Hells Kitchen said:
[SIZE=10pt]Then, it was back to work. My DNA is now presumably all over the shop floor. [/SIZE]
0_0 What ELSE where you doing when sh!tsplosion happened? Nevermind, I really don't even want to..
I have similar stories. Not related to pepper directly, but here goes:
My friends and I are over at this one guy's house for a sleepover, and we've just finished breakfast. One of us goes to use the bathroom, and this happens:

ing heck! This hurts like a

at this, the other two of us start laughing slightly, after all it was really funny. Then we hear the toiled flush and get this gem:
by this point we've both doubled over laughing, and we nearly died when we heard
"<name>, your toiled exploded."
"how much toilet paper did you try to shove in it?" the third party asked.
"NONE! It just up and blew up."
So we go over and investigate it, and when we go into the hallway there's water under the door and all the way into the room on either side. The door opens, and there's water three feet high on the walls, our friend miraculously dry from the knees up, and the toilet hissing malevolently. We try to flush it again, and it releases an alarming gurgle before complying. Cleanup time was about fifteen minutes and some letting dry, and in subsequent visits that friend has not used that toilet since.