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Strange Hab growth

So earlier this spring when I was out buying soil amendments and a few other things I found a pot at the Nursery with 2 Orange Hab plants in it. It looked like they had been Nute fried a little, and also looked like they had been overwintered. It was on sale for $1, so I bought them to try and Save them.
When I first brought them home, they had a bunch of Marble sized almost ripe Habs on them both. It was like Bonzai Habs.
I stuck them in the ground in the garden and off they went.

Well, one of them has grown into a Normal Hab. It flowers normally and is growing Normal. The other I can only assume was visited by a Hooka smoking Caterpillar and ate the wrong kind of Mushrooms... Here are some pics of the "Pods". This plant starts to grow buds on it, they never open, and then turn into these. Very Strange. They have been fed the exact same thing as the other plant next to it. No signs of Nute overdose on the leaves, and other than the pods is pretty healthy looking. It is a little smaller than the one next to it, but that is it.


A pic of the same pod with Foliage

Here is another pod at an earlier stage. The plant is covered in pods like this one


That last pic looks like the start of a Normal Hab after pollination... Except these never flowered. They form buds, never open up, and then some Mutant form of Finger pepper starts growing out of it. No flowering at all, just oddness.

I thought I saw a thread recently where some one was experiencing something similar, but can't locate it now.
Well, The "Claw Hab" as I am calling it is still growing and getting bigger. So strange looking. Freaky mutant plants are always entertaining, though they take up some pretty valuable space. This one won't be overwintered I know that.
I have a chocolate bhut that's growing the same.

But did yours actually flower first?
Mine made small buds, that mutated straight into these things without flowering. The best way I can describe them is Leaves made of chili flesh. It's like the plant is growing new leaves out of the buds, and creating them out of pepper meat... :crazy: Nothing on them even remotely resembles a chili. Yours looks like a chili with little flap attached, but you can still tell what it is. If I cut one off no one could ID it as a pepper.
I wish I could get a better picture of them. I'm going to let them go so I can see what they create. I'll keep throwing pictures in if they survive the heat.