv said:
You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day, Really? Already? They need to adjust that, especially with all the killer glogs this year!
OK, done venting...
Rick! Plants look great! You're gonna be ready come dirt day. Manzano is coming along just fine! Sorry about the cold, you know...it's global warming, yeah that's it.
         The Manzano, and the Naga King in the Airpot seem to be the most cold-tolerant plants so far... I expect it with the Manzano but the other was a big surprise. How strange that we got more snow this winter than the Russians did for the olympics... I wonder if Putin is blaming us for the weather? :P
Love the Squirrel trick. Here they, and the birds eat the dog food.
         If we put out dog food, I'm sure they'd eat it here too... We had a downstairs neighbor in the apartment building we lived in before we moved here, and she used to leave food out on her back steps for the feral cats. The cats got very little of it... mostly it went to the Skunks, 'Possums and Raccoons. There weren't enough trees with edible seeds around there to attract Squirrels.
Keep it green Rick, your season is off to a great start!
Thanks Scott, you do the same... ;)
Hi Rick,
It i interesting to see the snow you were getting during the winter at your place. We had only once, approx 15 cm. I have the feeling that we are going to have some still in March...
Plants are looking good, my friend! I am glad to recognize the Hungarian types among you plants  :P
Nice progress Rick - I will be topping my plants too based on your glog. The Reapers and PeriPeri sure like the heat cranked right up. Once the PeriPeri take, they will just take off ;)
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Rick,
It i interesting to see the snow you were getting during the winter at your place. We had only once, approx 15 cm. I have the feeling that we are going to have some still in March...
Plants are looking good, my friend! I am glad to recognize the Hungarian types among you plants  :P
Hi Balázs,
   I doubt you'll be sorry if you have a warmer spring than you had last year, eh? :lol: Over here it's shaping up to be the coldest spring since 1978, but after this week I have hope that it'll start to warm up and melt the snow before the end of the month.

maximumcapsicum said:
Looks like the MoAs bounced back strong Rick! Good job.

Winter is abating. At least the cold this year should have killed off plenty of pest eggs. Last year the bugs were terrible.
I've done well the last few years with companion plantings to call in friendly insects to groom my pepper plants. This year I'm going to try other companion plantings to help the rest of the veggie garden. My biggest headache is the Striped Cucumber Beetles and Squash Bugs, so I'm going to plant Tansy alongside my Cucumbers and Nasturtiums next to my Squash in the hopes of repelling them. I always plant Basil, Cilantro and French Marigolds to attract Ladybugs and Lacewings, but I've heard that plowing the Marigolds under at the end of the season kills Root Knot Nematodes in the south if used as part of a crop rotation scheme.   http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7489.html
georgej said:
Looking great Rick!

Wow, that king naga is streaming out in front. What type of steroids are you feeding? ;)
Thanks G! I haven't been giving it anything I haven't given the others except for putting it in an Airpot, I think it's just genetics. I had one Yellow 7 plant last year that was half again bigger than any of my other Chinense chiles and it put out proportionally more pods too. Nobody can predict it, but it just happens... :) Now that I think of it... I put that one in an Airpot early on too...
PeriPeri said:
Nice progress Rick - I will be topping my plants too based on your glog. The Reapers and PeriPeri sure like the heat cranked right up. Once the PeriPeri take, they will just take off ;)
That's my hope too Lourens... It'll be a while though... tonight's low temperature is supposed to be minus 22 degrees Celsius. It should gradually climb to a balmy minus 6 by the end of the week though... ;)
Gosh Stickman, I don't know what to say. I am blown away that temperatures can even go as low as -6ºC, never mind -22ºC! As a matter of fact we are gripped by a very cold spell at the moment and it is 20ºC. You must know... them heaters are blazing away, thermals are on and we are frozen to the bone here lol
PeriPeri said:
Gosh Stickman, I don't know what to say. I am blown away that temperatures can even go as low as -6ºC, never mind -22ºC! As a matter of fact we are gripped by a very cold spell at the moment and it is 20ºC. You must know... them heaters are blazing away, thermals are on and we are frozen to the bone here lol
You'd be amazed then Lourens... in January I've seen it get down to -30ºC for a week or more. It gets even colder further north... :rolleyes: