Well, so far it's looking like it's going to be a great year for peppers. Plants are exploding with new healthy growth but very little production so far. About half my plants are chinense so I'm not too worried about it but one thing is pretty clear. Based on the the dark green foliage and vigorous growth of everything (peppers and others), I think my soil is nitrogen heavy. The delayed production could also be due to a heat wave we experienced but there hasn't really been any appreciable blossom drop or anything and I am running shade cloth to help them deal with the heat a little better but for the sake of argument, lets assume that my soil is nitrogen heavy and lacking in other nutrients. What would you use to supplement? Is this a time when a bloom formula would be beneficial? I know some folks think bloom formulas are a waste and all you need is a well rounded npk nutrient but I clearly don't need any extra nitrogen so is a bloom formula warranted in this case? Liquid nutes are a total pain in the ass based on the size of my garden so I was hoping to use a granular nutrient that I could just spread around and water in (was thinking the organic jobes tomato and veggie) but again, not really wanting any more nitrogen. I should add that all my plants are in ground and I didn't have a soil analysis done. I put a thin layer of compost early on, worm casting in each transplant hole and thats it so far. Thoughts?