Sydney Chilli hobbyist - begging for seeds

Alrighty i got your seeds together last night.

Your up for twenty new varieties mate. Will post them after work.

Alrighty i got your seeds together last night.

Your up for twenty new varieties mate. Will post them after work.


20 :woohoo: u kidding me right. Where am in going to plant these. I don't even have enough pots. Now i am in panick mode. Can i ask if these are labelled cos i can't differentiate a chilli from a capcicum.
Yes they are allll labled for yee. May be a bit of a problem now with your pot situation but it's a nice kind of problem to have! :D
Yes they will do. Especially with your limited space.
You will have enough plants to fill those up and seedlings left over!

Btw i was born in south western sydney. Small world hey.
My parents are in that area. I'd love to come to hunter valley though. Beautiful place. I've been there before. We went to an irish pub there. The food was amazing. Fantastic. I'll go the hunter valley only to have their food.

BTW is there any chilli that you want. If i buy some for myself i might be able to give you some seeds too.
Thanks heaps for the offer but as far as seeds go i am pretty well set.

It helps having a mate that runs the best chilli seed company in the world. WWW.THEHIPPYSEEDCOMPANY.COM
Check it out! He is on the central coast, ettalong beach.
I haven't once heard a complaint about his seeds. In fact i have heard nothing but nice remarks, his seeds are good!