food Taco De Mayo

Michigan just had a Mag 4. We have had at least 3 since i've lived here but haven't felt a single one. Others claim to have felt them. 
We had a 3.6 or something a couple years ago a few miles from me.  I heard it and it shook the house for a second.  Sounded like a bomb.  It was really small and localized, but made me think about people that live in fault lines.  
JayT said:
We had a 3.6 or something a couple years ago a few miles from me.  I heard it and it shook the house for a second.  Sounded like a bomb.  It was really small and localized, but made me think about people that live in fault lines.  
That's ever day in Alaska.
Back to the thread,
D3monic said:
School my wife works at was debating on what to do for Cinco De Mayo, she suggested a taco bar. They let her head the idea and she got a catering company to come out and make tacos for all the staff. They brought a trompo and everything. She says it was really amazing though she took shitty pics for me to share. 
Doesn't look very safe doing that inside but what ever. I want al pastor please

(waiting on more pics from her)
Ok she's fired from pics... sent me one of a plate with just beans and rice.. i'm like where's the tacos. She ate them. ... Told her she better bring me a container of just pastor meat. 
A Trompo.
Seguero que si its in a confined space or maybe not, or I really don't much give a hoot.
I can only wish of coveting such a 'thang. 
I love pastor. 
That pina' drippin'.
That pork cracklin just the weeist bit.
And the cilantro, onions, and lime squeezin's n' pleazin's.
Es la mehor!
Add to that, some pico or hot sauce or both, like I like to be liking.
Guac ain' outta' bounds now how neither.
Chairman Mao it!
texas blues said:
Guac ain' outta' bounds now how neither.
Chairman Mao it!
HAHAHAHA! TB, you gettin soft son.
You poo poo'ed my guac on pastor in that repost I made above......... hahahahahaha.... so now it's okay, I dig this new car smell you!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
HAHAHAHA! TB, you gettin soft son.
You poo poo'ed my guac on pastor in that repost I made above......... hahahahahaha.... so now it's okay, I dig this new car smell you!!!!
Did I?
I musta' been drunk.
Or  :high:
Consider it UN POO POO"D!!!
Lo siento senor.
I love guac.
On any tacos!
But not a burger.
And yeah I said that.
About guac on a burger.
Was it this thread I poo poo'd you?
I can't find it.
I feel bad now.
Or not!
Screw that!
After all the hell I've taken for posting SOYRIZO.....
You AND Jay both deserve ice cold vengeance!!!
texas blues said:
I like to be liking that al pastor but I never put guac on it, just onion, cilantro, the pork, lime squeezin's and sometimes just a little pico. Those still look pretty damn good!

New car smell you likes guac! Woop!

texas blues said:
But not a burger.
And yeah I said that.
About guac on a burger.
Whaaa? It's delicious try it. Ya bum. New car smell is fading. Smells like patchouli again.
Wifey totally redeemed herself today, brought me home a ziplock baggy full of steak and pastor from their taco day. She made me one before I headed out the door for work and I got enough to make like 6-7 tacos. brought some fixins to work to have tacos every two hours. I'm such a fat ass. 

texas blues said:
Did I?
I musta' been drunk.
Or  :high:
Consider it UN POO POO"D!!!
Lo siento senor.
I love guac.
On any tacos!
But not a burger.
And yeah I said that.
About guac on a burger.

Was it this thread I poo poo'd you?
I can't find it.
I feel bad now.
Or not!
Screw that!
After all the hell I've taken for posting SOYRIZO.....
You AND Jay both deserve ice cold vengeance!!!
For all those that are new here, this is a great example of classic TB Haiku . :confused:
It is much easier to interpret when you are inebriated.
Jeff H said:
For all those that are new here, this is a great example of classic TB Haiku . :confused:
It is much easier to interpret when you are inebriated.
No truer words have ever been told or posted here.
hogleg said:
Its beautiful. But just stop with the El Yoout-ateco. :party:
the mayan one isn't bad at all, reminds me of LDHS black label almost. But not quite as hot. and it's pronounced El yuckytaco
I must say other than your tortilla problem, You make some of the finest tacos on here. I'd eat yer taco any day. Always lovin' yer finishing touch wit da Cotija and lime wedge in the pic.
Why thank you sir, I try to like the corn tortillas, they just don't sit well with me. No corn does, these damn chips hit my gut like a rock and give me a belly ache. But i'm a damn fool for some tortilla chips. 
Goatsweed finally started to throw a few flowers. Almost crossing time! 