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T Scorp Retards

My T Scorp from AJs stock is finally getting pods, but only one looks like a t scorp. Any thoughts???


This one and the other smaller ones appear to be retards :D

My Butch T's have different shapes even on the same plant....some with really cool stingers and some almost round bottoms!
They are all the same heat level tho!!! :)
+1 wayright

I have about 27 plants and only about half of them are "stingered"...the taste and heat of the pods are the same...just the look is different...

I have been selecting the "stingered" pods for the past three years hoping to get nothing but nice shaped pods but alas...not this year...
From my observations the Butch T scoprion(and others) usually gets its stinger/tail when the flower ring stays attached constricting the early pods. Other scorpion varieties seem to have a more normal/consistant pod shape
Hey thanks everyone for the feedback, guess everyone only shows pics of their stingered pods, at least that I've seen
yeah, a scorp that looks like a hab isn't too interesting to photograph. I think I got stingers on maybe 80% of my scorpions this year, rest had a more hab shape but taste and heat were all scorpion.
