stuffed peppers

I need some ideas for some peppers that are good for stuffing with medium heat. I stuffed some Big Jims this year and I am hooked. I would like to plant around 8 diff. varieties just for stuffing.

Not an answer to your uestion, but what do you stuff them with? I stuff Bell Peppers with a mixtures of rice, hamburger (oa another meat) and tomato sauce. I'm open to ideas!

I was up north deer hunting and all I had was pork sausage with cream cheese, bacon and garlic then slammed em on the grill. They were Damn good!!

wordwiz, you got that list together yet I do not want to send you anything you already have.


It should have been e-mailed to you about an hour ago, maybe more. Here it is again:

Here are the seeds I have. The asterisk means someone sent me a few but not extras!

Thai Scorpion *
Sante Fe
Hungarian Wax
White Hab
Black Hungarian
Thai Dragon
Naga Jolokia
Seven Pot *

I've ordered these from Randell is good - there are usually 50 or more seeds in a package:
Thai Denchai
Roberto's Cuban
I also hope to get Serrano, Chinese 5 Color and Ancho San Luis from him but he is out of those at this time.

From, I ordered these:
Scotch Bonnet

Finally, these seeds are supposed to be coming from
Chocolate Habs
Holy Mole
Yellow Mushroom
Bolivian Rainbow
Bulgarian Carrot
Filus Blue
Golden Greek Pepperonchi
Red Chili
Royal Black
Pretty Purple
Largo Purple
Chilly Chili * (for some reason, only 10 seeds)

I still want to get Black Pearl, Hot Limon, Inchanga, Red Savina, Birds Eye, Pepper Atris Hybrid (not hot), Manzano Cyellail and Orange Roccoto, plus the obligatory Bhut Jolokia.

I love cherry chocolate pepper for stuffing and grilling! It's a medium heat pepper, thick fleshed, and does very nicely on the grill. Pilange is another thick fleshed pepper that does very well on the grill. I like the cherry-types because they sit so well on the grill without spilling their stuffin's. Rocotilla is another medium pepper, sort of mushroom shaped that sits reasonably well on the grill, but it's not quite as thick fleshed as the other two. I intend to try the Brazilian Pumpkin from Beth at Peppermania this year because it look like it will be a good griller, altho8ugh it might be a little hotter than you want.
We actually take orange habs and stuff them with cheese (your choice - I usually use a Mexican white cheese), dust lightly with flour, dip in egg wash, coat with bread crumbs and deep fry.

Habanero poppers! :hell:
elequin said:
We actually take orange habs and stuff them with cheese (your choice - I usually use a Mexican white cheese), dust lightly with flour, dip in egg wash, coat with bread crumbs and deep fry.

Habanero poppers! :hell:

I love making poppers! I made Devil's Tongue poppers one year and made all my friends cry. I *did* warn them, honest, but they didn't believe me.

Try adding a little onion and oregano or basil to the cheese sometime, it gives a whole new dimension to the flavor.
Pam said:
I love making poppers! I made Devil's Tongue poppers one year and made all my friends cry. I *did* warn them, honest, but they didn't believe me.

Try adding a little onion and oregano or basil to the cheese sometime, it gives a whole new dimension to the flavor.

Didn't think of that! (onion and herbs in the cheese) I may make some to go with the wings I'm making tomorrow night.. I'll have to try it!

This year I'm growing a lot of different types of peppers. I'll have to experiment with the fatali and devil's tongue. :)