• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
GA Growhead said:
The nabascos are neat looking. The F2s should be fun!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it Jason... The plant's a beast and a great producer! Even green the pods have the Bhut aroma, flavor and creeping heat. What I'm waiting to find out is if the ripe pods have the fruity sweetness of the Tabasco too.
Devv said:
Lot's going on here Rick! Great to see the harvests and all the poddage.
Thanks Scott! I certainly won't be catching up to you this year in terms of production, but it'll do for me... lots of variety and a few old friends. :)
PeriPeri said:
Nice one Rick... that looks like a nice over productive plant right there. What are you feeding your plants buddy - rocket fuel?
Not unless it's a pretty #@%* strange rocket Lourens... ;)  It's funny that I grew 3 MoA plants at the same time... 2 of them look like the pic for pod size and density, and the 3rd is just beginning to set them. Go figure...
stickman said:
Not unless it's a pretty #@%* strange rocket Lourens... ;)  It's funny that I grew 3 MoA plants at the same time... 2 of them look like the pic for pod size and density, and the 3rd is just beginning to set them. Go figure...
lol Mine never made it to ripe fruit last season, but I have overwintered. So really looking forward to growing them this coming season. I got mine from Ramon... and the White Bhuts and Ja Habas he sent me were pretty damn awesome too. Actually his JA Haba tastes and looks more like a Scotch Bonnet of sorts.
Wow Rick!
That MoA is simply loaded! I wouldn't worry about the shape, they should all taste the same. It seems the second round takes on the "shape". But who cares, it's the flavor that counts, not the "look". Actually, the MoA's were one of the last of mine to put pods out. I was really worried as I sent out all the seeds to other THP members that I didn't plant. So if mine bombed, I would be SOL. But they did not disappoint, I have 4 kicking it right now. And am saving all the seeds.
PeriPeri said:
lol Mine never made it to ripe fruit last season, but I have overwintered. So really looking forward to growing them this coming season. I got mine from Ramon... and the White Bhuts and Ja Habas he sent me were pretty damn awesome too. Actually his JA Haba tastes and looks more like a Scotch Bonnet of sorts.
Greg (Pic 1) has posted that he shared the JA Hab with a native Jamaican, they stated it was a bonnet from the old country. So a big round of applause for Ramon sharing the Jamaican lines with us!
Just good stuff!
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
That MoA is simply loaded! I wouldn't worry about the shape, they should all taste the same. It seems the second round takes on the "shape". But who cares, it's the flavor that counts, not the "look". Actually, the MoA's were one of the last of mine to put pods out. I was really worried as I sent out all the seeds to other THP members that I didn't plant. So if mine bombed, I would be SOL. But they did not disappoint, I have 4 kicking it right now. And am saving all the seeds.
Greg (Pic 1) has posted that he shared the JA Hab with a native Jamaican, they stated it was a bonnet from the old country. So a big round of applause for Ramon sharing the Jamaican lines with us!
Just good stuff!
Agreed... taste over appearance.  ;)  I got my MoA seeds from Ramon too, so I'll third that emotion! :party:
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
That MoA is simply loaded! I wouldn't worry about the shape, they should all taste the same. It seems the second round takes on the "shape". But who cares, it's the flavor that counts, not the "look". Actually, the MoA's were one of the last of mine to put pods out. I was really worried as I sent out all the seeds to other THP members that I didn't plant. So if mine bombed, I would be SOL. But they did not disappoint, I have 4 kicking it right now. And am saving all the seeds.
Greg (Pic 1) has posted that he shared the JA Hab with a native Jamaican, they stated it was a bonnet from the old country. So a big round of applause for Ramon sharing the Jamaican lines with us!
Just good stuff!
Hey Scott, thank you for clearing that up. That does make a lot of sense. I found the name a little confusing myself as the taste was so much better than a haba ;) Good man that Ramon :clap:
Well folks... I've got an unexpected afternoon free so I'll be canning up some salsa with Meatfreak's tomatoes and some Serranos from the garden. Got a few new pics to show first before getting to work. ;)
It looks like I'm gonna have a jeezely lot of pods on the 2 Douglahs... especially the OW plant.

There was some variation in the first pods, but the ones that came after seem to have settled into the lobed, pinched-in look at the bottom.

Naga King is trying valiantly to catch up to the other Bhuts... it got crowded by the Nabasco plant early on, but seems to be setting pods without a hitch now.


After being cut back about 40% 2 weeks ago, the Nabasco plant is about a yard high by a yard wide and kicking out 1-3 pods per node on its many branches.

The pods on the Guwahati Bhut keep getting bigger

and the BOCs continue to pump out some oddly-shaped pods for a Bhut.


There's some variation in pod shape on the Pimenta Lisa too


That's all for now... have a good Friday eve!
Rick, dearest, sweetest, darlink . . . please keep me close to heart when you come into Nabasco kingdom, OH SWEET ONE! I ordered seeds from Grant but none mine popped. :tear: :mope: (Subtly's not my forte.) And Guwahati rockin! Uh, that'un too, KIND SIR. ;)
Aren't Stefan's toms just excellent?
And yes; good on Ramon for sharing wealth of that EXCELLENT JA Hab!
Have fun canning salsa! (Am trying to postpone until back from doc's Monday.) See? MoA pods gorgeous and like Scott said: later. I got worried when other bonnets turning but remembered they were late on Ramon, as well. Peace, Rick!
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pod formations Rick. Good luck with the canning. Thanks for the pod porn. I hope to return the favor someday.LOL

Have a good afternoon.
I'm sure it'll happen Chuck... we're pullin' for ya!
annie57 said:
Rick, dearest, sweetest, darlink . . . please keep me close to heart when you come into Nabasco kingdom, OH SWEET ONE! I ordered seeds from Grant but none mine popped. :tear: :mope: (Subtly's not my forte.) And Guwahati rockin! Uh, that'un too, KIND SIR. ;)
Aren't Stefan's toms just excellent?
And yes; good on Ramon for sharing wealth of that EXCELLENT JA Hab!
Have fun canning salsa! (Am trying to postpone until back from doc's Monday.) See? MoA pods gorgeous and like Scott said: later. I got worried when other bonnets turning but remembered they were late on Ramon, as well. Peace, Rick!
Sho' 'nuff ma'am... I got your back, just give me a nudge if I forget eh? Harvest season is one of the busiest here, and it's easy to do that... :think:
Thanks for the heads-up on the subject of A-grade pod shapes. We'll see if the season ends up to be long enough for me to get a few, but I can't count on it. Our first frost date is usually around Columbus Day weekend or so. Anything after that is on Angel time. :)
chilli whisperer said:
Douglahs looking great,nabasco's sounding very interesting,what kinda peppe is it?
Thanks for the good vibe J.   It's one of Lourens' Naga King peppers crossed with a Tabasco... I picked one green yesterday to taste, and find it has the floral flavor of the Bhut half of its ancestry. I hope when they ripen up they have the sweet fruitiness of the Tabasco.
Devv said:
I can't believe how the pod density you're getting Rick!
I'm still trying to figure out why the growers north of me get such dense poddage so low on the plants.
And that Naga King is looking saweet!
Thanks Scott! I don't know why the peppers grow like that here either, but I certainly won't argue with it... ;)  I suspect it has something to do with the temperatures and humidity here.
annie57 said:
Would you stick your head up into that cold arctic air? ;)
Funny thing about that... the coldest air at the surface always runs down into the lowest places. Maybe low overnight temperatures tell the plant to get on with the business of procreation jolly quick while it has time. Probably not the ultimate truth but I'd argue it over a beer. ;)
Like the look of your Naga King's, Rick! The variation in podshape of the P. Lisa is normal. It's same over here. I will post pics of ripe ones this weekend when I do a little harvesting. Some even have smooth, elongated pods.Have fun canning. Yesterday the wife said we had some tomatoes ready for picking, when I checked out the garden tonight that was an understatement  :shocked: Gonna be canning the whole Sunday ;)
Geez Rick ... you have some pods happening now ... amazing you get the harvests off those long season chinense like you do ... not too long ago I remember you were almost 100% an Annuum man ;) ... testatment to skills and tenacity my man!! That Douglah 'Alphanerdz' is going nuts with pod production! Love the genetics in those douglahs ... always produce even when the chips are down..mine is even flowering now mid winter after a summer of pests.

Still not 100% sure but its mother plant looks destined for the scrap heap some time tomorrow :( its coming into its 4th year in November and its had a tough run ... will be sad to see it go ... but I have a few seeds (and pods saved)
Trippa said:
Geez Rick ... you have some pods happening now ... amazing you get the harvests off those long season chinense like you do ... not too long ago I remember you were almost 100% an Annuum man ;) ... testatment to skills and tenacity my man!! That Douglah 'Alphanerdz' is going nuts with pod production! Love the genetics in those douglahs ... always produce even when the chips are down..mine is even flowering now mid winter after a summer of pests.

Still not 100% sure but its mother plant looks destined for the scrap heap some time tomorrow :( its coming into its 4th year in November and its had a tough run ... will be sad to see it go ... but I have a few seeds (and pods saved)
I hear ya Tristan... emotionally, it's a mixed bag letting go of something you've had that long isn't it? Even if it pissed you off regularly... Lol!
Thanks again for sending seeds for the Dougies! They're workhorses for sure. :)
Got the salsa canned up tonight

... and I slipped out to the garden while I was waiting for the hot water bath canner to boil... not a big pull, but almost a handful of Peri Peris
and a couple others.

Cheers all!