sun sunburn, disease, watering?


Got these in my glog.... no ferts, theyve been outside with mostly full sun all day for since they sprouted but were relocated to get complete full sun the last few days.... sunburn?
Sun.... watering from the bottom a day or two after the surface of most of the cells dry.... ive been leaving a small bit of water in the bottom to ensure enough makes it to every cell, so it makes sense some are getting more than enough than others....

Could the small change in sun have brought about conditions to show the overwatering? Or the overwatering weakened them to the point they are n ore susceptible to sunburn? I don't think the change was too drastic, it went from partial early morning sun coming thriugh a tree to full morning through early afternoon sun to abiut an hour of shade then full sun for the rest of the day originally to full sun from late morning to late afternoon. Temps havent been too high, a day or two here and there just breaking 80 with kost of the time being mid to upper 70s and dropping to upper 50s and 60s at night....
Anything special I should be doing before and after planting them in the ground?
Is that str8 coconut coir they are planted in?.... If so then you could have a little nutrient lockout going on because of pH issues, as well as some sunburn and disease form over watering.
I don't know, whatever burpee uses with their seed starting kits....

I hit everything with a weak seaweed extract mixture last night....

Ill be planting them today and tomorrow, so if its lockout, that shiuld be corrected soon....

Worm castings, a cheap planting mix and some kellogg gro mulch mixed in with the ground, sprinkled with a bit of epsom salt....
seedlings like that only need a couple hours of sunlight a day. any more than that until they have about 3 sets of leaves is overkill
at least for me in florida. your results may vary...
It varies, I guess.... theyve been in the sun for at least a month now.... some raced to 3 sets of leaves while others still only have one....

My work schedule doesn't give me a chance to limit the amount of sun they get, so I worked them up to it over a few days ehen it was partly cloudy during the week and moved them around on the back porch over the weekend and early days to adjust the amount, but that was all I could manage....

As far as the sunburn, they were fine or seemed fine until the other day when I moved them to bed closer to the beds....
Should I be trying to get rid of as much of the starting medium as I can when planting? If so, is it worth it to pull up those planted already and remove it, too?
I'd try to leave the rootball intact when planting, barerooting is ok but it causes stress and more transplant shock. Your plants don't need that right now.
As for the ones being left behind, potting them up into a different mix will almost definitely improve them. I've had extremely good luck with that.
Got 7 planted tonight.... 20 seedlings left.... 9 will be going in beds tomorrow and 11 in cups until I finish the bigger beds....