• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick buddy... and then he rounds the season off with all them awesome supers lol an your green fingers have no bounds buddy! The Cascabel is aka Rattlesnake Chilli or Borya Mirch? Mine stayed green for a good three months I think and then got nailed by the frost just as they were turning lol... I am hoping to have better luck this season!
I couldn't say for sure if they're the same variety Lourens... guess I'll have to do some reading to find out, but the shape and description of the heat are different enough that I'll say "probably not" for now.
Good luck growing them this season... after the last one, you're due!
stickman said:
Stefan, the PLs have finally started turning white. I'll give them another week or two to turn orange unless they start to get flabby.

Highly doubt that they will go orange, Rick. This plant looks like the (correct) phenotype I had in mind for this variety. Exactly like mine, happen to have posted a picture of it yesterday. Nice, Superhot harvest, are you gonna incorporate those in a sauce?
stickman said:
Hi Folks, I just got back from the fair where I see I won in all 7 categories I entered my peppers in, including the best collection of 5 different types of peppers... Pritamin, Guwahati Bhut, Butch T, Douglah and Dedo de Moca.

Have a great day all!
Congrats, and well deserved :cheers:
chilli whisperer said:
Sounds like you're not quite ready to end the season yet ;)
Yup, we've still got at least 'til the end of the month J. :)  We usually make it to the second week in October but I won't presume this year.
PIC 1 said:
Rick do you set up any row covering before the cooler evenings set in....
I haven't needed to in the past Greg, but may have to this year... either that or I'll pull up the plants I'm not going to OW and hang them upside down in the cellar to finish ripening.
meatfreak said:
Highly doubt that they will go orange, Rick. This plant looks like the (correct) phenotype I had in mind for this variety. Exactly like mine, happen to have posted a picture of it yesterday. Nice, Superhot harvest, are you gonna incorporate those in a sauce?
I'm only going to make sauce with the MoAs this year Stefan... I'll smoke the Douglahs and ButchTs, dry them with the other supers and grind them all into my "kitchen sink" powder blend.
I'll leave the PL pods on the plant another week to make sure I get viable seeds, then I'll collect them and get them back to you, OK? :)
ronniedeb said:
Lovely colourful bowl of superhots! Any new varieties this year that will definitely make it into future grows?
Next year I think I'll definitely be growing the MoA Bonnets, Peruvian White Habs, Guwahati Bhuts and Naga Kings again Ronan... and the perennial favorites of course... ;)
Devv said:
Nice harvest Rick!
Glad to see you're getting your pickings in. Hope the weather holds until you're done.
Me too Scott... :pray:
maximumcapsicum said:
Great harvest Rick! I think you'll make it to mid October easy. Will send some hotlanta your way.
Thanks Adam... If you want to, that'd be cool! Anything I have growing you'd be interested in?
wahlee76 said:
Congrats, and well deserved :cheers:
Thanks for the good vibe Wally! I hope things are going at least as well for you too. :dance:
I've been about as busy as a one-legged man at an @$%-kicking contest... kinda hard to keep up with my own glog let alone other folks... gotta get things settled so my wife and I can take a well-earned week of vacation next week.
A big shout out to brother Chuck... your package got here today,  and they're some good-looking pods! I'll probably sample a few fresh and dry/powder the rest. Thanks big guy!
I de-seeded a batch of Bhuts and Yellow 7s and put them in the dehydrator today. I have some more Butch Ts and Douglahs to smoke and dry as well.

Happy Friday eve all!
Cheers!  I think Annuums will always be the bulk of my grow because of the local climate, so I hear ya there Chuck.
Looking at my Manzanos in the raised bed out back, I can see some beginning to ripen and one almost ready to pull. Last year I found out that the pods ripen so slowly that I had to leave them on the plant for an extra few days to a week (depending on conditions) so I could get viable seeds from them.

TGIF all!
Spicegeist said:
Great looking Manzanos!  Congrats...
romy6 said:
Nice love dem Pubes you lucky man !!!
Cheers guys! It's no surprise that it's my OW Manzano that was the first to come up to scratch... If I get all the pods to ripen on both plants, I'll have about 15. :)
I got a 3-hour break between clients today, so I'm taking advantage of the time to smoke my ripe Butch T and Douglah pods with a piece of cherry wood.

I'll also make up some Thai curry pastes while the Chinense pods are smoking, and post them in a bit. ;)
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick buddy... great looking Manzanos. Tried them a couple of times and never had any luck :( Smoking looks cool... is that a hollowed out wood trunk with coals in it? That is really neat!
Cheers Lourens! :)
Yup, that's a piece of Cherry trunk that had a rotten center. I hollowed it out with a big drill, soaked it in water and put about a dozen coals inside once they'd fully lit. The smoked pepper halves are in the dehydrator right now and should be ready to grind by tomorrow sometime. I also have nearly my entire crop of sweet Hungarian paprika in there too... that'll go a long way towards making the powder really tasty, and the T-Scorps and Bhuts will give it respectable heat. :drooling: