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water Stored Rain Water

Is collected rain water OK for potted pepper plants? I'm concerned that after some time, the water barrel starts to grow algae and I'm sure all kinds of bacteria. Better to just use the hose or is that stuff safe?
Depends on how long the water has been sitting. I take it quite a while. If so, I'd toss it and let some tap water sit out for a while.
Will tap water "de-chlorinate" over time?
If your town's water is treated with old fashioned chlorine... then yes it will, less than a day or so.

But if it's treated with chloramines, then the answer is basically No, unless the water is treated with something else first (google would have the answer i'm sure).

Now you just have to find out how your town treats your water ;)
Better notify the farmers of the world that they need to use tapwater for irrigation. In nature, old rainwater is called a pond, or even a lake, and plants can drink that water just fine.
In all fairness though, I don't know of any major farming operation that pampers their crops like we're talking about here either.

I suspect that the effects of the chlorine on the plants is minimal - but why risk it, even if it's only a small percentage less growth and production.

I asked about the rain water mostly because I imagined there could be bacteria that could potentially be harmful to the plants or even detrimental to the good bacteria in the soil.
I use nothing but rainwater. I have a bunch of HD 5gl buckets and 2 32 gal garbage cans collecting it. There are times when we can go a month without rain down here in S. FL. My only real problem is mosquitoes.
Extremly clorinated or extremely foul not good. A little clorine or a little algae and bacteria I can't see harming the plants.