food Taco De Mayo

School my wife works at was debating on what to do for Cinco De Mayo, she suggested a taco bar. They let her head the idea and she got a catering company to come out and make tacos for all the staff. They brought a trompo and everything. She says it was really amazing though she took shitty pics for me to share. 
Doesn't look very safe doing that inside but what ever. I want al pastor please

(waiting on more pics from her)
Ok she's fired from pics... sent me one of a plate with just beans and rice.. i'm like where's the tacos. She ate them. ... Told her she better bring me a container of just pastor meat. 
Phil said:
Careful... They might see that as a racist and patronizing stereotype if they get wind of what they did at her school. In the mean time, enjoy cautiously! lol
Cali can just fall into the ocean already, her school is mostly Mexicans, didn't see any of them complaining as they was stuffing pastor into their pie holes
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm al pastor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's fired from pics but I can save the day...
I'll take 3 of those please, I should have got around earlier and just headed up there. They would of fed me. She had to go to a meeting but she told her coworker who was paying the bill when they was done to save what ever meat was left on the trompo for me. 
D3monic said:
Cali can just fall into the ocean already, her school is mostly Mexicans, didn't see any of them complaining as they was stuffing pastor into their pie holes
Well I hope ur State falls straight into LakemuthafukkinMichigan!!!  :rofl:
hogleg said:
Well I hope ur State falls straight into LakemuthafukkinMichigan!!!  :rofl:
I remember long before moving here watching a documentary on earthquakes. They said there was a faultline that ran through this shithole and that if a big enough earthquake hit Lake Michigan would drain down to lower half of the state flooding the fck out of everything. I used to wish it would happen... not so much now. We only get puny earthquakes though. 
D3monic said:
I remember long before moving here watching a documentary on earthquakes. They said there was a faultline that ran through this shithole and that if a big enough earthquake hit Lake Michigan would drain down to lower half of the state flooding the fck out of everything. I used to wish it would happen... not so much now. We only get puny earthquakes though. 
Wow! I didn't even know y'all got quakes out there. Learn sumtin new everyday. There has been about twenty (up to 3.6) in the last week on the Concord Fault about 60 miles away from here.
The New Madrid fault is close to here it's a 200 hundred year old fault that's about 20 years overdue. The last time it went off big the Mississippi River went backwards.