• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Jeff H said:
Nice jambalaya Rick. We did seafood etouffee and a spicy vegetable boil at my house (pics over in my flog). Love mardi gras almost as much as cinco de mayo.  Who doesn't love holidays dedicated to drinking too much and eating spicy food.
Love the creamy mouthfeel and flavor of the etouffee! To me, it's like having gumbo with seafood instead of the okra and tomatoes. Nice job Jeff! :drooling:
georgej said:
This one ;)


Only thing that's changed is we use superhots, not habs!
It's been so long since you posted that recipe that I forgot all about it... thanks for the reminder! :drooling:
Well folks... it's been a couple of weeks since the Annuums in round 3 started sprouting and there's not much going on. They've just been sitting there with stems going purple and getting no new leaves or any taller. I dug into the cells and found that for the most part the seedlings hadn't been able to penetrate the foam in the Horticubes. Pulling the cubes apart, I see the roots are circling inside the foam instead of punching through to the soil outside. A few plants managed it, but the majority didn't... especially the wilds. I dug up all the buried cubes and pulled them apart with (hopefully) minimal trauma, and replanted them in their pots tonight. We'll see over the next few days or so how many kick the bucket. If too many do, I'll resow in rock wool and try again. The Eggplants have germed the last couple of days, and I caught them quickly enough that the roots hadn't gotten tangled in the foam, so I potted them up tonight. I'll start the Tomatoes in 2 weeks.
Happy Friday Eve...
stc3248 said:
That sure is a bummer...those cubes looked promising. Fingers crossed they pull out of it.
Thanks Shane, I hope so too. When I was going through what was known about the seeds Balasz sent me last year, I find that one variety I planted turned out not to be a Pritamin-type pepper but another Almapaprika. I really liked the Pritamins I planted last year, and Balasz sent more seeds this year, so I'll be doing a little experiment and starting a few of the seeds in both rockwool cubes and Horticubes for comparison. The thing I like about this method is that it's similar to using coffee filters... you just keep them evenly moist by maintaining the water level in the 1020 trays, but you don't have to handle the seeds to plant them when they break dormancy.

TGIF all!
That's a real shame about the horticubes. Was it a particular batch or do you think its just a flaw with the product? It is a shame because the horticubes seem to have alot of advantages, but if the babies can't break through 'em what can we do?
Here's hoping they bounce back!
Happy growin!
maximumcapsicum said:
That's a real shame about the horticubes. Was it a particular batch or do you think its just a flaw with the product? It is a shame because the horticubes seem to have alot of advantages, but if the babies can't break through 'em what can we do?
Here's hoping they bounce back!
Happy growin!
Looking back a few pages to a link sent by Balasz, it seems to be a problem with the medium. So far, the ones I broke free last night seem to be OK. I hope that continues... :pray:  I'll post pics this weekend, but it seems like the MoA babies and the Bhuts and Fruts are growing pretty well considering the conditions. It's a good thing I only experimented with the Annuums that grow quickly. Cheers!
Hmm Annuums are always a bit tricky at the beginning in my experience. My PeriPeri take a while to get the gist and when they do they just explode... but they take time to get going. Once they branch out they go like crazy though ;)
RocketMan said:
Man Rick, interesting problem you had there. I wonder why just the Annuums? Hope your fix does the job for you and they start to take off.
They're the only things I planted in the Horticubes Bill. Now that I've broken them free from the foam, they're showing almost immediate improvement... The primary leaves are finally starting to grow again after being stalled for almost 2 weeks.



PeriPeri said:
Hmm Annuums are always a bit tricky at the beginning in my experience. My PeriPeri take a while to get the gist and when they do they just explode... but they take time to get going. Once they branch out they go like crazy though ;)
Devv said:
As hardy as the peppers are I'm sure they will kick in and just grow.
Keep us posted!
Thanks guys... will do!
Round one plants continue to grow well, though slower than I would like in my cold basement...




Manzano with multiple branching

The beastly Naga King...


More for a bump...
maximumcapsicum said:
Glad to hear they're growing again. Love it when the annuums rebound.
Thanks for the bump Adam... :)
Round 2 seedlings are looking better too, especially the MoA plants.

The Pimenta Lisa plants are working on their second set of true leaves. Growing slowly, but I have hopes that they'll really perk up when things finally warm up on this end.


Baccatums are really taking off now.


The OW plants are looking pretty pitiful here... they coasted by for a while on 23 watt CFL lighting, but they want much more than that now. I'm hoping it warms up into the 50s during the day here pretty soon so I can set them outside in the sun... they really need it, and I can't spare the lights I have on the seedlings ATM.
Hey Rick - that Manzano is looking great. And the Aji Lemon is looking quite furry too. I ahve some Aji Lemons on the go at the moment. Loads of pods and getting quite bushy... but taking its sweet time to change colour.
Plants are all coming along nicely Rick. Glad you got the annuums free in time. Funny how we all continually learn new things each year no matter how long we have been doing this.