• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

Strawberry reaper juice!

1 quart Ziploc bag of Reaper pods (fresh)
1 Wal Mart container of fresh strawberries.
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of orange juice
1 oz lemon juice
blanch peppers in boiling water and soak for 5 minutes then strain and remove stems
Puree in blender  and put in crock pot
cover with apple cider vinegar and let soak for 4 to 6 hours
Turn on crock pot
Clean and remove leaves/stems from strawberries
Puree in blender
Add to crock pot.
Once contents of crock pot is hot add sugar and stir.
Let cook for 4 hours on high
Remove from heat and strain in to bowl or pot using a food mill
Remove remaining pulp/seeds and reblend with 1/2 cup of orange juice.
Transfer back to crock pot and reheat for 4 hours on high.
Prep jars and lids and can as you see fit.
This is the hottest hot sauce I have ever had, yet with all the burning I still notice the strawberries as minute flavor, and I can smell it.
Great on pizza!
Ungodly hot straight up.

There is the evidence.
Remember the Aloe for the TP the following day.
12-14 hours seems like an awfully long process. Add to this preparation and bottling and you're in for a long day.
Color looks good!
Lookin good!
The crockpot approach is a different twist.
Me likie! :idea:
I like the crock pot method because the long slow heat breaks down more of the pepper in to a liquid form with much smaller solids.
Once processed in the new food mill and solids go in to the magic bullet and bet broken down more. Never had solids or seeds block the reducer tops of my woozy bottles.
I talked to Smileyguy earlier today as he was finally able to sample my sauces, and happens to own a ph tester.
All four of my home made sauces are between 3.8, and 3.9 with his ph tester!!!
Must remind myself to invest in one of those!!
I felt comfortable I was in the ball park, but it was good to discover that I was below the mark too.
Now to get him on line to post his reviews of my hot sauces, lol.