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superdave's 2009 grow list

Well, I finally got most of my equipment and all seeds that I have ordered for this year. I'm going from maybe 5 different kinds of peppers...approx. 35 plants in 2008 to 15 different kinds in 2009...approx. 100 to 120 total plants. Also, I'm gradually delving into some hydroponics too. My list is as follows:

1. Bhut Jolokia
2. Fatalii
3. Aji Limon
4. 7 Pod (thanks to my friend Prairie Chilihead, who sent me some seeds)
5. PC-1
6. Thai
7. Chocolate Hab
8. Red Caribbean Hab
9. New Mex Big Jim
10. New Mex Bailey Pequin
11. New Mex Joe E. Parker
12. Goliath Jalapeno
13. Red Peter Pepper
14. Serrano
15. Volcano (free pack I recieved from Totally Tomatoes)

This ought to keep me busy.
I'm also going to be using 3 AutoPot units...couple outside and one inside.

Some of the peppers will be given away to friends and family, but I'm still growing quite a few for myself.
What's an AutoPot?

Looks like a nice spread of heat and flavor.

Heh, looks like you've been bitten by the pepper bug, too!
I started 51 yesterday

I finally got motivated and managed to get 51 of my superhots planted yesterday. Started 11 Bhut Jolokias, 11 Fataliis, 8 7 Pod, 6 Aji Limon, 6 Chocolate Hab, 6 Red Caribbean Hab, 3 Pequin. The Autopot systems I will be using for 6 of my best plants, I purchased from a company called Futuregarden. This is my first try at hydroponics. If it works out, I will eventually move nearly entirely to hydroponics in the future. Oh, and I purchased 108 perfect start seed starters, a couple of new trays, with inserts for the trays, and clear 7 inch domes for trays. I planted yesterday, and have been checking my temp on a regular basis and the temp seems to be just right. It has been sitting at right around 82 degrees F. It is the same setup I used last year and I had nearly 100 percent germination. I'm crossing my fingers this year.
superdv1 said:
I finally got motivated and managed to get 51 of my superhots planted yesterday. Started 11 Bhut Jolokias, 11 Fataliis, 8 7 Pod, 6 Aji Limon, 6 Chocolate Hab, 6 Red Caribbean Hab, 3 Pequin. The Autopot systems I will be using for 6 of my best plants I purchased from a company called Futuregarden. This is my first try at the hydroponics. If it works out, I will eventually move nearly entirely to hydroponics in the future.

I know my peppers love my aeroponics set up! I may go that direction myself. At least with the hotties.:lol:
Thinking about making a small system like the auto-pots myself this year. Just for a few best plants, like you said.
Thanks for the mention Superdv1. I hope you'll be posting some pictures of your set up. I know absolutely nothing about hydroponics and honestly feel intimidated when I hear the word. Seeds in soil I understand. Other than that it's a big mystery to me. Sounds like you'll have a wonderful season with that great list of peppers! Congrats!
I've got 11 hooks!!

I've got 11 of my first 51 (mostly superhots) either germinating or 1 to 2 days from germinating, all in less than a week.

Heat is rising from my cheapy heater and warming up my seed tray nicely. My temps have been holding steady at right between 80 and 85 f. I planted last Saturday, 21 Feb 09. I just got home from work today and saw 11 of the 51 either germinating or 1 or 2days from germinating. From the looks of it, I have 6 aji limons, One 7 pod, 3 NuMex Bailey Pequins, and 1 red caribbean habanero beginning their journys.
Germination update: It has now been 6 days and I am up to 19 peppers germinated out of 51. 3 7 Pod, 3 NuMex Bailey Pequin,
6 Caribbean Red habanero, 6 Aji Limon, 1 Fatalii. I think I am liking those Perfect Starts. I'm fired up now!!
Germination update: 1 week, 23 out of 51 peppers germinated.
Five 7 Pod (5 of 8 seeds...thanks again PrairieChilihead), Three NuMex Bailey Pequin, six Caribbean Red habanero, six Aji Limon, two Fatalii, and one chocolate habanero.

This is getting insane. I went to the store today and purchased 2 more 72 cell seed starting kits and checked their lighting section and purchased 2 honkin 67 watt-300 watt equivalent CFL bulbs. I plugged that baby in and the damn room was almost too bright for my eyes. We will see how that lights up the operation. I now have five 72 cell seed starter kits and am actually planning on planting every seed I have in the house this year. Is that crazy or what?
superdv1 said:
Germination update: 1 week, 23 out of 51 peppers germinated.
Five 7 Pod (5 of 8 seeds...thanks again PrairieChilihead), Three NuMex Bailey Pequin, six Caribbean Red habanero, six Aji Limon, two Fatalii, and one chocolate habanero.

This is getting insane. I went to the store today and purchased 2 more 72 cell seed starting kits and checked their lighting section and purchased 2 honkin 67 watt-300 watt equivalent CFL bulbs. I plugged that baby in and the damn room was almost too bright for my eyes. We will see how that lights up the operation. I now have five 72 cell seed starter kits and am actually planning on planting every seed I have in the house this year. Is that crazy or what?

Wow, I hope you have a lot of room. Pepper addiction, I hear it's not treatable. :shocked:
superdv1 said:
I now have five 72 cell seed starter kits and am actually planning on planting every seed I have in the house this year. Is that crazy or what?

You haven't even scratched the surface of Crazy yet. Crazy is when you start with a 256 cell tray and then have to buy 4 more of them. ;)
or have 19 72 cell trays already started and haven't even finished planting the petunias and veggies....

Hey, I wonder if I can get an EPA credit for helping to clean the air....
You probably are crazy Dave, but a lot of us are around here:) Its not hard to start a lot of seeds, the trouble is always finding the space/lights and time to have that many plants grow optimally before mother nature can take over.
Good luck with your new chile addiction:)
Well, I got 29 PC-1, 13 Thai, 6 Goliath Jalapeno, 6 NuMex Big Jim, 6 NuMex Joe E Parker, 6 red peter pepper, and 6 serrano planted today. Made a big mess with some seed starting mix by not letting it soak in enough moisture before planting. Don't know what I was thinking there. I'll just hope that the seeds planted in the mixture will germinate.
Update on my initial super-hot planting of 51. It has now been 2 weeks and 1 day, and I now have 49 of 51 germinated and looking pretty good. Looks like the only ones that didn't germinate were 2 fataliis and 1 7 pod (this 7 pod seed was a lot smaller than the other 7 seeds, so wasn't so sure about it in the beginning). quite a few of my additional 93 plantings germinating also. Take a look at that one mutant chocolate habanero seedling. I've never seen a seedling look like that one before.


looks like you got it goin' on Dave...when is plant out for you?
I always shoot for the first week in May. I'm still planning on having 1 hydro unit (2 plants) inside and 2 hydro units outside, the rest will be a little here and a little there, and some giveaways. I just picked up about 48 feet of hog panel fencing to enclose my garden, to keep the great danes out of the garden.