• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Just a small harvest today... my first ripe Goat's Weed pod and 5 Peri Peris.

The Peri Peris were so small, I popped one in my mouth and ate it out in the garden... Whoo! Those little guys pack a lot of punch! Sweet, fruity flavor up front and then they unmask their batteries and give your taste buds a pounding!
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking good buddy. Goat's Weed is one of my favorite peppers. Plans for the peri?
Yeah things have been nuts. I've noticed the slowdown as well.
Thanks Adam! How do you use your Goat's Weed pods? I'm thinking I'm gonna freeze the Peri Peri pods as they come in, and when I've harvested the whole crop I'm gonna make sauce.
The weather has been just perfect the last couple of weeks... just the right amount of warmth, sun and rain. I think the flowers on the chiles appreciate the high humidity, since so many of them have set pods and continue to do so.  The Douglahs were definitely 2 separate plants a couple of weeks ago but have grown together into a single canopy 2 feet wide and 4 feet long.

some pods from both plants


A pic of a maturing King Naga x Tabasco pod to show the difference in texture

Pimenta Lisa pods are all-purple as they get bigger, but the stems are still green

Since I cut back the naga-tabasco cross, the true King Naga has been growing out much more and pumping out quite a few little pods to keep the few bigger ones company.


BOC plants are happy and busily producing

... and at least one of the Guwahati Bhuts. The other one is trying to catch up.

The OW Manzano... I'm going to have to get a much bigger pot if I over-winter it again.

That's all I've got for now. Have a great week everybody!
tctenten said:
Looking good Rick!   My plants have responded well to the same weather that you described.  They all seem to have had a nice growth spurt over the last week. 
Thanks Terry! Glad to hear your plants have benefited from the recent weather pattern too. Are you picking ripe Chinense' yet?
Wow, plants are really showing their love for the current weather, Rick. Looks top notch! The p. lisa looks exactly the same as my dark phenotype. You mean the stems of the pod itself stay green, right? Does look of since the stem/leaves are so dark but it's normal. The King Naga x Tabasco looks and sounds like an interesting cross, wonder what the flavor will be like :)
stickman said:
Thanks Terry! Glad to hear your plants have benefited from the recent weather pattern too. Are you picking ripe Chinense' yet?
No sir. I only have a few Chinense planted. Two Bhut Jolokia which have plenty of green pods on them and one Carolina Reaper that is taking it's sweet ole time. I have mostly Annuums planted. Some of the Annuums are starting to ripen now for me.
meatfreak said:
Wow, plants are really showing their love for the current weather, Rick. Looks top notch! The p. lisa looks exactly the same as my dark phenotype. You mean the stems of the pod itself stay green, right? Does look of since the stem/leaves are so dark but it's normal. The King Naga x Tabasco looks and sounds like an interesting cross, wonder what the flavor will be like :)
Thanks Stefan! I wasn't worried about the color of the pepper stems... just thought it was an interesting trait. I'm trying to wait patiently for the Naga-Tabasco cross to ripen so I can see what it tastes like! Cheers!

tctenten said:
No sir. I only have a few Chinense planted. Two Bhut Jolokia which have plenty of green pods on them and one Carolina Reaper that is taking it's sweet ole time. I have mostly Annuums planted. Some of the Annuums are starting to ripen now for me.
Yup... that's why I plant so many Annuums myself... I may or may not get ripe chinense before frost, but at least I can count on them. :)
Glad to hear your garden is starting to produce for you.

Trippa said:
Looking like you are right on track Rick! Haven't seen any Korean Gochu pics around this year Rick or am I missing something?
I still have bags of dried Gochus from last year Tristan, so no need for more this year, but I just couldn't keep myself from planting at least one... the Saeng Cho from BootsieB's seeds. Cheers!
Wow gla that weather is working for ya. That rain seems to have actually shut down ripening a little bit down here, though we could be approaching those temps Scott is talking about that shut down fruiting. Noticeable drop in yield this week.

Loving the king nagas and the Guwahatis man, I may have to hit you or Lourens up for those seeds this fall. Hopefully I'll get something worth trading soon!

Jamison sent me a boatload of dried goats weed pods. I don't think they were smoked, just dry. I ground them up into flake and have been using them as pizza topping for about six months. Wonderful... Hotter and sweeter than the typical pizza crushed red pepper.
maximumcapsicum said:
Wow gla that weather is working for ya. That rain seems to have actually shut down ripening a little bit down here, though we could be approaching those temps Scott is talking about that shut down fruiting. Noticeable drop in yield this week.

Loving the king nagas and the Guwahatis man, I may have to hit you or Lourens up for those seeds this fall. Hopefully I'll get something worth trading soon!

Jamison sent me a boatload of dried goats weed pods. I don't think they were smoked, just dry. I ground them up into flake and have been using them as pizza topping for about six months. Wonderful... Hotter and sweeter than the typical pizza crushed red pepper.
I'd be hip to sending you seeds when the pods ripen up Adam... just remind me would you? I've got so many irons in the fire I might forget by then. I gave my first Goat's Weed pod to a sick neighbor, I'll catch the next one. You like the flavor, so I'm sure I will too. :)
ronniedeb said:
Looking great Rick. Loads of pods there. The Guhawati Bhuts are phenomenal looking. 
Thanks for the good vibe Ronan! Cheers!
Today's pull, less the tomatoes... the small pods on the left are Peri Peri, the Serranos are in the middle and Dedo de Moca on the right. The rest are green Thai Eggplant, purple Italian Eggplant and Korean Ho Bak Squash.

The Serranos are just beginning to go red-ripe and are corking pretty well

Two of the three varieties of Tomatoes Stefan sent seeds for from the Netherlands. Costolutos on the left and Russian Plums on the right.

Have a great evening all!
"I gave my first Goat's Weed pod to a sick neighbor"
Did it cure him/her?
The Guhawati Bhut is loaded up.  What's the story on that?  I haven't heard of that one before.  (If this is addressed here somewhere already, my apologies.)
Are those watering receptacles I see in some of the plant pictures?  How deep do they go?
So that's what the elusive ripe Goat Pepper looks like. I ordered some of those seeds from Judy. Can't wait to grow them next year. Then they won't be so elusive in my garden. I see a lot of people making powder and flake out of it. Great looking Serranos as well. Do they have some heat to them? I too like that Naga/Tabasco cross. Looking forward to the review in the future. What color does the Guwahati Bhuts turn? Forgive me, I've never heard of them before.

The garden is looking great. Thanks for sharing Rick.
Spicegeist said:
Your Guwahati Bhuts look perfect, I bet they're gonna be :hot:!
Thanks Charles, they won't get as big as yours, but I'm happy to have pulled off growing them this far north!  I hope they're hotter than the ones I got at a local market last week... they looked perfect for color, shape and texture but were only Hab-hot.
Sawyer said:
"I gave my first Goat's Weed pod to a sick neighbor"
Did it cure him/her?
The Guhawati Bhut is loaded up.  What's the story on that?  I haven't heard of that one before.  (If this is addressed here somewhere already, my apologies.)
Are those watering receptacles I see in some of the plant pictures?  How deep do they go?
I guess I should have said injured instead of sick... I only have one neighbor who can keep up with me when it comes to eating chiles, and he had a bad fall from his bicycle a couple weeks ago. We live at the top of a bluff above the Green River, and the road to the top is a steep one. He was riding down the hill and probably going a little too fast when he hit some road construction and went over the handlebars, dislocating his shoulder and giving himself a concussion. Good thing he was wearing a helmet, because he cracked it in half with the impact. I've been sending him chiles on the theory that it'll help with the pain in the long run.
You're seeing half-liter water bottles. Before I got my soaker hose, I used them to water the plants I set out in the black plastic mulch. That way none of the water runs off the plastic where it does the plants no good and the plants get it next to the roots. I uncap the empty bottles, cut off the bottom and bury them next to the plants with an inch of the bottom showing. As I say, I use the soaker hose underneath the plastic mulch now, but I still use the "funnels" when I give the plants a shot of liquid nutes.
OCD Chilehead said:
So that's what the elusive ripe Goat Pepper looks like. I ordered some of those seeds from Judy. Can't wait to grow them next year. Then they won't be so elusive in my garden. I see a lot of people making powder and flake out of it. Great looking Serranos as well. Do they have some heat to them? I too like that Naga/Tabasco cross. Looking forward to the review in the future. What color does the Guwahati Bhuts turn? Forgive me, I've never heard of them before.

The garden is looking great. Thanks for sharing Rick.
Thanks for the good vibe Chuck! The Goat's Weed is definitely a striking plant. Good luck with yours. :)  The Serranos are a little better than Jalapeno hot... I use them in curries, fresh and cooked salsa, roasted in rice dishes and in Peach jam... which reminds me, the orchard half a mile down the road has ripe Peaches now! :drooling:
I like Lourens suggestion of "Nabasco" as a name for the Naga-Tabasco cross. As many pods as it's pumping out, I'll definitely have plenty of seeds to share when they ripen. I pulled the pod in the picture this morning and took a bite from the end to see what it tastes like at this point... still a little green, but thin, crunchy flesh, it has the same herbal, floral notes as the Bhut but no sweetness yet. It has the creeping heat of the Bhuts too.... we'll see what they taste like when they fully ripen.
The Guwahati Bhuts are your standard red Bhut Jalokia I think...just closer to the source in India. From what I've read, there are Tea farms in that area of Assam that ripped out their Tea bushes and planted Bhuts since they were more profitable.
Thanks for the info Rick. I wish I was in the garden today. Almost to work. It has been raining the past few days. Chance if rain the next few days with cooler daytime highs. I think that's what Im needing for pod set.

Have a great day.
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the info Rick. I wish I was in the garden today. Almost to work. It has been raining the past few days. Chance if rain the next few days with cooler daytime highs. I think that's what Im needing for pod set.

Have a great day.
I hope so Chuck. We're pullin' for ya! :P
Thanks for the good vibes Rick, and welcome to the zoo!