food super curry

I just tried out a chicken curry recipe i found on youtube, and Oh My, its the best curry by far I have ever had!!!! Its a real easy recipe to follow and I can not recommend it highly enough! Just add heat to own taste :onfire:

you can find it here:
I'm sure this tastes GREAT......

However, it looks like crap to me. Then again, I despise bone-in chicken boiled in a sauce. It's like; HOW do you eat it? Do you pick it up and get boiling hot, spicy sauce all over your bare hands......or do you try to pick it apart like a surgeon amongst all the sauce. WHAT do you do with the damn bones once you've finished a piece......toss it on the table, or just keep eating around the used-up bone?


I use shrimp......or de-boned chicken. :cool: