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Supermarket pepper ID


Got this pepper from the supermarket, measurement is in cm, it was quite mild, cayenne heat with a fruity flavor, quite tasty and enjoyable burn actually, I wonder if they are an actual variety or just some engineered cross specially made for supermarkets ...

id say its a cayenne :)

Grew Cayenne last year, and I must say it doesn't resemble a Cayenne to me, my Cayennes were smaller and had a much thinner skin and were so full of seeds you could see it in the texture of the pepper! Flavorwise my Cayennes were a bit darker (if that makes any sense?!) and perhaps a little tiny bit hotter (they were under a lot of stress though, it was my first year growing them and I didn't know what I was doing :P)

So unless my Cayennes were just horribly misshapen due to my bad growing skills I'd say it's not Cayenne!

Also not Thai Dragon, too large to be them!

I'm leaning more towards a mix of Cayenne and Jalapeno, not a clue though ...
I just started to germinate some seeds for something that looks exactly like that. Their called "African Devils" or African Red Devils"

Either that or it's a red Serrano, which also looks just like that.

Based on your cayenne-taste description it's likely the former, though unusual it'd be at your supermarket.
I just started to germinate some seeds for something that looks exactly like that. Their called "African Devils" or African Red Devils"

Either that or it's a red Serrano, which also looks just like that.

Based on your cayenne-taste description it's likely the former, though unusual it'd be at your supermarket.

African Devil is a lot smaller, Red Serrano is a lot rounder!

looks exactly like my aji colorao

Aji Colorao seems to have a more uneven surface, this pepper is really smooth, all of them were like this, extremely smooth skin, almost look like they are plastic.
They also have them in green and yellow in the supermarker, green probably being unripe and yellow being another color cultivar...

I'm sorry to bother you guys with this, I just can't harvest seeds from a pepper and plant it without knowing what it is, that wouldn't feel right :P
Actually red Serrano is the most likely...they're not that much rounder & even that us pretty variable.

I buy them all the time - I'm sticking with red Serrano. It's the most likely to be in the supermarket & looks exactly like the pic you posted. They range from 2" long & skinny to 4" long & thick, but the shape and flesh texture are identical.

I'd bet my left nad that's what you have there.
It looks like the cultivar being sold as "Dutch chili" in Denmark - i.e. F1 Dutch Red, or simply Red Dutch and often just labelled chili in the supermarkeds as it was the "first" that appeared commercially at least in Nothern Europe.

/Jadia :)
It looks like the cultivar being sold as "Dutch chili" in Denmark - i.e. F1 Dutch Red, or simply Red Dutch and often just labelled chili in the supermarkeds as it was the "first" that appeared commercially at least in Nothern Europe.

/Jadia :)

That actually looks a lot like it!
I've been doing some more research and found the website from the supplier here in Belgium, according to their website it's a unique breed called "Piccantina", not sure if they really are as unique as they say, I've sent an email to their company with a few questions about it but I don't expect them to be very keen on answering it, they might see me as a competitior asking questions about the origin of their pepper.

Website as a reference: It's dutch though so you'll have to get it trough Google Translate:

Would be very interesting if this is a unique and stable cultivar, would start growing them and provide seeds then!

After digging deeper I found one obscure article about a study being doine in Belgium on coorporation with the company that is now selling these and that would learn me that the peppers they are selling is a hybrid called Starflame (yellow variety) and Fireflame (Green and red).
Hi Johnaton

Holland provides the most fresh chilies to the marked in Europe - and there is extensive research and work from both official and breeders beeing done developing cultivars/hybrids which have a large yield, are quick from seed to fruit, that have "standard measurement", have a long shelf live, are resistant to deseases etc.

The chili you bought are almost certainly one of those - specially designed to be grown and sold commercialy - having the appearance and heat level of what could be called "the Dutct chilies" - which in this sence is a group of chili pepper cultivars / strains / hybrids with almost similar phenotype features.

The name Piccantina has me a bit puzzled as the "picant" derives I believe from the Spanish / Italian "hot" and the only piccantina I heard of before was a tomato sauce spiced with mild chili.

I have not been able to find a the "piccantina" in any database as a new F1 hybrid which would be normal if a breeder put the time and money to develope it...

Oohh.. .. just saw you updated with the name Starflame and Fireflame :)

I'll do a little digging as well then :)

But do try to take seeds from the red and yellow - mature ones. All though labelled F1 I had several "super marked Ducht chilies" grow true or almost true .. if you have the space it is at least exciting to see what comes out of it .

Johnaton, that looks like a very common type of pepper that grows in Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, etc.). I saw it all over the place when I was there last summer. It is a close relative to a cayenne pepper, never saw a name on them apart from "hot pepper" (ostra papryka, гострий перець, острый перец).