• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
SeanW said:
I've thought about the drip lines, but I'd have to run the hoses across my yard and I KNOW that I'd forget when I went to mow...
I supposed I could dig a trench and run some pipe through to put a faucet out by the gardens. I'll add that to the list ;)
A good idea Sean, and very do-able... remember though, unless you bury it at least 4 feet below frost, it'll freeze up on you during the winter unless you blow all the water out of the line with an air compressor and seal it up so more can't get in until you're ready for it in the spring. A small price to pay for not having to carry watering cans or drag a hose around... :)
+1 on the tamales. I really need to get around to cooking some stuff. I satisfy myself with salsa, sauce, and powder lately... hard to squeeze in the time for much else right now. Luckily the little lady and I split the cooking, and she makes plenty of enchiladas and fajitas.
I digress. Your season extension techniques look fantastic, and I think the hoop house saved me this season. Dang that April.
Keep on growing!
SeanW said:
I have lawn sprinklers, and they seem to catch the garden pretty well. If I install the hookup near the sprinkler feed, I probably could have the same guys blow out my sprinklers and that pipe. We'll see, I guess.
I don't know enough about it to make a suggestion, but would it be possible to add the garden to your sprinkler loop?
maximumcapsicum said:
+1 on the tamales. I really need to get around to cooking some stuff. I satisfy myself with salsa, sauce, and powder lately... hard to squeeze in the time for much else right now. Luckily the little lady and I split the cooking, and she makes plenty of enchiladas and fajitas.
I digress. Your season extension techniques look fantastic, and I think the hoop house saved me this season. Dang that April.
Keep on growing!
Glad you were able to avert disaster with the low row covers Adam. :)  I've been sold on them here for as long as I've been growing peppers.
I love me the foodies... it's what got me into growing peppers in the first place. Supper tonight is Urad Dal and Basmati rice with Kale cooked Moroccan-style with sweet red peppers, garlic, preserved lemon, paprika and olives. Dessert is Mango sherbet made in our Donvier ice cream maker. We've got a meeting to go to tonight, but I'll try to get a pic. :D
Hey folks... getting closer to D(irt)-day! The plants I've had hardening off under the low row cover out back...


The Manzanos I have already planted are looking really happy! The OWs leaves are greening up well and it's putting out more branches.

and the one from seed is also putting out new growth as it gets used to real sunlight as opposed to artificial. I had to pinch off some of the oversize leaves that had gotten sun-burned, but there's no question it'll keep on keepin' on... it's started producing flower buds at the nodes too!

I also moved the OW Douglah outside. It hasn't grown any leaves yet, but the stems are all still green, so I hope now that it's out in the sun and I'm giving it diluted nutes it will soon.

Spring has definitely sprung here... my wife's flower garden out front is going full-goose bozo!

and my Chinese Chives are ready for their first haircut... They're a foot tall!  Puchu Jeon is gonna be on the menu this weekend!
Rick nice work with keeping your plants healthy under the cold frame. If its any indicator our evening temps are staying over the mid 40's with no late frost insight. You should be good to go with the plant out this week ?

I like the Cino de Mayo tribute with your foodie shots...the tamales look professionally done.

The OW's never missed a beat...they're adapting nicely.
Rick!  Looking very special in your neck of the woods, brother.  
Your plants seem rarin' to go; I hope the weather cooperates with you.  
These last two days of cool rainy weather before major plant out are
driving me mad     :banghead:       :crazy:
I'm stoked about your Manzano success!
PIC 1 said:
Rick nice work with keeping your plants healthy under the cold frame. If its any indicator our evening temps are staying over the mid 40's with no late frost insight. You should be good to go with the plant out this week ?

I like the Cino de Mayo tribute with your foodie shots...the tamales look professionally done.

The OW's never missed a beat...they're adapting nicely.
Thanks Greg. :)  Yup, D-day is today. It's overcast and showery... perfect weather for transplanting! :dance:  The overnight lows are still fluctuating as much as 15 degrees, but nothing in the extended forecast below 40. I'll still hedge my bets by putting the low row cover up over the transplants. That'll hold heat overnight if necessary, and keep the wind off the seedlings until they get established and fully hardened off.
Jeff H said:
Looks like everything is about hardened off and ready to go. Looking good.
Dirt day is soon.
. :D Tell your wife that the flower garden looks nice.
Yeah baby... Dirt day is today! :D  My wife says thank you for the good vibe for the flower garden. :)
PaulG said:
Rick!  Looking very special in your neck of the woods, brother.  
Your plants seem rarin' to go; I hope the weather cooperates with you.  
These last two days of cool rainy weather before major plant out are
driving me mad     :banghead:       :crazy:
I'm stoked about your Manzano success!
Thanks Paul! Y'know, the Manzanos and Ajis don't really mind cool weather... you could plant them this weekend, and having it showery just means they won't shock and wilt at first when you do. Just a thought...
Devv said:
I see you're "ready to rumble"!
Congratulations Rick!
Wishing you continued success and nice weather!
S'right brother... ready to pull the pin and let 'er rip! :P
OCD Chilehead said:
Hardening off is looking good. Flower bed has a nice variety of color. Keeping my fingers crossed for the OW Douglah. Have a good weekend.
Thanks Chuck! I have high hopes for the OW Douglah, but I have a current seedling to hedge my bets too. Hopefully they both make it and produce this year. That would be cool!
Have a productive weekend all!
Hey, Rick.  I've had my Manzanos and Ajis outside in their big pots for a week or 10 days.  
You are right about the cool, wet weather; they don't see to mind too much.  Had a low
of 43 last night and another 42-43 tonight, then the night temps swing back up into the 50's,
so plant out begins in earnest today and tomorrow!  All but a few plants have been outside
for the past two days/nights, so I think they are hardened off to the cooler temps.  The temps
swing into the 70's and 80's next week with lots of sun, so I hope it's not too hot for them   ;)
PaulG said:
Hey, Rick.  I've had my Manzanos and Ajis outside in their big pots for a week or 10 days.  
You are right about the cool, wet weather; they don't see to mind too much.  Had a low
of 43 last night and another 42-43 tonight, then the night temps swing back up into the 50's,
so plant out begins in earnest today and tomorrow!  All but a few plants have been outside
for the past two days/nights, so I think they are hardened off to the cooler temps.  The temps
swing into the 70's and 80's next week with lots of sun, so I hope it's not too hot for them   ;)
I don't think so Paul... last summer it got up into the high 90s at midsummer for weeks at a time, and the Aji Omnicolors and Criolla Sellas slowed down a little, but never stopped.
It took most of the day, but I got all my peppers, eggplants and tomatoes planted today. Woo Hoo! :woohoo:
It feels so good to have them out of the basement and into the ground.
Pepper Row

Tomatoes and eggplants

The raised bed out back with the Chinense varieties

In the end, there wasn't room for the MoAs under the low row covers, but I'll put them in my largest airpots up against the house on the south side where it's protected.

I'll post more detailed pics through the week, but here's a few for now...
Goat's Weed

Almapaprika with flowers

And a Sweet Paprika with flowers and a pod forming

That's all for now folks. Have a great rest of the weekend!
Hey Rick, your next year's garden looks great   :rofl:
Congrats on getting everything in.  
I've still got 2-3 days worth of planting left,
but it feels good to get some things in the big