Straight out of the can/bottle

The Hot Pepper said:
lube straight outta the tube

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WarrantMan said:
I know in starting this thread there are some here who could easily be deemed world class cooks/chefs. I have and do follow many with the utmost respect and admiration. I do cook often and share here on occasion. But sometimes, I admittedly eat stuff "straight out of the can, or bottle" as it were.. Can't help it. I confess. I like some stuff "as is" ready to go. Tonight with cold beer, here is my dinner (long day, no time to cook.) I'm a sucker for "spaghetti-o's" cold right out of the can too...
Am I an oddball or does anyone else like stuff "straight out of the can?"

screen capture open source



I would crush a few fork fulls of that pile, so quick!

Toothpick skewers would be optimal.

Salty snacks
D3monic said:
Jesus that was quick on the draw
Don't worry, D3. He's probably got a "file" on you too ;) Just be thankful it's probably only ONE! I was told he had a file on me, with MULTIPLE "folders"! :rofl:
This is what happens when I quote Boss sometimes:

Back to eating out of the can/jar..... these are made to be eaten straight outta the jar. It takes every single ounce of willpower I have NOT to eat the entire jar of these, once I open them though, hahaha

I eat them like freakin popcorn :lol:
I drink hot sauce straight from the bottle. No, not when testing. I mean, I will sit at my desk and literally crave a hot sauce. Walk to the fridge, and pour into mouth. Mmmmm. Sometimes you just crave a certain sauce.
Those things are slammin! Hard to find here but Sam's or Costco will have them on occasion. Maybe a seasonal thing, but I'm with you, if I'm decent hungry, I'll hurt myself.
I dig poetry and the Spam poem offered earlier was great. It reminded me of another "canned" food poem I recall from college. I did some net poking just now and found it. "Snopes" lists it as some kind of modern hoax. But I do remember it from a poetry textbook I had in the mid 1980's (in the Americana chapter) citing it came from an actual contest by the company in the 40's or 50's (I don't recall exactly) but my recollection trumps "Snopes," as it was years before they came into being. Apparently there are other "versions" but the one I committed to memory is here. Again, not true to the thread topic in whole, but I liken it to courtroom antics.. "you opened up this line of questioning..."


'Carnation Milk,' by Anonymous


Carnation Milk is the best in the land,
Here I sit with a can in my hand---
No tits to pull, no hay to pitch,
You just punch a hole in the son of a bitch.
Why do you drink that from the can? Like, when you're out of milk?