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t0mato's trials


Moar burgs 2 nite. :dance:
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
did you make your own vegan Lox ?
smoked salt ? liquid smoke ?
i want deets ? 
also, Happy Holidays T0mater :)
Yeah vegan lox!

Pull the skin off of the carrot and then use the peeler to peel long slices.

Quickly marinade the carrots with some tamari and a few drops of liquid smoke.

Lay down some foil and put a nori sheet on top. Then put your carrot slices on the nori sheet. Put another nori sheet on top of the carrots. Finally take some more foil and wrap the rest of the contents.

Cook in a 325 oven for about fifteen minutes. Then take them out unwrap them and let them cool.

Drizzle some oil on the lox to give it the oily texture and appearance of fish. Sprinkle with some salt.

The nori should give the carrots some good fish flavor and the liquid smoke will give it a light smoky taste. Next time I want to smoke them in the primo.