Epic stupidity. Unbelieveable stupidity. Incredulous stupidity.
Edit: Have to, I just don't get this. What did you think was going to happen? You ever read other folks reactions when they eat a single pod? There was a post around here recently that linked to a study that said three pounds of peppers converted to powder would kill a person. How many tablespoons do you think three pounds of peppers make, two maybe three? Good thing you spit it out, This is more than stupid, it's dangerous.
Just to clarify for you, the article said "three pounds of dried powder", not three pounds of peppers dried and ground. It would take approximately 25 to 30 pounds of fresh peppers to make three pounds of dried.
I don't get the whole "sport chili" thing, but I don't think anyone alive could ingest enough fresh OR dried peppers to be lethal.
Extracts? Different matter...