Straight out of the can/bottle

They have a great stainless steel "kids cook set" that rivals any backpacking or prepper products for a fraction of $. I've got a set in my bug-out bag. Can't beat the price...  This ad says a little different, but they are stainless steel as far as I can tell... They function as such...
I think I actually got a 9 piece set now that I think about it......
The Hot Pepper said:
Leave it to SL to fully derail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
Haha No assembly required, really as top notch as any camping gear (except the handles don't fold) I've tested them, they are top-notch.
Semi back on topic. Something I ate as a kid, it was a staple product in those days. My dad would scramble it with eggs and we thought it was great. Don't think I've had it since I was twelve, and barring some extreme starvation scenario, don't think I would ever attempt it again... I eat some odd stuff by some standards, but have a hard time trying to remember why I thought it was so good. A mental block now I reckon... Still on the shelves in many parts of America. No, I never had it "straight out of the can" but thought it might add to the delight of this thread anyway....