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super hot sauce making question

Im really new to pepper world this is my first year so I hadn't any super hot and its kinda hard to grow them in quebec so I got a mixed box from pex peppers with some choc and yellow 7-pot

I tried something with diverse ingredient 
2 chocolate 7-pot
7 yellow 7-pot
4 cayenne
1/2 onion 
3 garlic cloves 
2 cup water
3/4 cup orange juice
1 lime juice
tbsp honey
1 medium sized carrot
1/2 cup white vinegar
salt and pepper 
I think my proportion are not really good  ( too much hot peppers )so I sake the knowledge of this forum to get proportion right for next year
Cant really taste it since it kick my ass in 3 seconds but I really like the color
Thank you guys!