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Stickman's 2017 Minimalist Glog

Thanks for the suggestion of the broad fork. Ill probably use my pitch fork this year just because i already have it. Looks like it will have similar results. and if you go to your good ol' local wal-mart, they should have lemon thyme. I bought mine 3 or 4 days ago, I have not seen it since I worked in restaurants so I just had to get it. The soil was VERY wet and of coarse it was sold in a peat pot... I quickly switched that up. got the soggy pot off, put it in my potting mix that I put together and its sll standing up looking for light in the window :) LOVE IT.... Any who. Thanks a bunch for the share on the broad fork. Awesome piece of advice.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Blitz527 said:
Thanks for the suggestion of the broad fork. Ill probably use my pitch fork this year just because i already have it. Looks like it will have similar results. and if you go to your good ol' local wal-mart, they should have lemon thyme. I bought mine 3 or 4 days ago, I have not seen it since I worked in restaurants so I just had to get it. The soil was VERY wet and of coarse it was sold in a peat pot... I quickly switched that up. got the soggy pot off, put it in my potting mix that I put together and its sll standing up looking for light in the window :) LOVE IT.... Any who. Thanks a bunch for the share on the broad fork. Awesome piece of advice.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Make sure your fork is a spading fork and not a hay fork or manure fork Alex... otherwise you might end up bending the tines using it for what it wasn't designed to do. Especially if you have a lot of clay in your soil. Rocks bigger than a baseball should be dug up as well.
More forkage pics...
P. Dreadie

Scotch Brain

Forbing Naga

TGIF all, and have a great weekend!


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Superhot Sim said:
You Know the seasons kicking in when the plants start to fork Rick, all looking good my friend but love the P.Dreadie select reminds me of the moa , :party: :dance:
your babies are all looking stellar , great work and keep having fun.
Cheers Sim! Fun mode engaged... ;)
Blitz527 said:
Not sure what it's actually for but I've used it for roof tear offs. It's got 4 wide tines. If i can pry up shingles and ceder shake with it, I'll be ok thank you again though my friend.
+1 for continued excellent advice
Cool! Sounds like you've got it covered. GA. :)
Broadfork youtube clip all the way from New Zealand ay Rick?? Amazingly I have never seen them here but it takes someone from the US to show me a local product ... The advantages of modern life!! Cheers for the heads up .... Your plants are looking awesome by the way ... Keep on growing!!
Trippa said:
Broadfork youtube clip all the way from New Zealand ay Rick?? Amazingly I have never seen them here but it takes someone from the US to show me a local product ... The advantages of modern life!! Cheers for the heads up .... Your plants are looking awesome by the way ... Keep on growing!!

Cheers Tristan, glad to be of help. ;)  They really do work well, regardless of where they're made. After seeing how well, I'll be selling off my roto-tiller and saving up for one of my own.
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
Plants are real beauties!
What are the specs on the broadfork? Tine length, how many, and width? The high school has a CNC machine for metal <--- brains going here....
I was thinking the same thing, I have a buddy with some cool tools, welder, forge, ya know, the essentials for fun and chaos HAHAHAHA
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
Plants are real beauties!
What are the specs on the broadfork? Tine length, how many, and width? The high school has a CNC machine for metal <--- brains going here....
Blitz527 said:
I was thinking the same thing, I have a buddy with some cool tools, welder, forge, ya know, the essentials for fun and chaos HAHAHAHA
Cheers guys! maybe these sites will be helpful...
I got my Lacinato Kale transplanted outside today.. the first non-Allium in the garden this season. :D
Hope you all had a great Easter with your folks!
Good morning all, I hope you all had a great holiday! Boy, things are getting really cramped in my grow area upstairs... I'm gonna hafta move my Chinense plants back down cellar and bring the Tomatoes and Annuums upstairs until I can finally get them all outside to harden off under a low row cover.

These are just the Forbing Nagas spread out on the floor.

The Aji Oro is covered in buds that should open any day now.

The community garden is really starting to wake up now! :party:
Garlic... a mix of Red Chesnuck and White German Porcelain hardnecks

Almost enough Garlic Chives to make some Buchujeon! http://www.koreanbapsang.com/2016/09/buchujeon-garlic-chive-pancakes.html

Overwintered Salsify

Horehound waking up

The Lacinato Kale I planted yesterday

Have a great week all!
Trippa said:
Spring is well and truly underway in your neck of the woods by the looks Rick! Nice lineup of plants. Do you have the same bed in the community garden every year?
Cheers Tristan! Yes I do... 4 raised beds 4'x20' and a 3' section taken out of the middle of the 5th for the valve box that has the water meter and hose bib. It comes out to just under 400 square feet.
I had a client cancel at the end of the day, so I re-potted most of the 2nd and 3rd round seedlings in 1 liter airpots and moved them down cellar.

Moved the Annuums and Tomatoes upstairs

All the Scotch Bonnets have forked and started budding up
MoAs both look about like this

P. Dreadie plants both look about like this

Scotch Brain

While I was re-potting the Alphanerdz Douglah I found this little guy in the pot.

Over the weekend I planted "Red Sails" Lettuce, Shungiku, Zinnias and Gem Marigold mix for my Wife, and it's starting to come in now. Can't wait to get it all in the garden! :)
Devv said:
Plants just keeps a chuggin'!
Garden is off to a great start.
And thanks for the information on the broad forks; I have most of what I need to make one. All of it if I can stand square handles ;)
How about this... make the shafts on either side out of the square stock and make round 5" - 6" handles at the top at right angles to the shafts. I liked that design feature of the New Zealand broadforks because it keeps your wrists straight when you pull the shafts down.
OCD Chilehead said:
Fantastic glog you've got going this year Rick. Well there always great, but this year it looks like your season will be more rewarding than ever.

Thanks for all the links. I get so much information from you.

Thanks for sharing with rest of us.

Lots of graditude.
Thanks Chuck, you make me blush... :oops:
I'm definitely trying a lot of new things this year like using a broadfork to loosen the soil, testing for micronutrients, using no-till methods (yes, broadforking counts) and adding biochar to the soil. I've seen what they can do in other places and hope to do as well here. Cheers!
Jubnat said:
Man, your plants are looking great!

So, what's the story behind the Forbing Nagas?
Hi Jay, and welcome to the zoo! Cheers for the good vibe. :)
The Forbing Nagas came from a collaboration between a couple of THP members, one of whom lives just up the state from you near Shreveport. He sent me some f2 pods last year and my plants come from those seeds. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/52593-windchicken-2015/page-18#entry1232024
Superhot Sim said:
Plants and matas all looking dandy Rick, love the MOA, s always a favourite both sides of the ocean.
Going to be a fun summer my friend.
Keep up your good work.

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Cheers Simmie! How's the weather up in Yorkshire? Still too cold to plant out?