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Sudden Plant Sickness?


Well, concern for my plants (cayenne, bhute jolokia, and jalapeno) has risen considerably in the past few minutes. I went outside to water my plants and found several of them shrivelled and many of the leaves blackened to varying degrees. This was the first day of moving the plants outside, because I had noticed the blackness appearing on them and figured the sun would do them some good.

The blackness has been the most disconcerting of the symptoms. Many of my plants are getting to the age where they can produce buds, but pretty much all of those have dropped off. The buds were the first things to turn black and dry up. Now that all the buds have pretty much been killed off, the leaves had begun to blacken and shrivel up. I figured it might be something resulting from a lack of sun, as I had moved them inside for a while so that some predatory mites I had just bought, which prefer less arid conditions, could have a chance to get settled in and start eating the infestation of spider mites my plants were enduring.

The spider mites themselves seem to have disappeared since I introduced the predatory mites, and the predatory mites themselves have all but disappeared. I am wondering if this has any relation to the sudden sickness of many of my chili plants.

When the blackness begins to infect a leaf, I notice the first thing to be affected is the base of the stocks. It is almost as if the leaves dry up and shrivel away because of this, as if this is causing the leafs to no longer get any water or nutrients. Is this characteristic of any common sickness that infects plants? If so, what can I do to treat them?
Sounds like phytophthora blight if the base of the stems are becoming girdled. If it is, then prognosis is not good, especially if you have it in the ground. Carefully get rid of the affected plants and perhaps spray the other plants with sulfur and try to keep the soil from being soggy.
I sure hope it's not that. It hasn't affected the last fruit on the oldest plant that I haven't picked yet, but that plant itself doesn't seem to have gotten it either.

Here's some images.

On this one, you can see two things; one is the blackening and wilting of the leaves, the other is the black stocks where leaves used to be and have been pruned from the plant.

This is a closer look at the wilting and blackening of a leaf on another.

It seems to have affected the smaller plants the most.


Although it really ravaged this larger plant. So many leaves wilted away, and even many of those remaining are already developing symptoms.
Chili_Author said:
I sure hope it's not that. It hasn't affected the last fruit on the oldest plant that I haven't picked yet, but that plant itself doesn't seem to have gotten it either.

Here's some images.

On this one, you can see two things; one is the blackening and wilting of the leaves, the other is the black stocks where leaves used to be and have been pruned from the plant.

This is a closer look at the wilting and blackening of a leaf on another.

It seems to have affected the smaller plants the most.


Although it really ravaged this larger plant. So many leaves wilted away, and even many of those remaining are already developing symptoms.
I've gotta bump this because I am having the same problem! I've never had such an issue so I am at a complete loss here. My little plants are doing EXACTLY what yours did. Was there ever a diagnosis and what was the outcome? Anybody?