Straight up, yo!

So I have 2 bell pepper plants and 1 Scotch bonnet with their peppers growing straight up. What causes this?

The Bell Pepper

Scotch Bonnet????

Another Scotch Bonnet that is from the same seed lot that seems to be growing normal.


My first guess would be that they are a hybrid of some sort. Looking at the two Scotch Bonnet plants, there does appear to be a slight difference in pod shape.

Did you save the seeds yourself or are they from another source?
They came from Cappy (pepper ridge farms) that came from CheezyDemon. CheezyDemon hasn't been active since 2009.

The bell pepper is a california wonder raised from seed the NMSU CPI.
They came from Cappy (pepper ridge farms) that came from CheezyDemon. CheezyDemon hasn't been active since 2009.

The bell pepper is a california wonder raised from seed the NMSU CPI.
So they're from two different sources then?

And although the bell peppers are growing upright, I have to say that they do still look like bell peppers...


OK, I got nothing..... :lol:
Cappy received them from, I assume CheezyDemon, but never used them. Essentially he was the middle man. He passed them onto me last fall to help me get started growing more peppers.
I had Red Beauty bells grow last year like this, they get big, heavy, and fall over and look normal, as for the scotch bonnets, I don't know, but I have an unknown Aji Benito x hybrid, they started erect and eventually end up pendant, they are rather small pods, about the size of golf ball, a bit smaller.
Not sure what causes that, but one of my bells is doing the same thing. The pods on the upright Scotch Bonnet do seem to look a bit different than the normal pendant ones. Could just be a random mutation, these things happen.
My wife grew some medium size sweet peppers from her native home land that also pointed straight up, I found this to be particularly odd as well.
I've had a few pods that started growing vertically, but as the pod matured and gained weight the stem started to curl down towards the ground. I'd bet at least with the bell, that'll happen. The scotch bonnets look pretty awesome though, the way they're popping up right in the split of the stem. I'd half think about stringing them up so they'll maintain that awesome vertical look. :cool:
Sunrise scotch bonnets! Cool. Your plants are looking great that's for sure.
Unique is a good thing... :)
keep up the good work